Caucasus Barometer time-series dataset Georgia

Caucasus Barometer time-series dataset Georgia

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Caucasus Barometer time-series dataset Georgia

Caucasus Barometer time-series dataset Georgia


Nəticələri axtar:

FEELTRU: There are many people I can trust completely

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are many people I can trust completely

  • Does not describe
  • More or less describes
  • Describes
  • DK/RA

GALLTRU: Most people can be trusted?

Sual mətni: Generally speaking, would you say that most people in Georgia can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? Please use this CARD, where code '1' corresponds to answer 'You can't be too careful' and code '10' corresponds to answer 'Most people can be trusted.'

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 10-point scale into 3-point scale. Options 1-4 were grouped to 1, 5,6 to 2, 7-10 to 3.

  • You can't be too careful
  • Neutral
  • Most people can be trusted
  • DK/RA

TRUARMY: Trust towards Army

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Army

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUBANK: Trust towards Banks

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Banks

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUCRTS: Trust towards Courts

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Court system

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUEDUC: Trust towards Educational system

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Educational system

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUEXEC: Trust towards Executive government

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Executive government (Prime minister and ministers)

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUHLTH: Trust towards Healthcare system

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Healthcare system

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRULOCG: Trust towards Local government

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Local government

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUMEDI: Trust towards Media

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Media

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUNGOS: Trust towards NGOs

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - NGOs

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUOMB: Trust towards Ombudsman

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Ombudsman

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPARL: Trust towards Parliament

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Parliament

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPOLI: Trust towards Police

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Police

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPRES: Trust towards President

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - President

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRURELI: Trust towards Religious institutions

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Religious institutions to which respondent belongs

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPPS: Trust towards political parties

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - Political parties

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUSTEU: Trust towards EU

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - European Union

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

TRUSTUN: Trust towards UN

Sual mətni: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your level of trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where code 1 means 'Fully distrust', and code 5 means 'Fully trust'. First, please tell me how much do you trust or distrust - United Nations

Qeyd: The variable was recoded from 5-point scale into 3-point scale.

  • Distrust
  • Neither trust nor distrust
  • Trust
  • DK/RA

Tapıldı: 19 qeydlər