Təkrarlanma bölgüsü (%) | |
Construction growth | 25 |
Economic growth | 2 |
Strengthening the state apparatus | 2 |
Membership to the Council of Europe (2001), strengthening relations with European institutions | 1 |
Expanding the regulation and improved control over public services | 1 |
Joining the Collective Security Treaty Organization (2002) | 1 |
Complementary foreign policy | 1 |
Continuing the process of economic liberalization and alienation of strategically important enterprises and / or handing over to concession management | 1 |
other | 6 |
The government had no successes | 39 |
DK | 20 |
RA | 2 |
Sual mətni: In your opinion what was the largest success of the government from 1998-2008 (Robert Kocharyan)?
Qeyd: Answer options: ‘Elimination of petty bribery’, 'Laying ground for the system of joint entrance exams (2010-2012)', and ‘Health care system reform’ were grouped to ‘Other’.
Caucasus Barometer is the regular household survey about social-economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Armenia
Fieldwork Dates:
December 18, 2021 to February 28, 2022