Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social-economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates:
December 8, 2020 to December 14, 2020
Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social-economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates:
December 8, 2020 to December 14, 2020
Question text: Settlement type
Question text: Respondent's sex
Question text: Age group
Note: The variable is generated from AGE variable, present in the original dataset.
Question text: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?
Note: The answer option 'Kurd, Yezid' was grouped with 'Other'.
Question text: What is the highest level of education you have achieved to date?
Note: Options No primary education, Primary education (either complete or incomplete), Incomplete secondary education, Secondary education were grouped to Secondary or lower, Incomplete higher education, Completed higher education (BA, MA, or Specialist degree) and Post-graduate degree were grouped to Higher than secondary
Question text: Please tell me, how many people aged between 0 and 17 live in the household, including yourself?
Question text: Please tell me, how many people aged between 18 and 64 live in the household, including yourself?
Question text: Please tell me, how many people aged between 64 or older live in the household, including yourself?
Question text: How would you evaluate your health recently? As …
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Fever or chills
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Shortness of breath
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Lost sense of smell
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Runny or stuffy nose
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Chest congestion
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Cough
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Sore throat
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Muscle or body aches
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Headaches
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Fatigue or tiredness
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Abdominal discomfort
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Vomiting
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Diarrhea
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - Sneezing
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: In the last seven days, have you experienced the following symptoms? - High body temperature
Note: Respondents could name all answers
Question text: Have you ever been tested for Covid-19?
Question text: Have you, someone from your household, or your immediate relatives been diagnosed with Covid-19?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who said that they have been tested for Covid-19
Question text: Did you manage to get medical help for Covid-19?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who said that s/he, someone from his/her household, or immediate relatives been diagnosed with Covid-19
Question text: As a result of the outbreak, did your life change a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?
Question text: In your opinion, has our country done a good, somewhat good, somewhat bad, or bad job in dealing with coronavirus outbreak?
Question text: Which of the following best describes your situation? Please think about the activity or situation which is primary for you.
Question text: Are you currently interested in a job, or not?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were unemployed
Question text: If a suitable job were available, would you be able to start working within the next 14 days?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were unemployed
Question text: Has anybody in your household started a new job during the last 12 months?
Question text: Has anybody in your household lost his/her job during the last 12 months?
Question text: What is your household’s total monthly income in the GEL?
Note: Answer options were recoded from the open question
Question text: Thinking about your household income, that is all money that your household members earn, would you say that your household earns much less, somewhat less, somewhat more, or much more than this time last year?
Question text: Does your household own the following: Fridge
Question text: Does your household own the following: Color TV
Question text: Does your household own the following: Smartphone
Question text: Does your household own the following: Tablet computer
Question text: Does your household own the following: Car
Question text: Does your household own the following: Air conditioning
Question text: Does your household own the following: Washing machine
Question text: Does your household own the following: Computer, including a laptop
Question text: Does your household own the following: Dishwasher
Question text: Does your household own the following: Hot water
Question text: Does your household own the following: Central heating
Question text: Does your household own the following: Microwave
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Money from family members, relatives, or friends living elsewhere in this country.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Money from family members, relatives, or friends living in another country.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Cash sales from agricultural products.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Aggregated earned income (salary) of all household members, except sales of agricultural products.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Pensions and government benefits.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Income from renting of property, vehicles, or appliances.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Income from sale of property, vehicles, or appliances.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Interest or earnings on deposits or securities.
Question text: Now I’m going to list sources of income. Please tell me whether any of those are sources of income for your household. - Other sources of income (specify)
Question text: In your opinion, is it better to remove current restrictions to improve the economy, despite the situation surrounding the spread of the virus, or is it better to introduce restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus, despite the economic losses?
Question text: In one year’s time, will your household be better off financially, the same, or worse off?
Question text: In your opinion, is our country moving in the right direction or is it moving in the wrong direction?
Question text: What do you think is the most important issue facing our country at the moment?
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Healthcare system
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Banks
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Educational system
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Army
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Court system
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? NGOs
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Parliament
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Executive government (Prime minister and ministers)
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? President
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Police
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Political parties
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Media
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Local government
Question text: I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions. Do you fully trust, rather trust, neither trust nor distrust, rather distrust, or fully distrust them? Religious institutions to which you belong
Question text: Which of the following statements do you agree with? Statement 1: People are like children, the government should take care of them like a parent. Statement 2: Government is like an employee, the people should be the bosses who control the government.
Note: The question was recoded. Option Agree with neither were grouped to DK
Question text: Which of these three statements is closest to your opinion? Statement 1: Democracy is preferable to any other kind of government. Statement 2: In some circumstances, a non-democratic government can be preferable. Statement 3: For someone like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have.
Question text: Which of the following statements do you agree with? Statement 1: People should participate in protest actions against the government, as this shows the government that the people are in charge. Statement 2: People should not participate in protest actions against the government, as it threatens stability in our country.
Note: The question was recoded. Option Agree with neither were grouped to DK
Question text: Did you vote in the parliamentary elections which was held on 31 October, 2020?
Question text: Would you say that those elections were conducted …
Question text: To what extent would you support Georgia’s membership in NATO? Would you fully support, support, partially support, partially not support, not support, or not support at all Georgia’s membership in NATO?
Question text: To what extent would you support Georgia’s membership in European Union? Would you fully support, support, partially support, partially not support, not support, or not support at all Georgia’s membership in European Union?
Question text: To what extent would you support Georgia’s membership in Eurasian Union? Would you fully support, support, partially support, partially not support, not support, or not support at all Georgia’s membership in Eurasian Union?
Question text: There are many political parties in Georgia. Which one is closest to you? We ask this for research purposes only, please be assured that we will keep this data confidential.
Note: Sequence of the answer options was rotated. Answer option 'Labor Party' grouped with 'other'. The variable is generated according to the answers to main and follow up questions. Follow up question was asked when respondents answered: 'There is no such party', 'Don't know', 'Refuse to answer'.
Question text: People have different opinions on what territories should be included within the boundaries of our countries. To what extent do you agree that the following should be included in the borders of our country? Do you agree completely (4), somewhat agree (3), somewhat disagree (2), or completely disagree (1)? - Areas that were recognized as our territory as the result of the dissolution of the Soviet Union
Question text: People have different opinions on what territories should be included within the boundaries of our countries. To what extent do you agree that the following should be included in the borders of our country? Do you agree completely (4), somewhat agree (3), somewhat disagree (2), or completely disagree (1)? - Areas where our compatriots live but currently are part of neighboring countries
Question text: People have different opinions on what territories should be included within the boundaries of our countries. To what extent do you agree that the following should be included in the borders of our country? Do you agree completely (4), somewhat agree (3), somewhat disagree (2), or completely disagree (1)? - Areas of neighboring countries where artefacts of our culture are located
Question text: People have different opinions on what territories should be included within the boundaries of our countries. To what extent do you agree that the following should be included in the borders of our country? Do you agree completely (4), somewhat agree (3), somewhat disagree (2), or completely disagree (1)? - Areas that are currently controlled by our government
Question text: Have you heard about the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh?
Question text: Do you agree or disagree that the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh was avoidable?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - Armenian authorities
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - Azerbaijani authorities
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - NKR authorities
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - Turkey
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - Russia
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - France
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - The United States
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - Georgia
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: How would you assess the role of the following in the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? As very positively (1), positively (2), negatively (3), or very negatively (4)? - The European Union
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: Please assess how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the implementation of the November 10 ceasefire agreement signed by Armenia and Azerbaijan with Russia’s mediation?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard about the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Abkhaz
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Arab
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Armenian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Assyrian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Azerbaijani
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Avar
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Georgian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Greek
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - English
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Kurdish languages (Zazaki, Kurmanji, etc.)
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Mingrelian (and Laz)
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Ossetian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Persian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Russian
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Svan
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Turkish
Question text: What languages do you use in your everyday life, such as to talk with your family members, friends, neighbors, or to do business? - Other
Question text: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belong to?
Note: Answer options: 'Roman Catholic Church', 'Protestant Church', 'Other Christian Church or group' were grouped to 'Other', 'Sunni Islam', 'Shia Islam' and 'Other Islamic branches' were grouped to 'Islam'.
Question text: Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who consider themselves as the members of any religious denomination. Answer options: 'Every day', 'More than once a week' and 'Once a week' were grouped as 'Once a week or more often'.
Question text: Could you please tell me how often do you use the internet? Do you use the internet
Note: Answer option 'I don't know what the internet is' was grouped with DK/RA
Question text: Question: Which TV station would you normally trust to for news and politics in Georgia? Follow up: We understand that you might not trust tv stations, although relative to other tv stations, which one would you trust the most?
Note: The variable is generated according to the answers to main and follow up questions. Follow up question was asked when respondents answered: 'I trust no TV station', 'Don't know', 'Refuse to answer'.
Question text: Were you or your household forced to move due to conflicts that have occurred in our country since 1989?
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