Created with Highcharts 4.2.5CNTCHNG: Amendments made by the government vs by the agreement of political powers (%)1157302Amendments made by governmentAmendments made by the agreement of politicalpowersAmendments made by the agreement of political powersDKRA

Təkrarlanma bölgüsü (%)
Amendments made by government11
Amendments made by the agreement of political powers57

CNTCHNG: Amendments made by the government vs by the agreement of political powers

Sual mətni: Please tell me, which of the following statements do you agree with? Statement 1: Amendments should be made to the constitution on decision of the government as situation in Georgia changes rapidly and it is essential that the constitution is relevant to the changed environment. Statement 2: Constitution is the supreme law of the country, it is adopted as a result of agreement of political powers, this is why it should be amended only in special cases with the consent of the people

  • Amendments made by government
  • Amendments made by the agreement of political powers
  • DK
  • RA

Media survey in Georgia, 2009

The survey investigates public views and preferences on the media sources and assess political pluralism of media sources and perceived impartiality of journalists and media managers

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  • qeyd: In some cases the percentages do not add up to 100 due to decimal points and rounding.
  • Please use the following citation when citing data from ODA:

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers. (dataset year) "[dataset name - e.g. Caucasus Barometer]". Retrieved through ODA - on {date of accessing the database here}.