Frequency distribution (%) | |
Difficult | 11 |
Neutral | 24 |
Easy | 58 |
DK/RA | 7 |
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for men to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Gender Equality Attitudes Study (GEAS) in Georgia was commissioned by UN Women with the generous support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and conducted by CRRC-Georgia. The survey measures the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and gender-based stereotypes in Georgia.