Frequency distribution (%) | |
Elementary occupation | 21 |
Service / sales worker | 18 |
Professional | 18 |
Craft and related trades worker | 16 |
Technician / Associate professional | 8 |
Clerical support worker | 4 |
Skilled agricultural / forestry / fishe | 4 |
Plant and machine operator / assembler | 4 |
Other | 6 |
DK/RA | 1 |
Question text: And which of the following best describes the job you do?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were employed
Options Armed forces occupation and Manager were grouped to Other
Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Armenia
Fieldwork Dates: October 26 2013 to November 21 2013