Frequency distribution (%) | |
Everyday expenses | 16 |
Pay for medical care | 14 |
Purchase durable goods | 13 |
Buy food | 12 |
Pay for special events (wedding, funeral) | 10 |
Purchase / build / renovate a house | 9 |
Business expenses / investments | 5 |
Repay previously taken loans / credits | 4 |
Pay for education | 4 |
Other | 8 |
DK | 6 |
Question text: For the largest loan you have taken in the last 12 months, what was the money primarily used for?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who had taken at least one loan more than 100 USD in the last 12 months
The question was recoded. Options Pay for utilities, Informal payments, bribes and Travel / Vacation were grouped with Other
Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Azerbaijan
Fieldwork Dates: November 14 2008 to February 5 2009