Created with Highcharts 4.2.5CHAEU: Situation changed - EU membership (%)11610153921715264334Worse offThe sameBetter offDK/RAApr 2014Avq 2014Okty 20140255075100

İl qrupu üzrə (%)Worse offThe sameBetter offDK/RA
Apr 20143711511
Avq 2014352396
Okty 20144642110

CHAEU: Situation changed - EU membership

Sual mətni: Using this card, for each issue how do you think the situation has changed in Georgia? Compared to October 2012, is ... worse, the same or better? - EU membership

  • Worse off
  • The same
  • Better off
  • DK/RA

CHAEU digər məlumat seriyalarında:

Vahid məlumat seriyası

NDI time-series dataset Georgia

NDI time-series dataset Georgia

Cavabları təhlil et

  • This survey was funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) up until the end of 2016 and by UK aid from the British people from the beginning of 2017. Products produced on the website cannot be attributed to SIDA, the Swedish Government, UK aid, the UK Government or NDI. Please note that not all possible cross-tabulations may display statistically significant information.
  • qeyd: In some cases the percentages do not add up to 100 due to decimal points and rounding.
  • Please use the following citation when citing data from ODA:

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers. (dataset year) "[dataset name - e.g. Caucasus Barometer]". Retrieved through ODA - on {date of accessing the database here}.