მონაცემთა ბაზები
ქვეყანათაშორისი ბაზები
დროითი მწკრივები
ჩვენს შესახებ
კავკასიის ბარომეტრის დროითი მწკრივები - სომხეთი
კავკასიის ბარომეტრის დროითი მწკრივები - სომხეთი
ცვლადების გზამკვლევი
კავკასიის ბარომეტრის დროითი მწკრივები - სომხეთი
კავკასიის ბარომეტრის დროითი მწკრივები - სომხეთი
პასუხების ანალიზი
აირჩიეთ ცვლადი
RESPSEX: Respondent's gender
AGEGROUP: Age groups
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPEDU: Respondent's education
RESPMAR: Respondent's marital status
BUSINARM: Approval of doing business with Armenians
BUSINAZE: Approval of doing business with Azerbaijanis
BUSINGEO: Approval of doing business with Georgians
BUSINGRE: Approval of doing business with Greeks
BUSINJEW: Approval of doing business with Jews
BUSINKUR: Approval of doing business with Kurds, Yezidis
BUSINRUS: Approval of doing business with Russians
BUSINTUR: Approval of doing business with Turks
BUSINUSA: Approval of doing business with Americans
BUSINIRA: Approval of doing business with Iranians
BUSINITA: Approval of doing business with Italians
MARWARM: Approval of women marring Armenians
MARWAZE: Approval of women marring Azerbaijanis
MARWGEO: Approval of women marring Georgians
MARWGRE: Approval of women marring Greeks
MARWJEW: Approval of women marring Jews
MARWKUR: Approval of women marring Kurds, Yezidis
MARWRUS: Approval of women marring Russians
MARWTUR: Approval of women marring Turks
MARWUSA: Approval of women marring Americans
MARWIRA: Approval of women marrying Iranians
MARWITA: Approval of women marrying Italians
ACTCHAR: Activities during last 6 months: Made a contribution to a charity
ACTPBLM: Activities during last 6 months: Attended a public meeting
ACTREST: Activities during last 6 months: Went to a restaurant
ACTTHEA: Activities during last 6 months: Went to a theatre/cinema
ACTVLNT: Activities during last 6 months: Volunteered without compensation
ACTCHORE: Activities during last 6 months: Helped a neighbor/friend with household chores
ACTCLEAN: Activities during last 6 months: Cleaned/helped to clean public space
ACTDNCH: Activities during last 6 months: Donated money to a church / mosque
ACTINTNT: Activities during last 6 months: Made a comment in the Internet to a publication
ACTMEDIA: Activities during last 6 months: Written a letter / called a newspaper, TV or radio
ACTRESDT: Activities during last 6 months: Helped someone to resolve a dispute
FEELCLS: There are enough people I feel close to
FEELEMP: I experience a general sense of emptyness
FEELREJ: I often feel rejected
FEELRLY: There are plenty of people I can rely on
FEELTRU: There are many people I can trust completely
JUSABOR: Always justified/never justified: Having an abortion
JUSDVRS: Always justified/never justified: Getting a divorce
JUSSPOUS: Always justified/never justified: Cheating on one’s spouse
ICITGOV: Important for a good citizen - support the government on every occasion
ICITHELP: Important for a good citizen - support people who are worse off
ICITLAW: Important for a good citizen - always obey laws
ICITOPP: Important for a good citizen - be critical towards the government
ICITTRAD: Important for a good citizen - follow traditions
ICITVOTE: Important for a good citizen - vote in elections
IMPGCVW: Important for a good citizen - do volunteer work
FAIRTRT: People are treated fairly by the government?
GOVTROL: Government as parent vs government as employee
OBJCOUR: Is Armenia's court system partial or impartial?
PROTEST: Should people participate in protest actions?
OWNRSHP: Private ownership of business VS Government ownership of business
IDEALNCH: What is the ideal number of children per family?
FATEINLF: Perception of life
LIFESAT: Overall life satisfaction
RATEHAP: How happy would you say you are?
EXPREPN: Expectation: Close people will help repair apartment/house
EXPILL: Expectation: Close people take care when ill
EXPMON: Expectation: Close people lend money for a month for usual expenses
FREESPK: People have the right to openly say what they think?
GALLTRU: Most people can be trusted?
TRUARMY: Trust towards Army
TRUBANK: Trust towards Banks
TRUCRTS: Trust towards Courts
TRUEDUC: Trust towards Educational system
TRUEXEC: Trust towards Executive government
TRUHLTH: Trust towards Healthcare system
TRULOCG: Trust towards Local government
TRUMEDI: Trust towards Media
TRUNGOS: Trust towards NGOs
TRUOMB: Trust towards Ombudsman
TRUPARL: Trust towards Parliament
TRUPOLI: Trust towards Police
TRUPRES: Trust towards President
TRURELI: Trust towards Religious institutions
TRUPPS: Trust - Political parties
TRUSTEU: Trust towards EU
TRUSTUN: Trust towards UN
DISCPOL: How often do you discuss politics/current events with friends/close relatives?
DISCPRPR: Frequency of discussing private problems with close relatives and friends
CNTRDEM: How much of a democracy is Armenia today?
ELCOND: Fairness of the most recent elections
QUALINF: How well TV journalists inform the population about what is going on?
TVSRVPP: TV journalists serve interests of people like you?
VOTLELE: Did you vote in the last national elections?
VOTPRCP: Would you participate if national elections were next Sunday?
EUSUPP: Support of Armenia's membership in EU
NATOSUPP: Support of Armenia's membership in NATO
IMPISS1: Most important issue facing Armenia
IMPISS2: Second most important issue facing Armenia
ATTDEM: Attitude towards democracy
POLDIRN: Direction of national politics in Armenia
MAINFRN: Main friend of the country
MAINENEM: Main enemy of the country
NK4_1: Likely to find a solution to the conflict through peaceful negotiation
NK4_2: Likely to find a solution to the conflict through force
NK5AR_1: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh as a formal part of Armenia
NK5AR_2: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent country
NK5AR_3: Favor/not accept - Create a special administrative region that will be jointly governed by Azerbaijan and Armenia
NK5AR_4: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh with a high degree of autonomy within Azerbaijan
NK5AR_5: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan without autonomy
ECONSTN: HH economic sutation
CHLDFIN: Perceived financial situation of children
HAVEJOB: Do you have a job?
WORKSEC: Primary employment sector
WORKTYP: Status and type of primary workplace
WORKYRS: Duration of employment
JOBSATF: How satisfied are you with your job?
WORKVAL: I feel valued at work
FAIRCOM: I am fairly compensated
JBNEEDED: I am doing something that many people need
WORKRLT: Done unpaid or paid work for your family's or close relatives' business?
UNEMTYP: Type of unemployment
UNEMYRS: Duration of unemployment
LOOKJOB: Looking for a job during the past 4 weeks
INTSTJOB: Interested in a job
JOBSTART: Able to start working within the next 14 days
NOMONFD: Not enough money to buy food for past 12 months
OWEMON: Does anybody owe you money?
DEBTPERS: Do you have any personal debts?
DEBTSHH: Does HH have any debts?
HEATCCS: Heating with climate control system?
HEATCKS: Heating with coal / kerosene stove?
HEATELH: Heating with electric heater?
HEATGH: Heating with gas heater?
HEATGS: Heating with gas stove?
HEATOTH: Heating with other means of heating?
HEATPRCH: Heating with private central heating system
HEATPUCH: Heating with public central heating system
HEATWBS: Heating with wood burning stove
FOODDBT: Frequency of borrowing money for food
GETJOBF: The most important factor for getting a good job
JOBLOST: Any HH member lost job during the last 12 months?
LIMBEEF: Does HH limit consumption of beef?
LIMBRED: Does HH limit consumption of bread, pasta?
LIMELEC: Does HH limit consumption of electricity?
LIMFISH: Does HH limit consumption of fish?
LIMGASS: Does HH limit consumption of gas?
LIMMEAT: Does HH limit consumption of meat?
LIMMILK: Does HH limit consumption of butter, milk?
LIMPORK: Does HH limit consumption of pork?
LIMPOTA: Does HH limit consumption of potatoes?
LIMPOUL: Does HH limit consumption of poultry/chicken meat?
LIMSWEE: Does HH limit consumption of sweets and chocolates?
LIMTRAN: Does HH limit consumption of transportation?
LIMVEGS: Does HH limit consumption of fruit, vegetables?
LOANNUM: Have taken loan of more than USD 100?
OWNAIRC: Does HH own air conditioner?
OWNCARS: Does HH own Car?
OWNCELL: Does HH own Cell phone?
OWNCOMP: Does HH own Personal computer?
OWNCOTV: Does HH own Color TV?
OWNDIGC: HH owns - Digital photo camera
OWNDVDP: Does HH own DVD player?
OWNFRDG: Does HH own Refrigerator?
OWNLNDP: HH owns - Landline phone
OWNWASH: Does HH own Automatic washing machine?
CELLINT: HH has activated Internet access from cell phone
WEBHOME: HH has Internet access
PAYBRIB: Paid a bribe during the last 12 months
PERSINC: Personal income last month
SAVINGS: Does HH have any savings?
SAVPERS: Do you currently have any personal savings?
RELCOND: Perceived relative economic condition
SPENDMO: HH spending last month
CURRUNG: Current perceived economic rung
FUTRUNG: Perceived economic rung in 5 years
NYRRLPR: Expected income in the next year
CYRRLPR: Current income relative to the previous year
DWELOWN: Ownership status of the dwelling
BANKACC: Do you have a bank account?
UTILDBT: Frequency of borrowing money for utilities
MININCN: Desired minimal monthly income for normal life (USD)
MONYTOT: HH total monetary income last month
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
CAPTRIP: Traveled to the capital?
FORTRIP: Traveled outside the country?
FAMCLAB: Have family member or close relative currently living abroad
CLRLABR: Having a close relative currently living abroad
CLFRDAB: Close friends living abroad?
MIGSHRT: Would you leave Armenia for a certain period?
EMIGRAT: Would you leave Armenia forever?
FLMANDSC: Which foreign language should be mandatory in schools?
FRQINTR: Do you use the Internet?
NOINTWHY: Main reason for not using Internet
INTACBL: Most frequent Internet activity - Write / read other's blogs
INTACDW: Most frequent Internet activity - Visit dating websites
INTACEM: Most frequent Internet activity - Receive / send emails
INTACEN: Most frequent Internet activity - Download / Listen / Watch music/videos
INTACFD: Most frequent Internet activity - Engage in forum discussions
INTACGM: Most frequent Internet activity - Play online games
INTACIN: Most frequent Internet activity - Search for information
INTACNW: Most frequent Internet activity - Read / listen to / watch the news
INTACSH: Most frequent Internet activity - Shop
INTAIMSG: Most frequent internet activities - Use instant messenger (EXCEPT Skype)
INTACFB: Most frequent internet activities - Use Facebook
INTASCNA: Most frequent internet activities - Use other social networking sites
INTACSN: Most frequent internet activities - Use social networking site(s) other than Facebook (e.g. Odnoklassniki, MySpace, Google+, etc.)
INTASKY: Most frequent internet activities - Use Skype
INTACOT: Most frequent Internet activity - Other
NATLANG: Main language spoken at home as child
NEWHHJOB: Anyone in the HH started a new job in the last 12 months?
RELGION: Respondent's religion
RELFAST: How often do you fast?
RELIMP: How important is religion in your daily life?
RELSERV: Attendance of religious services
RLGIOUS: How religious would you say you are?
CIGAVGD: Do you smoke?
HLTHRAT: How would you rate your health?
KNOWENG: Knowledge of English
KNOWRUS: Knowledge of Russian
KNOWOTH: Knowledge of other foreign language
COMPABL: Knowledge of computer
RESPCOM: Respondent's behavior
RESPFRN: Respondent was friendly
RESPHOS: Respondent was hostile
RESPIMP: Respondent was impatient
RESPINL: Respondent's intelligence
RESPINT: Respondent was interested, involved
RESPSIN: Respondent's honesty
RESPSINC: Level of sincerity of the respondent
RESPWOR: Respondent was worried, nervous
FRQCLAR: Frequency of asking clarifications
FRQDIST: Frequency of the respondent being distracted
FRQKNOW: Frequency the respondent seemed to lack knowledge
FRQRLCT: Frequency of the respondent being reluctant
LISTENO: Anybody able to listen to the answers?
RESPTIR: How tired was respondent at the end of the interview?
INTLANG: Interview language
INTNUM: Number of people present during the interview
HHASIZE: Number of adult household members
HHSIZE: Number of HH members
აირჩიეთ ცვლადი
RESPSEX: Respondent's gender
AGEGROUP: Age groups
SETTYPE: Settlement type
RESPEDU: Respondent's education
RESPMAR: Respondent's marital status
BUSINARM: Approval of doing business with Armenians
BUSINAZE: Approval of doing business with Azerbaijanis
BUSINGEO: Approval of doing business with Georgians
BUSINGRE: Approval of doing business with Greeks
BUSINJEW: Approval of doing business with Jews
BUSINKUR: Approval of doing business with Kurds, Yezidis
BUSINRUS: Approval of doing business with Russians
BUSINTUR: Approval of doing business with Turks
BUSINUSA: Approval of doing business with Americans
BUSINIRA: Approval of doing business with Iranians
BUSINITA: Approval of doing business with Italians
MARWARM: Approval of women marring Armenians
MARWAZE: Approval of women marring Azerbaijanis
MARWGEO: Approval of women marring Georgians
MARWGRE: Approval of women marring Greeks
MARWJEW: Approval of women marring Jews
MARWKUR: Approval of women marring Kurds, Yezidis
MARWRUS: Approval of women marring Russians
MARWTUR: Approval of women marring Turks
MARWUSA: Approval of women marring Americans
MARWIRA: Approval of women marrying Iranians
MARWITA: Approval of women marrying Italians
ACTCHAR: Activities during last 6 months: Made a contribution to a charity
ACTPBLM: Activities during last 6 months: Attended a public meeting
ACTREST: Activities during last 6 months: Went to a restaurant
ACTTHEA: Activities during last 6 months: Went to a theatre/cinema
ACTVLNT: Activities during last 6 months: Volunteered without compensation
ACTCHORE: Activities during last 6 months: Helped a neighbor/friend with household chores
ACTCLEAN: Activities during last 6 months: Cleaned/helped to clean public space
ACTDNCH: Activities during last 6 months: Donated money to a church / mosque
ACTINTNT: Activities during last 6 months: Made a comment in the Internet to a publication
ACTMEDIA: Activities during last 6 months: Written a letter / called a newspaper, TV or radio
ACTRESDT: Activities during last 6 months: Helped someone to resolve a dispute
FEELCLS: There are enough people I feel close to
FEELEMP: I experience a general sense of emptyness
FEELREJ: I often feel rejected
FEELRLY: There are plenty of people I can rely on
FEELTRU: There are many people I can trust completely
JUSABOR: Always justified/never justified: Having an abortion
JUSDVRS: Always justified/never justified: Getting a divorce
JUSSPOUS: Always justified/never justified: Cheating on one’s spouse
ICITGOV: Important for a good citizen - support the government on every occasion
ICITHELP: Important for a good citizen - support people who are worse off
ICITLAW: Important for a good citizen - always obey laws
ICITOPP: Important for a good citizen - be critical towards the government
ICITTRAD: Important for a good citizen - follow traditions
ICITVOTE: Important for a good citizen - vote in elections
IMPGCVW: Important for a good citizen - do volunteer work
FAIRTRT: People are treated fairly by the government?
GOVTROL: Government as parent vs government as employee
OBJCOUR: Is Armenia's court system partial or impartial?
PROTEST: Should people participate in protest actions?
OWNRSHP: Private ownership of business VS Government ownership of business
IDEALNCH: What is the ideal number of children per family?
FATEINLF: Perception of life
LIFESAT: Overall life satisfaction
RATEHAP: How happy would you say you are?
EXPREPN: Expectation: Close people will help repair apartment/house
EXPILL: Expectation: Close people take care when ill
EXPMON: Expectation: Close people lend money for a month for usual expenses
FREESPK: People have the right to openly say what they think?
GALLTRU: Most people can be trusted?
TRUARMY: Trust towards Army
TRUBANK: Trust towards Banks
TRUCRTS: Trust towards Courts
TRUEDUC: Trust towards Educational system
TRUEXEC: Trust towards Executive government
TRUHLTH: Trust towards Healthcare system
TRULOCG: Trust towards Local government
TRUMEDI: Trust towards Media
TRUNGOS: Trust towards NGOs
TRUOMB: Trust towards Ombudsman
TRUPARL: Trust towards Parliament
TRUPOLI: Trust towards Police
TRUPRES: Trust towards President
TRURELI: Trust towards Religious institutions
TRUPPS: Trust - Political parties
TRUSTEU: Trust towards EU
TRUSTUN: Trust towards UN
DISCPOL: How often do you discuss politics/current events with friends/close relatives?
DISCPRPR: Frequency of discussing private problems with close relatives and friends
CNTRDEM: How much of a democracy is Armenia today?
ELCOND: Fairness of the most recent elections
QUALINF: How well TV journalists inform the population about what is going on?
TVSRVPP: TV journalists serve interests of people like you?
VOTLELE: Did you vote in the last national elections?
VOTPRCP: Would you participate if national elections were next Sunday?
EUSUPP: Support of Armenia's membership in EU
NATOSUPP: Support of Armenia's membership in NATO
IMPISS1: Most important issue facing Armenia
IMPISS2: Second most important issue facing Armenia
ATTDEM: Attitude towards democracy
POLDIRN: Direction of national politics in Armenia
MAINFRN: Main friend of the country
MAINENEM: Main enemy of the country
NK4_1: Likely to find a solution to the conflict through peaceful negotiation
NK4_2: Likely to find a solution to the conflict through force
NK5AR_1: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh as a formal part of Armenia
NK5AR_2: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent country
NK5AR_3: Favor/not accept - Create a special administrative region that will be jointly governed by Azerbaijan and Armenia
NK5AR_4: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh with a high degree of autonomy within Azerbaijan
NK5AR_5: Favor/not accept - Have Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan without autonomy
ECONSTN: HH economic sutation
CHLDFIN: Perceived financial situation of children
HAVEJOB: Do you have a job?
WORKSEC: Primary employment sector
WORKTYP: Status and type of primary workplace
WORKYRS: Duration of employment
JOBSATF: How satisfied are you with your job?
WORKVAL: I feel valued at work
FAIRCOM: I am fairly compensated
JBNEEDED: I am doing something that many people need
WORKRLT: Done unpaid or paid work for your family's or close relatives' business?
UNEMTYP: Type of unemployment
UNEMYRS: Duration of unemployment
LOOKJOB: Looking for a job during the past 4 weeks
INTSTJOB: Interested in a job
JOBSTART: Able to start working within the next 14 days
NOMONFD: Not enough money to buy food for past 12 months
OWEMON: Does anybody owe you money?
DEBTPERS: Do you have any personal debts?
DEBTSHH: Does HH have any debts?
HEATCCS: Heating with climate control system?
HEATCKS: Heating with coal / kerosene stove?
HEATELH: Heating with electric heater?
HEATGH: Heating with gas heater?
HEATGS: Heating with gas stove?
HEATOTH: Heating with other means of heating?
HEATPRCH: Heating with private central heating system
HEATPUCH: Heating with public central heating system
HEATWBS: Heating with wood burning stove
FOODDBT: Frequency of borrowing money for food
GETJOBF: The most important factor for getting a good job
JOBLOST: Any HH member lost job during the last 12 months?
LIMBEEF: Does HH limit consumption of beef?
LIMBRED: Does HH limit consumption of bread, pasta?
LIMELEC: Does HH limit consumption of electricity?
LIMFISH: Does HH limit consumption of fish?
LIMGASS: Does HH limit consumption of gas?
LIMMEAT: Does HH limit consumption of meat?
LIMMILK: Does HH limit consumption of butter, milk?
LIMPORK: Does HH limit consumption of pork?
LIMPOTA: Does HH limit consumption of potatoes?
LIMPOUL: Does HH limit consumption of poultry/chicken meat?
LIMSWEE: Does HH limit consumption of sweets and chocolates?
LIMTRAN: Does HH limit consumption of transportation?
LIMVEGS: Does HH limit consumption of fruit, vegetables?
LOANNUM: Have taken loan of more than USD 100?
OWNAIRC: Does HH own air conditioner?
OWNCARS: Does HH own Car?
OWNCELL: Does HH own Cell phone?
OWNCOMP: Does HH own Personal computer?
OWNCOTV: Does HH own Color TV?
OWNDIGC: HH owns - Digital photo camera
OWNDVDP: Does HH own DVD player?
OWNFRDG: Does HH own Refrigerator?
OWNLNDP: HH owns - Landline phone
OWNWASH: Does HH own Automatic washing machine?
CELLINT: HH has activated Internet access from cell phone
WEBHOME: HH has Internet access
PAYBRIB: Paid a bribe during the last 12 months
PERSINC: Personal income last month
SAVINGS: Does HH have any savings?
SAVPERS: Do you currently have any personal savings?
RELCOND: Perceived relative economic condition
SPENDMO: HH spending last month
CURRUNG: Current perceived economic rung
FUTRUNG: Perceived economic rung in 5 years
NYRRLPR: Expected income in the next year
CYRRLPR: Current income relative to the previous year
DWELOWN: Ownership status of the dwelling
BANKACC: Do you have a bank account?
UTILDBT: Frequency of borrowing money for utilities
MININCN: Desired minimal monthly income for normal life (USD)
MONYTOT: HH total monetary income last month
ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity
CAPTRIP: Traveled to the capital?
FORTRIP: Traveled outside the country?
FAMCLAB: Have family member or close relative currently living abroad
CLRLABR: Having a close relative currently living abroad
CLFRDAB: Close friends living abroad?
MIGSHRT: Would you leave Armenia for a certain period?
EMIGRAT: Would you leave Armenia forever?
FLMANDSC: Which foreign language should be mandatory in schools?
FRQINTR: Do you use the Internet?
NOINTWHY: Main reason for not using Internet
INTACBL: Most frequent Internet activity - Write / read other's blogs
INTACDW: Most frequent Internet activity - Visit dating websites
INTACEM: Most frequent Internet activity - Receive / send emails
INTACEN: Most frequent Internet activity - Download / Listen / Watch music/videos
INTACFD: Most frequent Internet activity - Engage in forum discussions
INTACGM: Most frequent Internet activity - Play online games
INTACIN: Most frequent Internet activity - Search for information
INTACNW: Most frequent Internet activity - Read / listen to / watch the news
INTACSH: Most frequent Internet activity - Shop
INTAIMSG: Most frequent internet activities - Use instant messenger (EXCEPT Skype)
INTACFB: Most frequent internet activities - Use Facebook
INTASCNA: Most frequent internet activities - Use other social networking sites
INTACSN: Most frequent internet activities - Use social networking site(s) other than Facebook (e.g. Odnoklassniki, MySpace, Google+, etc.)
INTASKY: Most frequent internet activities - Use Skype
INTACOT: Most frequent Internet activity - Other
NATLANG: Main language spoken at home as child
NEWHHJOB: Anyone in the HH started a new job in the last 12 months?
RELGION: Respondent's religion
RELFAST: How often do you fast?
RELIMP: How important is religion in your daily life?
RELSERV: Attendance of religious services
RLGIOUS: How religious would you say you are?
CIGAVGD: Do you smoke?
HLTHRAT: How would you rate your health?
KNOWENG: Knowledge of English
KNOWRUS: Knowledge of Russian
KNOWOTH: Knowledge of other foreign language
COMPABL: Knowledge of computer
RESPCOM: Respondent's behavior
RESPFRN: Respondent was friendly
RESPHOS: Respondent was hostile
RESPIMP: Respondent was impatient
RESPINL: Respondent's intelligence
RESPINT: Respondent was interested, involved
RESPSIN: Respondent's honesty
RESPSINC: Level of sincerity of the respondent
RESPWOR: Respondent was worried, nervous
FRQCLAR: Frequency of asking clarifications
FRQDIST: Frequency of the respondent being distracted
FRQKNOW: Frequency the respondent seemed to lack knowledge
FRQRLCT: Frequency of the respondent being reluctant
LISTENO: Anybody able to listen to the answers?
RESPTIR: How tired was respondent at the end of the interview?
INTLANG: Interview language
INTNUM: Number of people present during the interview
HHASIZE: Number of adult household members
HHSIZE: Number of HH members
'არ ვიცი' და 'უარი'-ს გარეშე
ცვლადების გზამკვლევი