Təkrarlanma bölgüsü (%) | |
Georgian Dream | 21 |
United National Movement | 9 |
Labor Party | 4 |
Movement for Liberty - European Georgia | 3 |
Alliance of Patriots of Georgia | 3 |
Political Platform New Georgia | 2 |
New Political Center – Girchi | 2 |
Democratic Movement – United Georgia | 1 |
Free Georgia | 1 |
Other | 1 |
There is no such party | 36 |
DK | 6 |
RA | 11 |
Sual mətni: Now I will give you the tablet computer. Please answer the next question by yourself. After marking the desired answer option on the tablet, please swipe next/tap next. There are a number of political parties in Georgia. Which political party is closest to you?
Qeyd: Sequence of the answer options was rotated in the Show cards during the fieldwork.
Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates:
October 9, 2019 to November 4, 2019