Created with Highcharts 4.2.5TRASI: In which region has/have your close relative/s traveled? - Asia (%)The question was asked only to the respondents who have a close relative(s) who traveled outside the borders of Georgia in the last five years199MentionedNot mentioned

Frequency distribution (%)
Not mentioned99

TRASI: In which region has/have your close relative/s traveled? - Asia

Question text: In which region has/have your close relative/s traveled? - Asia

Note: The question was asked only to the respondents who have a close relative(s) who traveled outside the borders of Georgia in the last five years

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

Countering violent extremism in Georgia: needs assessment, 2018

Communities in Georgia that have lost members to the conflict in Syria and Iraq: A needs assessment

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  • Products produced on the website cannot be attributed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tbilisi, or any affiliated entity. The views expressed herein represent the views of the authors alone. Please note that differences displayed in cross-tabulations may not be statistically significant. Numbers may vary from the report due to different statistical analysis processes differ instead of vary.
  • Note: In some cases the percentages do not add up to 100 due to decimal points and rounding.
  • Please use the following citation when citing data from ODA:

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers. (dataset year) "[dataset name - e.g. Caucasus Barometer]". Retrieved through ODA - on {date of accessing the database here}.