Təkrarlanma bölgüsü (%) | |
Yes | 23 |
No | 50 |
DK | 23 |
RA | 4 |
Sual mətni: Please tell me which of the following statements you agree with? 1. People should participate in protest actions against the government, as this shows the government that the people are in charge. 2. People should not participate in protest actions against the government, as it threatens stability in our country
Qeyd: The question was recoded. Original options are as follows: 1. Participation in protests - Strongly agree 2. Participation in protests - Agree 3. Non-participation in protests - Agree 4. Non-participation in protests - Strongly agree 5. Agreement with neither. Options 1 and 2 were grouped to Yes 3 and 4 to No, 5 - DK
Qafqaz Barometri sosial- iqtisadi və siyasi məsələlər barəsində QTRM tərəfindən keçirilən illik sorğudur.
Ölkələr: Azərbaycan
Sahə Araşdırma Tarixləri: 15 Noyabr 2010 - 25 Dekabr 2010