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SJC: Public Attitudes and Perceptions - Personal and State Security, June 2022
SJC: Public Attitudes and Perceptions - Personal and State Security, June 2022
English questionnaire
STATA Dataset
SPSS Dataset
SJC: Public Attitudes and Perceptions - Personal and State Security, June 2022
SJC: Public Attitudes and Perceptions - Personal and State Security, June 2022
Վերլուծել պատասխանները
Փոփոխական (Տող)
Նշել փոփոխականը
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPSEX: Respondent's sex
AGEGROUP: Age group
EMPLSIT: Primary activity
JOBTYPE: Are you employed in a private or a public sector?
RESPEDU: Highest level of education you have achieved
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
RELGNEW: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belonging to?
RELSERV: Frequency of attendance of religious services
POLDIRN: Which direction is Georgia going in?
SAFETY: How safe do you feel yourself in Georgia?
SAFENW: Comparing to the period before 2012, now…
SAFEPOL: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe because there is a police station in my neighbourhood and I can apply in case of any need
SAFEBUN: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe, because there is an underground shelter (bunker) in my neighbourhood and we can use it in case of any need
SAFEPEOP: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because people around me are highly aware how to behave in critical situations
SAFESECS: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because I know how to apply to security services and it will not be hard for me
TRUSECS: Trust - State Security Service
TRUPRES: Trust - President of Georgia
TRUMIA: Trust - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
TRUPARL: Trust - Parliament of Georgia
TRUMDEF: Trust - Ministry of Defence of Georgia
TRUPM: Trust - Prime minister of Georgia
RISKEC: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Ecological hazards/natural disasters
RISKPOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Poverty
RISKTERR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Terrorism
RISKRUSA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Possibility of military aggression from the Russian side
RISKBORD: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Borderisation
RISKKIDN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Kidnapping from villages close to administrative borders
RISKCRI: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Crime
RISKCOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Covid-19 pandemic
RISKIMM: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Immigration of foreigners
RISKUWA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Russo-Ukrainian war
RISKKWAR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - War in Karabagh
RISKVISR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Visa free regime with Russia
RISKDESIN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Disinformation
RISKOTH: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Other
RISKDESC: Would you describe the way Georgia protects itself from mentioned risks as…
SECWEGAP: Which of the following statements you agree with?
SCLIST: To what extent do you feel that the state security services listen to your phone calls?
SCCONTR: To what extent do you feel that the state security services control your social networks?
SCINFORM: To what extent do you feel that the state security services have informants in your neighbourhood, community or work place?
SCSPY: To what extent do you feel that the state security services spy on you?
ETHNPROT: Do you feel that security of your ethnic minority representatives is fully protected in Georgia?
DANGCNTR: Whom do you mostly feel danger from?
DANGTYPE: What type of danger do you mostly feel for your ethnic minority representatives in Georgia?
SECDEFIN: Please tell me, which one is closest to your view
SCRESPIF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia/Police
SCRESPRE: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-President
SCRESSSS: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-State Security Service
SCRESMF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Defence/Army
SCRESNSC: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-National Security Council
SCRESPM: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Prime Minister
SCRESOTH: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Other
WORKMIF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
WORKSSS: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-State Security Service
WORKMDF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of defence/Army
WORKNSC: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-National Security Council
RESMIACP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime prevention
RESMIACI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime investigation
RESMIAPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Punishment of offenders
RESMIAAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Analytical work
RESMIAII: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Internal intelligence
RESMIAFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Foreign intelligence
RESMIASP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Security policy planning
RESMIAPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Protection of citizens
RESMIAAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMIAOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Other
RESSSSCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime prevention
RESSSSCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime investigation
RESSSSPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Punishment of offenders
RESSSSAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Analytical work
RESSSSII: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Internal intelligence
RESSSSFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Foreign intelligence
RESSSSSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Security policy planning
RESSSSPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Protection of citizens
RESSSSAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESSSSOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Other
RESMDCP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime prevention
RESMDCI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime investigation
RESMDPO: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Punishment of offenders
RESMDAW: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Analytical work
RESMDII: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Internal intelligence
RESMDFI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Foreign intelligence
RESMDSP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Security policy planning
RESMDPC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Protection of citizens
RESMDAC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMDOT: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Other
RESNSCCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime prevention
RESNSCCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime investigation
RESNSCPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Punishment of offenders
RESNSCAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Analytical work
RESNSCII: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Internal intelligence
RESNSCFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Foreign intelligence
RESNSCSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Security policy planning
RESNSCPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Protection of citizens
RESNSCAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESNSCOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Other
KNOWMIA: Who is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia currently?
KNOWHSSS: Who is the Head of the State Security Service currently?
KNOWMD: Who is the Minister of Defence of Georgia currently?
KNOWSNSC: Who is the Secretary of the National Security Council currently?
INFSOMIA: Main source of information about-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
INFSOSSS: Main source of information about-State Security Service
INFSOMD: Main source of information about-Ministry of Defence/Army
INFONSC: Main source of information about-National Security Council
INDSSS: How independent is the State Security Service from political/party influence?
NATSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend the national security interests?
PERSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend people’s personal security interests?
TRANSSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Transparency
ACCNTSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Accountability
PROFSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Professionalism
PATRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Patriotism
IMPRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Impartiality
RSPHRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Respect for human rights
WRKSSS: To what extant has the work of the State Security Service improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMIAP: How independent is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMIA: How effectively does the Ministry of Internal affairs of Georgia work?
TRANSMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Transparency
ACCNTMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Accountability
PROFMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Professionalism
PATRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Patriotism
IMPRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Impartiality
RSPHRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Respect for human rights
WRKMIA: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMD: How independent is the Ministry of Defence of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMD: How effectively does the Ministry of Defence of Georgia work?
TRANSMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Transparency
ACCNTMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Accountability
PROFMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Professionalism
PATRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Patriotism
IMPRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Impartiality
RSPHRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Respect for human rights
WRKMD: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
VIORIGH: What would you do if state security services violated your rights?
ETHNPAG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Parliament of Georgia
ETHNGEG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Georgian executive government
ETHNLCG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Local governments
ETHNPOP: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Political parties
ETHNMED: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Media
MIATREAT: How equally does the Ministry of Internal Affairs treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
SSSTREAT: How equally does the the State Security Service treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
UNFEX1: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Local government rejecting the Georgian Muslim community permission to build a new mosque in Batumi
UNFEX2: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state cutting the minaret in the village Tchela followed by the fact of beating local Muslims
UNFEX3: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state refusing to local Azerbaijanis to declare Novruz Bayram as a holiday
UNFEX4: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Sharp decline of the share of ethnic minorities in the Parliament of Georgia.
UNFEX5: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Refusal to the campaign “give my surname back”
UNFEX6: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Other
ETHGEO: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities historically live in Georgia and are no foreigners/guests
ETHGEOCT: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities are citizens of Georgia and the government should fully protect their rights
ETHEFFOR: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should make more efforts to engage ethnic/religious minorities in the socio-political life so that they are fully integrated
ETHISOL: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should isolate ethnic/religious minorities in order to control them better
AWBORD: Awareness of the situation in the villages close to the administrative borders of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions
MAININFB: Main source of information about the situation in villages close to the administrative border of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions.
SECMBRD: How sufficient or insufficient are security measures taken by the government of Georgia in the administrative border line villages?
GUARSEC: What should the government do in order to guarantee security of people living close to the administrative border line?
OWNFRDG: HH owns - Refrigerator
OWNCOTV : HH owns - Color TV
OWNSPHN: HH owns - Smartphone
OWNTBLT : HH owns - Tablet computer
OWNCARS: HH owns - Car
OWNAIRC: HH owns - Air conditioner
OWNWASH : HH owns - Automatic washing machine
OWNCOMP : HH owns - Personal computer, including laptop
OWNHWT : HH owns - Hot water
OWNCHTG: HH owns - Central heating
OWNMCR: HH owns - Microwave
OWNDISH : HH owns - Dishwasher
CONFLMV: Did you or anyone from your household have to relocate as a result of separatist conflicts occurred since 1989 in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region?
KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian
KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English
KNOWOTH: Respondent's ability in Any other foreign language
COMPABL: Respondent's ability in Computer
INFSOU1: Main sources of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events
INFSOU2: What is your second main source of information about Georgia's current events?
TRUMTVINFO: Which TV station do you trust the most for news on politics and events in Georgia?
FRQINTR: Frequency of internet usage
APPFB: Do you use Facebook?
APPINS: Do you use Instagram?
APPTW: Do you use Twitter?
APPYOUT: Do you use Youtube?
APPTIK: Do you use Tiktok?
APPVKN: Do you use Vkontakte?
APPODN: Do you use Odnoklassniki?
MAPPTL: Do you use Telegram?
MAPPWTS: Do you use WhatsApp?
MAPPVB: Do you use Viber?
APPOTH: Do you use other social media platforms?
PARTYSUPP: Party is closest to you
Նշել փոփոխականը
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPSEX: Respondent's sex
AGEGROUP: Age group
EMPLSIT: Primary activity
JOBTYPE: Are you employed in a private or a public sector?
RESPEDU: Highest level of education you have achieved
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
RELGNEW: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belonging to?
RELSERV: Frequency of attendance of religious services
POLDIRN: Which direction is Georgia going in?
SAFETY: How safe do you feel yourself in Georgia?
SAFENW: Comparing to the period before 2012, now…
SAFEPOL: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe because there is a police station in my neighbourhood and I can apply in case of any need
SAFEBUN: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe, because there is an underground shelter (bunker) in my neighbourhood and we can use it in case of any need
SAFEPEOP: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because people around me are highly aware how to behave in critical situations
SAFESECS: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because I know how to apply to security services and it will not be hard for me
TRUSECS: Trust - State Security Service
TRUPRES: Trust - President of Georgia
TRUMIA: Trust - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
TRUPARL: Trust - Parliament of Georgia
TRUMDEF: Trust - Ministry of Defence of Georgia
TRUPM: Trust - Prime minister of Georgia
RISKEC: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Ecological hazards/natural disasters
RISKPOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Poverty
RISKTERR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Terrorism
RISKRUSA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Possibility of military aggression from the Russian side
RISKBORD: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Borderisation
RISKKIDN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Kidnapping from villages close to administrative borders
RISKCRI: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Crime
RISKCOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Covid-19 pandemic
RISKIMM: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Immigration of foreigners
RISKUWA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Russo-Ukrainian war
RISKKWAR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - War in Karabagh
RISKVISR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Visa free regime with Russia
RISKDESIN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Disinformation
RISKOTH: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Other
RISKDESC: Would you describe the way Georgia protects itself from mentioned risks as…
SECWEGAP: Which of the following statements you agree with?
SCLIST: To what extent do you feel that the state security services listen to your phone calls?
SCCONTR: To what extent do you feel that the state security services control your social networks?
SCINFORM: To what extent do you feel that the state security services have informants in your neighbourhood, community or work place?
SCSPY: To what extent do you feel that the state security services spy on you?
ETHNPROT: Do you feel that security of your ethnic minority representatives is fully protected in Georgia?
DANGCNTR: Whom do you mostly feel danger from?
DANGTYPE: What type of danger do you mostly feel for your ethnic minority representatives in Georgia?
SECDEFIN: Please tell me, which one is closest to your view
SCRESPIF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia/Police
SCRESPRE: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-President
SCRESSSS: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-State Security Service
SCRESMF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Defence/Army
SCRESNSC: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-National Security Council
SCRESPM: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Prime Minister
SCRESOTH: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Other
WORKMIF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
WORKSSS: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-State Security Service
WORKMDF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of defence/Army
WORKNSC: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-National Security Council
RESMIACP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime prevention
RESMIACI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime investigation
RESMIAPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Punishment of offenders
RESMIAAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Analytical work
RESMIAII: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Internal intelligence
RESMIAFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Foreign intelligence
RESMIASP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Security policy planning
RESMIAPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Protection of citizens
RESMIAAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMIAOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Other
RESSSSCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime prevention
RESSSSCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime investigation
RESSSSPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Punishment of offenders
RESSSSAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Analytical work
RESSSSII: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Internal intelligence
RESSSSFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Foreign intelligence
RESSSSSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Security policy planning
RESSSSPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Protection of citizens
RESSSSAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESSSSOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Other
RESMDCP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime prevention
RESMDCI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime investigation
RESMDPO: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Punishment of offenders
RESMDAW: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Analytical work
RESMDII: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Internal intelligence
RESMDFI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Foreign intelligence
RESMDSP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Security policy planning
RESMDPC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Protection of citizens
RESMDAC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMDOT: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Other
RESNSCCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime prevention
RESNSCCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime investigation
RESNSCPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Punishment of offenders
RESNSCAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Analytical work
RESNSCII: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Internal intelligence
RESNSCFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Foreign intelligence
RESNSCSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Security policy planning
RESNSCPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Protection of citizens
RESNSCAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESNSCOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Other
KNOWMIA: Who is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia currently?
KNOWHSSS: Who is the Head of the State Security Service currently?
KNOWMD: Who is the Minister of Defence of Georgia currently?
KNOWSNSC: Who is the Secretary of the National Security Council currently?
INFSOMIA: Main source of information about-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
INFSOSSS: Main source of information about-State Security Service
INFSOMD: Main source of information about-Ministry of Defence/Army
INFONSC: Main source of information about-National Security Council
INDSSS: How independent is the State Security Service from political/party influence?
NATSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend the national security interests?
PERSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend people’s personal security interests?
TRANSSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Transparency
ACCNTSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Accountability
PROFSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Professionalism
PATRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Patriotism
IMPRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Impartiality
RSPHRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Respect for human rights
WRKSSS: To what extant has the work of the State Security Service improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMIAP: How independent is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMIA: How effectively does the Ministry of Internal affairs of Georgia work?
TRANSMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Transparency
ACCNTMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Accountability
PROFMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Professionalism
PATRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Patriotism
IMPRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Impartiality
RSPHRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Respect for human rights
WRKMIA: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMD: How independent is the Ministry of Defence of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMD: How effectively does the Ministry of Defence of Georgia work?
TRANSMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Transparency
ACCNTMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Accountability
PROFMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Professionalism
PATRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Patriotism
IMPRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Impartiality
RSPHRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Respect for human rights
WRKMD: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
VIORIGH: What would you do if state security services violated your rights?
ETHNPAG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Parliament of Georgia
ETHNGEG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Georgian executive government
ETHNLCG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Local governments
ETHNPOP: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Political parties
ETHNMED: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Media
MIATREAT: How equally does the Ministry of Internal Affairs treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
SSSTREAT: How equally does the the State Security Service treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
UNFEX1: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Local government rejecting the Georgian Muslim community permission to build a new mosque in Batumi
UNFEX2: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state cutting the minaret in the village Tchela followed by the fact of beating local Muslims
UNFEX3: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state refusing to local Azerbaijanis to declare Novruz Bayram as a holiday
UNFEX4: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Sharp decline of the share of ethnic minorities in the Parliament of Georgia.
UNFEX5: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Refusal to the campaign “give my surname back”
UNFEX6: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Other
ETHGEO: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities historically live in Georgia and are no foreigners/guests
ETHGEOCT: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities are citizens of Georgia and the government should fully protect their rights
ETHEFFOR: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should make more efforts to engage ethnic/religious minorities in the socio-political life so that they are fully integrated
ETHISOL: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should isolate ethnic/religious minorities in order to control them better
AWBORD: Awareness of the situation in the villages close to the administrative borders of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions
MAININFB: Main source of information about the situation in villages close to the administrative border of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions.
SECMBRD: How sufficient or insufficient are security measures taken by the government of Georgia in the administrative border line villages?
GUARSEC: What should the government do in order to guarantee security of people living close to the administrative border line?
OWNFRDG: HH owns - Refrigerator
OWNCOTV : HH owns - Color TV
OWNSPHN: HH owns - Smartphone
OWNTBLT : HH owns - Tablet computer
OWNCARS: HH owns - Car
OWNAIRC: HH owns - Air conditioner
OWNWASH : HH owns - Automatic washing machine
OWNCOMP : HH owns - Personal computer, including laptop
OWNHWT : HH owns - Hot water
OWNCHTG: HH owns - Central heating
OWNMCR: HH owns - Microwave
OWNDISH : HH owns - Dishwasher
CONFLMV: Did you or anyone from your household have to relocate as a result of separatist conflicts occurred since 1989 in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region?
KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian
KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English
KNOWOTH: Respondent's ability in Any other foreign language
COMPABL: Respondent's ability in Computer
INFSOU1: Main sources of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events
INFSOU2: What is your second main source of information about Georgia's current events?
TRUMTVINFO: Which TV station do you trust the most for news on politics and events in Georgia?
FRQINTR: Frequency of internet usage
APPFB: Do you use Facebook?
APPINS: Do you use Instagram?
APPTW: Do you use Twitter?
APPYOUT: Do you use Youtube?
APPTIK: Do you use Tiktok?
APPVKN: Do you use Vkontakte?
APPODN: Do you use Odnoklassniki?
MAPPTL: Do you use Telegram?
MAPPWTS: Do you use WhatsApp?
MAPPVB: Do you use Viber?
APPOTH: Do you use other social media platforms?
PARTYSUPP: Party is closest to you
Փոփոխական (Սյունակ)
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPSEX: Respondent's sex
AGEGROUP: Age group
EMPLSIT: Primary activity
JOBTYPE: Are you employed in a private or a public sector?
RESPEDU: Highest level of education you have achieved
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
RELGNEW: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belonging to?
RELSERV: Frequency of attendance of religious services
POLDIRN: Which direction is Georgia going in?
SAFETY: How safe do you feel yourself in Georgia?
SAFENW: Comparing to the period before 2012, now…
SAFEPOL: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe because there is a police station in my neighbourhood and I can apply in case of any need
SAFEBUN: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe, because there is an underground shelter (bunker) in my neighbourhood and we can use it in case of any need
SAFEPEOP: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because people around me are highly aware how to behave in critical situations
SAFESECS: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because I know how to apply to security services and it will not be hard for me
TRUSECS: Trust - State Security Service
TRUPRES: Trust - President of Georgia
TRUMIA: Trust - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
TRUPARL: Trust - Parliament of Georgia
TRUMDEF: Trust - Ministry of Defence of Georgia
TRUPM: Trust - Prime minister of Georgia
RISKEC: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Ecological hazards/natural disasters
RISKPOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Poverty
RISKTERR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Terrorism
RISKRUSA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Possibility of military aggression from the Russian side
RISKBORD: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Borderisation
RISKKIDN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Kidnapping from villages close to administrative borders
RISKCRI: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Crime
RISKCOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Covid-19 pandemic
RISKIMM: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Immigration of foreigners
RISKUWA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Russo-Ukrainian war
RISKKWAR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - War in Karabagh
RISKVISR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Visa free regime with Russia
RISKDESIN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Disinformation
RISKOTH: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Other
RISKDESC: Would you describe the way Georgia protects itself from mentioned risks as…
SECWEGAP: Which of the following statements you agree with?
SCLIST: To what extent do you feel that the state security services listen to your phone calls?
SCCONTR: To what extent do you feel that the state security services control your social networks?
SCINFORM: To what extent do you feel that the state security services have informants in your neighbourhood, community or work place?
SCSPY: To what extent do you feel that the state security services spy on you?
ETHNPROT: Do you feel that security of your ethnic minority representatives is fully protected in Georgia?
DANGCNTR: Whom do you mostly feel danger from?
DANGTYPE: What type of danger do you mostly feel for your ethnic minority representatives in Georgia?
SECDEFIN: Please tell me, which one is closest to your view
SCRESPIF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia/Police
SCRESPRE: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-President
SCRESSSS: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-State Security Service
SCRESMF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Defence/Army
SCRESNSC: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-National Security Council
SCRESPM: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Prime Minister
SCRESOTH: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Other
WORKMIF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
WORKSSS: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-State Security Service
WORKMDF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of defence/Army
WORKNSC: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-National Security Council
RESMIACP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime prevention
RESMIACI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime investigation
RESMIAPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Punishment of offenders
RESMIAAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Analytical work
RESMIAII: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Internal intelligence
RESMIAFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Foreign intelligence
RESMIASP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Security policy planning
RESMIAPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Protection of citizens
RESMIAAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMIAOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Other
RESSSSCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime prevention
RESSSSCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime investigation
RESSSSPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Punishment of offenders
RESSSSAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Analytical work
RESSSSII: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Internal intelligence
RESSSSFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Foreign intelligence
RESSSSSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Security policy planning
RESSSSPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Protection of citizens
RESSSSAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESSSSOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Other
RESMDCP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime prevention
RESMDCI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime investigation
RESMDPO: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Punishment of offenders
RESMDAW: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Analytical work
RESMDII: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Internal intelligence
RESMDFI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Foreign intelligence
RESMDSP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Security policy planning
RESMDPC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Protection of citizens
RESMDAC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMDOT: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Other
RESNSCCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime prevention
RESNSCCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime investigation
RESNSCPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Punishment of offenders
RESNSCAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Analytical work
RESNSCII: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Internal intelligence
RESNSCFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Foreign intelligence
RESNSCSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Security policy planning
RESNSCPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Protection of citizens
RESNSCAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESNSCOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Other
KNOWMIA: Who is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia currently?
KNOWHSSS: Who is the Head of the State Security Service currently?
KNOWMD: Who is the Minister of Defence of Georgia currently?
KNOWSNSC: Who is the Secretary of the National Security Council currently?
INFSOMIA: Main source of information about-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
INFSOSSS: Main source of information about-State Security Service
INFSOMD: Main source of information about-Ministry of Defence/Army
INFONSC: Main source of information about-National Security Council
INDSSS: How independent is the State Security Service from political/party influence?
NATSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend the national security interests?
PERSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend people’s personal security interests?
TRANSSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Transparency
ACCNTSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Accountability
PROFSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Professionalism
PATRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Patriotism
IMPRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Impartiality
RSPHRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Respect for human rights
WRKSSS: To what extant has the work of the State Security Service improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMIAP: How independent is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMIA: How effectively does the Ministry of Internal affairs of Georgia work?
TRANSMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Transparency
ACCNTMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Accountability
PROFMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Professionalism
PATRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Patriotism
IMPRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Impartiality
RSPHRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Respect for human rights
WRKMIA: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMD: How independent is the Ministry of Defence of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMD: How effectively does the Ministry of Defence of Georgia work?
TRANSMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Transparency
ACCNTMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Accountability
PROFMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Professionalism
PATRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Patriotism
IMPRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Impartiality
RSPHRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Respect for human rights
WRKMD: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
VIORIGH: What would you do if state security services violated your rights?
ETHNPAG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Parliament of Georgia
ETHNGEG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Georgian executive government
ETHNLCG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Local governments
ETHNPOP: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Political parties
ETHNMED: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Media
MIATREAT: How equally does the Ministry of Internal Affairs treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
SSSTREAT: How equally does the the State Security Service treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
UNFEX1: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Local government rejecting the Georgian Muslim community permission to build a new mosque in Batumi
UNFEX2: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state cutting the minaret in the village Tchela followed by the fact of beating local Muslims
UNFEX3: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state refusing to local Azerbaijanis to declare Novruz Bayram as a holiday
UNFEX4: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Sharp decline of the share of ethnic minorities in the Parliament of Georgia.
UNFEX5: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Refusal to the campaign “give my surname back”
UNFEX6: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Other
ETHGEO: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities historically live in Georgia and are no foreigners/guests
ETHGEOCT: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities are citizens of Georgia and the government should fully protect their rights
ETHEFFOR: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should make more efforts to engage ethnic/religious minorities in the socio-political life so that they are fully integrated
ETHISOL: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should isolate ethnic/religious minorities in order to control them better
AWBORD: Awareness of the situation in the villages close to the administrative borders of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions
MAININFB: Main source of information about the situation in villages close to the administrative border of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions.
SECMBRD: How sufficient or insufficient are security measures taken by the government of Georgia in the administrative border line villages?
GUARSEC: What should the government do in order to guarantee security of people living close to the administrative border line?
OWNFRDG: HH owns - Refrigerator
OWNCOTV : HH owns - Color TV
OWNSPHN: HH owns - Smartphone
OWNTBLT : HH owns - Tablet computer
OWNCARS: HH owns - Car
OWNAIRC: HH owns - Air conditioner
OWNWASH : HH owns - Automatic washing machine
OWNCOMP : HH owns - Personal computer, including laptop
OWNHWT : HH owns - Hot water
OWNCHTG: HH owns - Central heating
OWNMCR: HH owns - Microwave
OWNDISH : HH owns - Dishwasher
CONFLMV: Did you or anyone from your household have to relocate as a result of separatist conflicts occurred since 1989 in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region?
KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian
KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English
KNOWOTH: Respondent's ability in Any other foreign language
COMPABL: Respondent's ability in Computer
INFSOU1: Main sources of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events
INFSOU2: What is your second main source of information about Georgia's current events?
TRUMTVINFO: Which TV station do you trust the most for news on politics and events in Georgia?
FRQINTR: Frequency of internet usage
APPFB: Do you use Facebook?
APPINS: Do you use Instagram?
APPTW: Do you use Twitter?
APPYOUT: Do you use Youtube?
APPTIK: Do you use Tiktok?
APPVKN: Do you use Vkontakte?
APPODN: Do you use Odnoklassniki?
MAPPTL: Do you use Telegram?
MAPPWTS: Do you use WhatsApp?
MAPPVB: Do you use Viber?
APPOTH: Do you use other social media platforms?
PARTYSUPP: Party is closest to you
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPSEX: Respondent's sex
AGEGROUP: Age group
EMPLSIT: Primary activity
JOBTYPE: Are you employed in a private or a public sector?
RESPEDU: Highest level of education you have achieved
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
RELGNEW: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belonging to?
RELSERV: Frequency of attendance of religious services
POLDIRN: Which direction is Georgia going in?
SAFETY: How safe do you feel yourself in Georgia?
SAFENW: Comparing to the period before 2012, now…
SAFEPOL: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe because there is a police station in my neighbourhood and I can apply in case of any need
SAFEBUN: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I am safe, because there is an underground shelter (bunker) in my neighbourhood and we can use it in case of any need
SAFEPEOP: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because people around me are highly aware how to behave in critical situations
SAFESECS: In case of any danger, you are safe because of the following reasons - I feel safe, because I know how to apply to security services and it will not be hard for me
TRUSECS: Trust - State Security Service
TRUPRES: Trust - President of Georgia
TRUMIA: Trust - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
TRUPARL: Trust - Parliament of Georgia
TRUMDEF: Trust - Ministry of Defence of Georgia
TRUPM: Trust - Prime minister of Georgia
RISKEC: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Ecological hazards/natural disasters
RISKPOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Poverty
RISKTERR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Terrorism
RISKRUSA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Possibility of military aggression from the Russian side
RISKBORD: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Borderisation
RISKKIDN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Kidnapping from villages close to administrative borders
RISKCRI: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Crime
RISKCOV: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Covid-19 pandemic
RISKIMM: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Immigration of foreigners
RISKUWA: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Russo-Ukrainian war
RISKKWAR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - War in Karabagh
RISKVISR: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Visa free regime with Russia
RISKDESIN: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Disinformation
RISKOTH: Highest risk for security of Georgia - Other
RISKDESC: Would you describe the way Georgia protects itself from mentioned risks as…
SECWEGAP: Which of the following statements you agree with?
SCLIST: To what extent do you feel that the state security services listen to your phone calls?
SCCONTR: To what extent do you feel that the state security services control your social networks?
SCINFORM: To what extent do you feel that the state security services have informants in your neighbourhood, community or work place?
SCSPY: To what extent do you feel that the state security services spy on you?
ETHNPROT: Do you feel that security of your ethnic minority representatives is fully protected in Georgia?
DANGCNTR: Whom do you mostly feel danger from?
DANGTYPE: What type of danger do you mostly feel for your ethnic minority representatives in Georgia?
SECDEFIN: Please tell me, which one is closest to your view
SCRESPIF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia/Police
SCRESPRE: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-President
SCRESSSS: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-State Security Service
SCRESMF: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Ministry of Defence/Army
SCRESNSC: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-National Security Council
SCRESPM: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Prime Minister
SCRESOTH: Which state institutions are responsible for the country’s security?-Other
WORKMIF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
WORKSSS: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-State Security Service
WORKMDF: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-Ministry of defence/Army
WORKNSC: To what extent are you aware of the work of the following institutions-National Security Council
RESMIACP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime prevention
RESMIACI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Crime investigation
RESMIAPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Punishment of offenders
RESMIAAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Analytical work
RESMIAII: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Internal intelligence
RESMIAFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Foreign intelligence
RESMIASP: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Security policy planning
RESMIAPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Protection of citizens
RESMIAAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMIAOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police-Other
RESSSSCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime prevention
RESSSSCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Crime investigation
RESSSSPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Punishment of offenders
RESSSSAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Analytical work
RESSSSII: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Internal intelligence
RESSSSFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Foreign intelligence
RESSSSSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Security policy planning
RESSSSPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Protection of citizens
RESSSSAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESSSSOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the State Security Service-Other
RESMDCP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime prevention
RESMDCI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Crime investigation
RESMDPO: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Punishment of offenders
RESMDAW: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Analytical work
RESMDII: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Internal intelligence
RESMDFI: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Foreign intelligence
RESMDSP: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Security policy planning
RESMDPC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Protection of citizens
RESMDAC: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESMDOT: Main responsibility(ies) of Ministry of Defence/Army-Other
RESNSCCP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime prevention
RESNSCCI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Crime investigation
RESNSCPO: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Punishment of offenders
RESNSCAW: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Analytical work
RESNSCII: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Internal intelligence
RESNSCFI: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Foreign intelligence
RESNSCSP: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Security policy planning
RESNSCPC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Protection of citizens
RESNSCAC: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Averting attack on the country/Protection of the country’s territorial integrity
RESNSCOT: Main responsibility(ies) of the National Security Council-Other
KNOWMIA: Who is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia currently?
KNOWHSSS: Who is the Head of the State Security Service currently?
KNOWMD: Who is the Minister of Defence of Georgia currently?
KNOWSNSC: Who is the Secretary of the National Security Council currently?
INFSOMIA: Main source of information about-Ministry of Internal Affairs/Police
INFSOSSS: Main source of information about-State Security Service
INFSOMD: Main source of information about-Ministry of Defence/Army
INFONSC: Main source of information about-National Security Council
INDSSS: How independent is the State Security Service from political/party influence?
NATSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend the national security interests?
PERSECIN: How effectively does the State Security Service defend people’s personal security interests?
TRANSSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Transparency
ACCNTSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Accountability
PROFSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Professionalism
PATRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Patriotism
IMPRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Impartiality
RSPHRSS: How much the following statements describe State Security Service-Respect for human rights
WRKSSS: To what extant has the work of the State Security Service improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMIAP: How independent is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMIA: How effectively does the Ministry of Internal affairs of Georgia work?
TRANSMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Transparency
ACCNTMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Accountability
PROFMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Professionalism
PATRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Patriotism
IMPRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Impartiality
RSPHRMIA: How much the following statements describe Ministry of internal affairs-Respect for human rights
WRKMIA: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
INDMD: How independent is the Ministry of Defence of Georgia independent from political/party influence?
WRKEFMD: How effectively does the Ministry of Defence of Georgia work?
TRANSMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Transparency
ACCNTMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Accountability
PROFMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Professionalism
PATRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Patriotism
IMPRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Impartiality
RSPHRMD: How much the following statements describe the Ministry of Defence-Respect for human rights
WRKMD: To what extant has the work of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia improved or worsened during the last seven years?
VIORIGH: What would you do if state security services violated your rights?
ETHNPAG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Parliament of Georgia
ETHNGEG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Georgian executive government
ETHNLCG: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Local governments
ETHNPOP: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Political parties
ETHNMED: Ethnic/religious minorities are overrepresented, properly represented, or underrepresented in the-Media
MIATREAT: How equally does the Ministry of Internal Affairs treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
SSSTREAT: How equally does the the State Security Service treat ethnic/religious minorities living in Georgia?
UNFEX1: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Local government rejecting the Georgian Muslim community permission to build a new mosque in Batumi
UNFEX2: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state cutting the minaret in the village Tchela followed by the fact of beating local Muslims
UNFEX3: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-The state refusing to local Azerbaijanis to declare Novruz Bayram as a holiday
UNFEX4: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Sharp decline of the share of ethnic minorities in the Parliament of Georgia.
UNFEX5: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Refusal to the campaign “give my surname back”
UNFEX6: Examples of unfairness towards ethnic/religious minorities since 2012-Other
ETHGEO: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities historically live in Georgia and are no foreigners/guests
ETHGEOCT: How much do you agree or disagree - Ethnic/religious minorities are citizens of Georgia and the government should fully protect their rights
ETHEFFOR: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should make more efforts to engage ethnic/religious minorities in the socio-political life so that they are fully integrated
ETHISOL: How much do you agree or disagree - The government of Georgia should isolate ethnic/religious minorities in order to control them better
AWBORD: Awareness of the situation in the villages close to the administrative borders of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions
MAININFB: Main source of information about the situation in villages close to the administrative border of the South Ossetia/Tskhinvali and Abkhazia regions.
SECMBRD: How sufficient or insufficient are security measures taken by the government of Georgia in the administrative border line villages?
GUARSEC: What should the government do in order to guarantee security of people living close to the administrative border line?
OWNFRDG: HH owns - Refrigerator
OWNCOTV : HH owns - Color TV
OWNSPHN: HH owns - Smartphone
OWNTBLT : HH owns - Tablet computer
OWNCARS: HH owns - Car
OWNAIRC: HH owns - Air conditioner
OWNWASH : HH owns - Automatic washing machine
OWNCOMP : HH owns - Personal computer, including laptop
OWNHWT : HH owns - Hot water
OWNCHTG: HH owns - Central heating
OWNMCR: HH owns - Microwave
OWNDISH : HH owns - Dishwasher
CONFLMV: Did you or anyone from your household have to relocate as a result of separatist conflicts occurred since 1989 in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region?
KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian
KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English
KNOWOTH: Respondent's ability in Any other foreign language
COMPABL: Respondent's ability in Computer
INFSOU1: Main sources of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events
INFSOU2: What is your second main source of information about Georgia's current events?
TRUMTVINFO: Which TV station do you trust the most for news on politics and events in Georgia?
FRQINTR: Frequency of internet usage
APPFB: Do you use Facebook?
APPINS: Do you use Instagram?
APPTW: Do you use Twitter?
APPYOUT: Do you use Youtube?
APPTIK: Do you use Tiktok?
APPVKN: Do you use Vkontakte?
APPODN: Do you use Odnoklassniki?
MAPPTL: Do you use Telegram?
MAPPWTS: Do you use WhatsApp?
MAPPVB: Do you use Viber?
APPOTH: Do you use other social media platforms?
PARTYSUPP: Party is closest to you
Without 'Don't know' and 'Refusal'