Public attitudes in Georgia, June 2020
This research project is funded with UK aid from the British people and conducted by CRRC Georgia. Products produced on the website cannot be attributed to UK aid, the UK Government, or NDI. Please note that not all possible cross-tabulations may display statistically significant information.
Public attitudes in Georgia, June 2020
Question text: Settlement type
Question text: Respondent's sex
Question text: Respondent's age
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Colleagues
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Family members
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Neighbors, friends
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Internet (except social networks)
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Internet (social networks)
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Newspapers, news magazines
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Radio
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - TV
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Mobile applications (such as Viber, WhatsApp, Signal etc.)
Question text: What is your main source of information for receiving news about Coronavirus pandemic? - Other
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - Government
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - NCDC
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - Your religious leader/church
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - Journalists/media
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - Your local government (Sakrebulo, Mayor’s office)
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How much do you trust or distrust information about coronavirus received from following sources …? - NGOs
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: How often do you use the Internet? Do you use the Internet every day, at least once a week, at least once a month, less often, or never?
Question text: How often do you use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte etc.?
Note: Question was asked only to those who use internet
Question text: How often, if ever, do you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on social networks?
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus and use internet
Question text: How often, if ever, do you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on mobile apps (Viber, WhatsApp, Signal etc.)?
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak, do you generally find it …
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: A lot of information is circulating about coronavirus. Based on your observation:
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If it was shared by person that I don't trust
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If it was published by unfamiliar source
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If it was published by media that I don't trust
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If it doesn't reflect my opinions
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If I know for a fact that opposite is true
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - If it sounds suspicious/unrealistic
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: When you get news and information about the coronavirus outbreak on Facebook, how do you decide if a piece of information you encounter is false/fake? - Other
Note: Question was asked only to those who receive information about coronavirus on social networks
Question text: Do you believe the Lugar Lab is …
Question text: How important or unimportant is the Lugar Lab in fighting the coronavirus in Georgia?
Note: Question was asked only to those who think that Lugar lab is preventing the spread of coronavirus
Question text: Do you approve or disapprove of Georgian government’s stated goal to join the EU?
Question text: Thinking about the coronavirus pandemic, how did the pandemic change your attitudes towards EU?
Question text: Do you approve or disapprove of Georgian government’s stated goal to join the NATO?
Question text: Please tell me which of the following statements you agree with?
Question text: Do you agree very strongly with this statement or just agree with it?
Note: Question was asked only to those who agreed with one of the statements (Georgia will benefit more from European integration vs. better relations with Russia)
Question text: Do you think it is most likely the coronavirus …
Question text: Some people say that natural remedies (such as drinking hot water, vodka, eating garlic etc.) are effective in protecting against coronavirus and as a cure. Have you used any natural remedies for protection against coronavirus or as a cure?
Question text: To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Faith protects believers of my religion from getting infected with the coronavirus”
Question text: Do you think that a foreign country is intentionally spreading false information/disinformation about coronavirus in Georgia?
Question text: If yes, which country? - Russia
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - China
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - USA
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - Armenia
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - Azerbaijan
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - Turkey
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - EU countries
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: If yes, which country? - Other
Note: Question was asked only to those who said a foreign country is spreading false information about coronavirus
Question text: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - Russia is handling the coronavirus pandemic situation better than EU countries
Question text: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - EU has abandoned its member countries in fight against coronavirus
Question text: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - Biological weapons against Russia are being developed at Lugar lab
Question text: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - Russia is handling the coronavirus pandemic situation better than USA
Question text: So far, Georgia has relatively lower level of spread and mortality rate of coronavirus. Which of the following statements do you agree most with?
Question text: To the best of your knowledge, did the following countries provide help to Georgia to fight Coronavirus? - USA
Question text: To the best of your knowledge, did the following countries provide help to Georgia to fight Coronavirus? - Russia
Question text: To the best of your knowledge, did the following countries provide help to Georgia to fight Coronavirus? - China
Question text: To the best of your knowledge, did the following countries provide help to Georgia to fight Coronavirus? - EU countries
Question text: There is news circulating regarding the 5G technologies and coronavirus. Do you agree or disagree that 5G internet infrastructure is linked to the spread of coronavirus?
Question text: How concerned are you that you or someone related to you will be infected with the coronavirus?
Question text: If the Coronavirus vaccine existed, would you vaccinate yourself and your kids?
Question text: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?
Note: Question was recoded. Answer option 'Kurd or Yezidi' was added to other.
Question text: What is the highest level of education you have achieved to date?
Note: Did not obtain a nine year diploma', 'Nine year diploma', 'High school diploma (11 or 12 years)' were grouped to 'Secondary or lower', 'Vocational/technical degree' was coded as 'Secondary technical', 'Bachelor's degree/5 years diploma' and 'Any degree above bachelor's' were grouped to 'Higher than secondary'.
Question text: Using this CARD, please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in the following: Russian
Question text: Using this CARD, please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in the following: English
Question text: Using this CARD, please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in the following: Georgian
Note: This question was asked only when the interview was in Armenian, Azerbaijani or Russian
Question text: Using this CARD, please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in the following: Turkish
Question text: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself belong to?
Note: Question was recoded. Answer options 'Russian, Greek or other Orthodox Churches' and 'Other Christian Church or denomination' were added to other.
Question text: Using this card, apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services?
Note: Question was asked only to those who belong to any of the religious denominations
Question text: Did you attend Easter service in church?
Note: Question was asked only to those who named any of the Christian denominations
Question text: Which of the following best describes your situation? Please tell me about the activity that you consider to be primary.
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Refrigerator
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Color TV
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Smartphone (a phone with color display and with internet connection)
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Tablet computer (e.g. iPad, Galaxy Tab, Lenovo etc.)
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Car
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Air conditioner
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Automatic washing machine
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Personal computer, including laptop
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Hot water
Question text: Now, I will read you a series of household items. Please note that we are only interested in items that your household owns and that are in normal working order. Please tell me whether or not your household owns …? - Central heating
Found: 83 record(s)