Frequency distribution (%) | |
Not worried at all | 56 |
2 | 5 |
3 | 11 |
4 | 6 |
Extremely worried | 19 |
Not aplicable | 1 |
DK/RA | 2 |
Question text: Now I will read out several sentences regarding the 44-Day War. Using this card, where 0 means “I’m not worried about it at all” and 10 means “I’m extremely worried” please tell me to what extent you are worried or not about the following… Disagreements with family members / relatives over domestic policy issues
Note: The question was recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Caucasus Barometer is the regular household survey about social-economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Armenia
Fieldwork Dates:
December 18, 2021 to February 28, 2022