Cədvəllərin tərtib olunması (%) | Yes | No | DK/RA |
Secondary or lower | 19 | 71 | 10 |
Secondary technical | 34 | 58 | 9 |
Higher than secondary | 50 | 44 | 5 |
DK/RA | 0 | 62 | 38 |
Sual mətni: Last December, the Parliament of Georgia created the State Constitutional Commission to draft the Constitutional changes. In April the Commission adopted the Draft of Revision of the Constitution. Were you aware about this process?
Sual mətni: What is the highest level of education you have achieved to date?
Qeyd: Did not obtain a nine year diploma', 'Nine year diploma', 'High school diploma (11 or 12 years)' were grouped to 'Secondary or lower', 'Vocational/technical degree' was coded as 'Secondary technical', 'Bachelor's degree/5 years diploma' and 'Any degree above bachelor's' were grouped to 'Higher than secondary'.
Public attitudes in Georgia, June 2017
This research project is funded with UK aid from the British people and conducted by CRRC Georgia. Products produced on the website cannot be attributed to UK aid, the UK Government, or NDI. Please note that not all possible cross-tabulations may display statistically significant information.