Created with Highcharts 4.2.5AGEGROUP: Age group (%)33333418-3536-5556+

Təkrarlanma bölgüsü (%)

AGEGROUP: Age group

Sual mətni: Age group

Qeyd: The variable is generated from AGE variable, present in the original dataset

  • 18-35
  • 36-55
  • 56+

AGEGROUP digər məlumat seriyalarında:

Vahid məlumat seriyası
Ölkələr üzrə məlumat seriyası
Zaman üzrə məlumat seriyası

The Future of Georgia 2020

The Future of Georgia 2020

Cavabları təhlil et

  • The Future of Georgia project aims to understand significant issues in Georgia's recent past, to think about where Georgia is headed. The project is run in partnership with the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace Europe Office and the Levan Mikeladze Foundation. The project was financed by the Government of Sweden.

  • qeyd: In some cases the percentages do not add up to 100 due to decimal points and rounding.
  • Please use the following citation when citing data from ODA:

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers. (dataset year) "[dataset name - e.g. Caucasus Barometer]". Retrieved through ODA - on {date of accessing the database here}.