ევროკავშირის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებისა და ცოდნის შეფასება საქართველოში, 2009

კვლევა სწავლობს საზოგადოებრივ წარმოდგენებს საქართველოს ევროპული ინტეგრაციისკენ მისწრაფების შესახებ, ხალხის მოლოდინსა და საზოგადოების აზრს ევროკავშირის ინსტიტუტებისა და ღირებულებებისა შესახებ, 2009

პასუხების ანალიზი

ევროკავშირის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებისა და ცოდნის შეფასება საქართველოში, 2009

კვლევა სწავლობს საზოგადოებრივ წარმოდგენებს საქართველოს ევროპული ინტეგრაციისკენ მისწრაფების შესახებ, ხალხის მოლოდინსა და საზოგადოების აზრს ევროკავშირის ინსტიტუტებისა და ღირებულებებისა შესახებ, 2009


ცვლადების გზამკვლევი

SETTYPE: Settlement type

შეკითხვის ტექსტი:

  • Capital
  • Urban
  • Rural

RESPSEX: Respondent's gender

შეკითხვის ტექსტი:

  • Male
  • Female

AGEGROUP: Age group

შეკითხვის ტექსტი:

  • 18-35
  • 36-55
  • 56+

HHSIZE: Number of household members

შეკითხვის ტექსტი:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 or more

INTERDP: Interest towards domestic policy of Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's domestic policy? Are you …

  • Not at all interested
  • Hardly interested
  • Quite interested
  • Very interested
  • DK/RA

INTERFP: Interest towards foreign policy of Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's foreign policy? Are you …

  • Not at all interested
  • Hardly interested
  • Quite interested
  • Very interested
  • DK/RA

NATCORR: Most important issue: corruption

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Corruption

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATNATO: Most important issue: NATO membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - NATO membership

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATPENS: Most important issue: pensions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Pensions

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATRU: Most important issue: relations with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Relations with Russia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATROP: Most important issue: property rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Property rights

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATEU: Most important issue: EU membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - EU membership

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATELECT: Most important issue: fairness of elections

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Fairness of elections

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATJOBS: Most important issue: jobs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - jobs

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATCOURT: Most important issue: court system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Court system

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATSPEECH: Most important issue: freedom of speech

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Freedom of speech

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATPOV: Most important issue: poverty

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Poverty

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATTERR: Most important issue: territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Territorial integrity

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATPRICE: Most important issue: rising prices

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Rising prices

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATHCARE: Most important issue: affordable healthcare

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Affordable healthcare

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATWAGES: Most important issue: salaries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Salaries

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NATOTHER: Most important issue: other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Other

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TIEAZ: Importance of strengthening ties with Azerbaijan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - Azerbaijan

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIENATO: Importance of strengthening ties with NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - NATO

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIERU: Importance of strengthening ties with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - Russia

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIEEU: Importance of strengthening ties with EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - EU

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIEAM: Importance of strengthening ties with Armenia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - Armenia

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIECIS: Importance of strengthening ties with CIS

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - CIS

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIETR: Importance of strengthening ties with Turkey

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - Turkey

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIEUS: Importance of strengthening ties with USA

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - USA

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

TIEUA: Importance of strengthening ties with Ukraine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion how important is it for Georgian government to strengthen the country's ties with the following states or entities? - Ukraine

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

WAREND: Who played the most important role in ending Russia-Georgia war?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, which of the following played the most important role in bringing the military conflict between Russia and Georgia to an end?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options NATO, OSCE were grouped with Other

  • United Nations
  • European Union
  • USA
  • France
  • Heads of 4 states who visited Georgia
  • None of the above
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

WAR5YRS: Georgia-Rusian war in the next 5 years

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how likely is it that a military confrontation between Georgia and Russia will happen again during next 5 years?

  • Not likely at all
  • Not likely
  • May happen
  • Will definitely happen
  • DK/RA

FRQR2: Frequency of keeping up politics on Rustavi-2

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Rustavi 2

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK/RA

FRQGPB1: Frequency of keeping up politics on GPB

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Georgian Public Broadcaster

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK/RA

FRQKAVK: Frequency of keeping up politics on Kavkasia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Kavkasia

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK/RA

FRQMAES: Frequency of keeping up politics on Maestro

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Maestro

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

FRQLOC: Frequency of keeping up politics on local/regional TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Local/regional TV

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

FRQRAD1: Frequency of keeping up politics on radio Channel One

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Radio Channel One

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

FRQRFE: Frequency of keeping up politics on radio Liberty

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Radio 'Tavisupleba (Liberty)

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

FRQPAP: Frequency of keeping up politics in newspapers

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - Newspapers

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

FRQINTRP: Frequency of keeping up politics in Internet

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources - The Internet

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Never
  • Only during particular political events
  • Less often
  • At least once a week
  • Daily
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTAGR: Support of the law on subtitles

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Recently, Parliament introduced a bill that will oblige television stations to use subtitles for foreign films, rather than voice translations. Do you support this policy or not?

  • სოციალური მედია
  • ტელევიზია
  • მეზობლები, მეგობრები
  • ინტერნეტი სოციალური მედიის გარდა
  • ოჯახის წევრები
  • თანამშრომლები
  • გაზეთები, ჟურნალები
  • რადიო
  • სხვა
  • არ მიესადაგება
  • არ ვიცი/უარი პასუხზე
  • RA

SUBTORG: Argument: Hear actor's real voice

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - You can enjoy films more when you hear the original actors. The voiceover spoken by the same person is not as natural

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTLANG: Argument: Make learning foreign languages easier

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - This policy of subtitling will teach people foreign languages easily

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTCHLD: Argument: Research showing subtitles help learning foreign languages

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - International research shows that subtitling teaches languages effectively, and also helps young children to learn to read quickly as they follow subtitles on television

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTSCAND: Argument: Success in Scandinavia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - Scandinavian countries have used this subtitling policy with great success. They are small and strong and they thrive because they are open to the world and know many languages

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTCULT: Argument: Foreign movies are not part of Georgian culture

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - Foreign-language films are not Georgian culture anyway. They can stay in foreign languages. If people want Georgian culture, they should watch Georgian films or read Georgian books

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTFUT: Argument: Keep pace with the world

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: The people that are proposing this measure are suggesting six main arguments. On a scale of one to five, how persuasive do you find each of their following arguments? One is not at all persuasive, ten is fully persuasive. - For the future of our economy and to create jobs, we should understand the newest technology. We need to keep up with the world and learn languages

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Not persuasive at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully persuasive
  • DK
  • RA

SUBTCHNG: Change view about the law on subtitles

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much did these arguments change your opinion about this policy?

  • Changed, now I like this idea
  • Not changed at all
  • Changed, now I dislike this idea
  • DK
  • RA

ICITHELP: Importance for good citizen to help poorer people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to support people who are worse off than themselves?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITVOTE: Importance for good citizen to vote

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to vote in elections?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

ICITPROT: Importance for good citizen to participate in protests

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to participate in protest actions against the government?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

ICITLAW: Importance for good citizen to obey laws

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to always obey laws and regulations?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

ICITTRAD: Importance for good citizen to protect traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to keep their traditions?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITOPIN: Importance for good citizen to form views independently

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to form their own opinions, independently of others?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITVOLNT: Importance for good citizen to work as volunteer

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to work as volunteer?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

ICITOPP: Importance for good citizen to be critical towards government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to be critical towards the government?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTHELP: Justified: receiving undeserved help from a state

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Receiving help from the state when you do not deserve it

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK/RA

JUSTTAX: Justified: avoiding paying taxes whenever possible

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Avoiding paying taxes when possible

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK/RA

JUSTSTOL: Justified: buying a stolen thing

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Buying something, that you know is stolen

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTTEST: Justified: giving a testimony to police voluntarily

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Giving testimony to the police voluntarily if you are witness of a crime

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTLIE: Justified: Lying for own benefit

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Lying for your own benefit

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTCRIM: Justified: discussing problem with criminal authority

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Consulting with a criminal authority about a problem that you have

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTMAN: Justified: Love affair of married man

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Love affair of a married man

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTWOM: Justified: Love affair of married woman

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Love affair of a married woman

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTWOMSEX: Justified: woman having sex before marriage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Woman having a sexual relationship before marriage

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTWOMCH: Justified: woman bearing a child without marriage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Woman giving birth to a child without being married

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTBRIBE: Justified: receiving bribes

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Receiving bribes

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK/RA

JUSTHOMO: Justified: homosexuality

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified are following activities? - Homosexuality

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

FEELTRU: There are many people I can trust completely

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me to what extant does each describe your feelings? - There are many people I can trust completely

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELEMP: I experience a general sense of emptiness

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me to what extant does each describe your feelings? - I experience a general sense of emptiness

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK
  • RA

FEELCLS: There are quite a lot of people I feel close to

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me to what extant does each describe your feelings? - There are enough people I feel close to

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

DEMGE: How democratic Georgia is

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Using this card, please tell me, which statement you agree with?

  • Not a democracy and never will be
  • Might become a democracy but not developing
  • Not a democracy yet is developing
  • Democracy already but still needs improvement
  • Democracy already and needs no improvement
  • DK/RA

ELECRUN: Each adult could stand as candidate

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Every adult citizen had the right to run for office

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

ELECSEC: Voting was secret

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - The ballot was secret

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

VOTERFR: Voters were free from intimidation and pressure

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Voters were not intimidated or pressured

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

ELECEQP: All parties/candidates had equal possibilities to campaign for elections

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - All parties/candidates had equal opportunities to campaign

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

ACMEDIA: Parties/candidates had equal access to media during election campaigns

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Each party/candidate had equal access to the media

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

ELADMBS: Election administration was politically impartial

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Election administration was politically impartial

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

COURIMP: Courts handled election disputes impartially

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Courts handled election disputes impartially

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

VOTECNT: Votes were counted correctly

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about May 2008 parliamentary elections, please tell me, how much do you agree with the following statements? - Votes were counted correctly

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EUIWSG: Pro-European: Industry Will Save Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Industry Will Save Georgia

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUDMUG: Pro-European: Democratic Movement-United Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Democratic Movement-United Georgia

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUNR: Pro-European: New Rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - New Rights

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUFUG: Pro-European: For United Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - For United Georgia

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUFP: Pro-European: Freedom Party

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Freedom Party

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUUNM: Pro-European: United National Movement

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - United National Movement

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUNF: Pro-European: National Forum

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - National Forum

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUCP: Pro-European: Conservative Party

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Conservative Party

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUPMDG: Pro-European: Movement Protect Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Movement Protect Georgia

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EULB: Pro-European: Labor Party

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Labour Party

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUOGFD: Pro-European: Our Georgia-Free Democrats

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Our Georgia - Free Democrats

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUGW: Pro-European: Georgia's Way

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Georgia's Way

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUGT: Pro-European: Georgian Group

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Georgian Group

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUCDM: Pro-European: Christian-Democratic Movement

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Christian-Democrats

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUREP: Pro-European: Republicans

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Republicans

  • Not at all pro-European
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUPF: Pro-European: Future's Party

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Future's Party

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUWP: Pro-European: Women's Party

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - Women's Party

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

EUFFG: Pro-European: For Fair Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning not pro-European at all and 5 meaning very pro-European, please indicate where you would place the following political parties? - For a Fair Georgia

  • Not pro-European at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very pro-European
  • DK
  • RA

TRUARMY: Trust: army

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. - Army

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUBANK: Trust: banks

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Banks

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUEDUC: Trust towards Educational system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Educational system

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUHLTH: Trust: healthcare system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Healthcare system

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUCRTS: Trust: courts

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Courts

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA


შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - NGOs

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUPARL: Trust: parliament

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Parliament

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUEXEC: Trust: executive government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Executive government

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUPRES: Trust: president

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - President

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUPOLI: Trust: police

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Police

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUMEDI: Trust: media

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Media

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRURELI: Trust: religious institutions you belong to

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Religious institutions you belong to

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUOMB: Trust: ombudsman

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Ombudsmen

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUSTEU: Trust: European Union

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - European Union

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUSTUN: Trust: United Nations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - United Nations

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUNATO: Trust towards NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - NATO

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUPOLP: Trust towards Political parties

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Political parties

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUR2: Trust towards Rustavi2 TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Rustavi 2

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUGPB1: Trust towards GPB

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Georgian Public Broadcaster

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUKAVK: Trust towards Kavkasia TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Kavkasia

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUMAES: Trust towards Maestro TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Maestro

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUIMD: Trust towards Imedi TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please assess your trust toward each of these social institutions, political unions or a TV channel on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully trust. - Imedi

  • Fully distrust
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

POLUNIO: Citizens can form or join political parties without any restrictions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - Citizens have the right to create or join political parties

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

POLNGOS: Citizens have the right to establish or join NGOs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - Citizens have the right create or join NGOs and associations

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

POLSAY: Citizens have the right to openly say what they think

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - Citizens have the right to openly say what they think

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

POLMNR: Minorities have the right to offer their candidacies

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - Representatives of ethnical, cultural and religious minorities have the right to declare their candidacy during elections

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

WINNERG: The winner of elections is entitled to govern Georgia as he/she feels fit

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - The one who wins the presidential elections has the right to rule country as he/she wishes

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

COURINF: Courts are under the government influence

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - Courts are free from political pressure

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EXECPUN: High officials are not punished for unlawful actions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - High officials are punished for illegal actions

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

POLMEDI: Major TV channels are independent from the government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When speaking about Georgian political system, please tell me, to what extant does each of the following statements describe reality? - TV channels are independent from the government

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

FAIRTRT: People like you are treated fairly by the government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Under the present system of government in Georgia, to what extent do you agree or disagree that people like yourself are treated fairly by the government?

  • Fully disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

GOVTROL: Government as parent VS government as employee

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements you agree with and to what level: 1. People are like children, the government should take care of them like a parent 2. The government is like an employee, the people should be the bosses who control the government

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Agree very strongly with Statement 1 and Agree with Statement 1 were grouped with Parent, options Agree with Statement 2 and Agree very strongly with Statement 2 were grouped with Employee, Agree with neither was grouped with DK

  • Parent
  • Employee
  • DK
  • RA

PARTYSUPP: Which party represents your interests best of all?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me which political party represents your interest most of all

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Industry will save Georgia, Democratic Movement - United Georgia, New Rights, For United Georgia, Freedom Party, Conservative Party, Georgia's Way, Republicans, Future's Party, For Fair Georgia were grouped with Other

  • UNM
  • National Forum
  • MovementDefend Georgia
  • Labour Party
  • Our Georgia - Free Democrats
  • Christian-Democrats
  • Other
  • None
  • DK
  • RA

POLTSUPP: Which politician represents your interests best of all?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me which politician represents your interests most of all

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Zurab Tkemaladze, Nino Burjanadze, Davit Gamkrelidze, Irakli Okruashvili, Koko Gamsakhurdia, Gubaz Sanikidze, Kakha Shartava, Zviad Dzidziguri, Salome Zurabishvili, Davit Usupashvili, Gigi Ugulava, Davit bakradze, Zurab Noghaideli, Gia Maisashvili were grouped with Other

  • Mikheil Saakashvili
  • Levan Gachechiladze
  • Shalva Natelashvili
  • Irakli Alasania
  • Giorgi Targamadze
  • Other
  • None
  • DK
  • RA

GEOAID: What would help Georgia the most?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what would be the most important international aid for Georgia?

შენიშვნა: The qeustion was recoded. Options Improving infrastructure, Improving protection of environment and Building democratic institutions were grouped with Other

  • Simplifying visa and travel procedures
  • The EU membership
  • Restoring territorial integrity
  • NATO membership
  • Creating jobs
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EDUQSEC: Quality of secondary education after 2004

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, in your opinion, has the quality of secondray education in Georgia since the 2004 educational reforms improved, stayed the same or worsened

  • Worsened
  • Stayed the same
  • Improved
  • DK/RA

EDUSCTUT: School vs Tutor

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following statements do you agree with? 1. The education offered in schools is adequate to prepare pupils for university 2. Pupils can be prepared for university ONLY if they have private tutors in addition to education offered in schools

  • School enough
  • Tutoring is necessary
  • DK
  • RA

EDUQHIG: Quality of higher education after 2004

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, in your opinion, has the quality of higher education in Georgia since 2004 educational reform improved, stayed the same or worsened?

  • Worsened
  • Stayed the same
  • Improved
  • DK
  • RA

EDUEUL: Every Georgian student should know a western European language

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that in order to receive education corresponding to European standards, every Georgian student should know one of the European languages and read academic literature in this language?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK/RA

EDUUNI: Georgian professors give good education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that majority of the professors working at Georgian universities give a good education to students?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK
  • RA

MEMBREU: Is Georgia currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To the best of your knowledge, is Georgia currently a member of the EU?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK/RA

MEMBRCOE: Is Georgia currently a member of the Council of Europe?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To the best of your knowledge, is Georgia currently a member of the Council of Europe?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGEHRD: Have you heard about Georgia-EU agreement on partnership and cooperation?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you heard about Georgia-EU agreement on partnership and cooperation?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPNATO: Important for Georgia: NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - NATO

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPOSCE: Important for Georgia: OSCE

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPUN: Important for Georgia: UN

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - United Nations (UN)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPCIS: Important for Georgia: CIS

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPIMF: Important for Georgia: IMF

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPWB: Important for Georgia: World Bank

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - World Bank

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPEU: Important for Georgia: EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - European Union (EU)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPWTO: Important for Georgia: WTO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPCOE: Important for Georgia: Council of Europe

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - Council of Europe

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPOECD: Important for Georgia: OECD

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPGUAM: Important for Georgia: GUAM

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - GUAM

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPUEFA: Important for Georgia: UEFA

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - UEFA

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPBSEC: Important for Georgia: BSEC

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - BSEC

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPOTHR: Important for Georgia: Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - Other

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

IMPNONE: Important for Georgia: None

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me the three the most important international organizations or entities for Georgia? - None

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMMGE: What does the EUMM do in Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To the best of your knowledge, what does the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) do in Georgia?

  • Supports democratic and market-oriented reforms
  • Supports regional cooperation in South Caucasus
  • Supports strengthening ties with EU in high education
  • Supports regulation of situation in war-affected places
  • DK
  • RA

EUSPECR: What does EU special representative do in Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To the best of your knowledge, what does the EU Special Representative in the South Caucasus (Peter Semneby) do in Georgia?

  • Supports democratic and market-oriented reforms
  • Supports regional cooperation in South Caucasus
  • Supports strengthening ties with EU in high education
  • Supports regulation of situation in war-affected places
  • DK
  • RA

EUEPGE: What will be the result of Eastern Partnership for Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what will be the result program of Eastern Partnership for Georgia?

  • EU membership
  • Political and economic integration with the EU
  • Improvement of relations with Russia
  • Restoration of territorial integrity
  • NATO membership
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFPAP: Information on EU from newspapers

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Newspapers

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFRAD: Information on EU from radio

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Radio

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFINT: Information on EU from Internet

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Internet

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFEC: Information on EU from EC delegation to Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - EC Delegation to Georgia

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFJOB: Information on EU from Job

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Place of work

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFEMB: Information on EU from embassies/international organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Embassies/International Organizations

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFSCH: Information on EU from school or university

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - School or university

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFTV: Information on EU from TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Television

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFREL: Information on EU from friends, relatives, colleagues

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Friends, relatives, colleagues

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFGOV: Information on EU from Georgian governmental organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Georgian governmental organizations

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFNGO: Information on EU from Georgian NGOs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Georgian non-governmental Organizations

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFPOS: Information on EU from information booklets

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: A number of sources offer information on the EU. How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a '1' to '5' scale where '1' is No information at all and '5' is A lot of information - Posters

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFMOR: Would you like to get more information about the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to get more information about the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFTRD: Information you would like to get on EU: Georgia-EU trade relations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Georgia-EU trade relations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFEDU: Information you would like to get on EU: EU education programs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU education programs

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFCLT: Information you would like to get on EU: EU cultural programs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU cultural programs

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFENR: Information you would like to get on EU: effective energy consumption in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Effective energy consumption in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFLAW: Information you would like to get on EU: rule of law in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Rule of law in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFSOP: Information you would like to get on EU: social protection in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Social protection in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFSAL: Information you would like to get on EU: salaries in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Salaries in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFMAR: Information you would like to get on EU: job market in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Job market in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFVIS: Information you would like to get on EU: getting a visa for EU countries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Getting visa for EU countries

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFINS: Information you would like to get on EU: EU institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU institutions

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFHLT: Information you would like to get on EU: EU healthcare system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - The EU healthcare system

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFCON: Information you would like to get on EU: EU's role in conflict resolution

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - The EU's role in conflict resolution

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUGETTV: Would like to get information from television

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Television

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUGETRAD: Would like to get information from radio

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Radio

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETPAP: Would like to get information from newspapers

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Newspapers

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETINT: Would like to get information from Internet

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Internet

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETEC: Would like to get information from EC Delegation to Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - EC Delegation to Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETJOB: Would like to get information from workplace

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Place of work

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETEMB: Would like to get information from embassies/international organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Embassies/International Organizations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETSCH: Would like to get information from school or university

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - School or university

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETREL: Would like to get information from friends/relatives/colleagues

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Friends, relatives, colleagues

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETGOV: Would like to get information from Georgian governmental organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Georgian governmental organizations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETNGO: Would like to get information from Georgian NGOs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Georgian nongovernmental organizations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGETPOS: Would like to get information from posters

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - Posters

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETCEN: Would like to get information from EU information centers

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which source would you like to get information about the EU? - EU information centers

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to get more information about the European Union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUROPEAN: I am Georgian, and therefore I am European

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do agree or disagree with the statement by a Georgian politician in the Council of Europe: I am Georgian, and therefore I am European?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK
  • RA

EUNATOIM: EU membership is more important for Georgia than joining NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What do you think about the statement by one Georgian politician that EU membership is more important for Georgia than joining NATO?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK
  • RA

EUWORK: Would you like to go to a European country to work?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to go to a European country to work?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUWORKC: Which country would be your first choice to work?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If yes, what would be your first choice to work?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to go to work in a European country
The question was recoded. Options Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia were grouped with Other

  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Great Britain
  • Other EU country
  • DK
  • RA

EUSTUDY: Would you like to go to a European country to study?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to go to a European country to study?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUSTUDYC: Which country would be your first choice to study?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If yes, what would be your first choice to study?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to go to study in a European country
The question was recoded. Options Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal were grouped with Other

  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Great Britain
  • Other EU country
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVE: Would you like to permanently settle in an EU country?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If you had the opportunity, would you like to permanently settle in an EU country?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEC: Which country would be your first choice to settle permanently?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If yes, what would be your first choice to settle permanently?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country
The question was recoded. Options Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Poland, Sweden, Great Britain, Spain were grouped with Other

  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Great Britain
  • Other EU country
  • Spain
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVELA: Why would you choose the country? - Speak the language

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Speak the language

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVECU: Why would you choose the country? - Like the culture

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Like the culture

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEMO: Why would you choose the country? - Can make the most money there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Can make the most money there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEQU: Why would you choose the country? - Quality of life is the best there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Quality of life is the best there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEFM: Why would you choose the country? - I have friends/family there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - I have friends or family there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEVI: Why would you choose the country? - Easy to get a visa

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Easy to get a visa

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEJO: Why would you choose the country? - Easy to get a job

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Easy to get a job

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents who would like to settle permanently in a European country

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUGEREL: Relationship between Georgia and EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Nowadays, would you say that the relationship between Georgia and EU is…

  • Very bad
  • Quite bad
  • Neutral
  • Quite good
  • Very good
  • DK/RA

GEEUSUPP: Majority of Georgian citizens support Georgia becoming a EU member state

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that the majority of Georgian citizens ...

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUCITJOI: Majority of European citizens would like Georgia to join the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that the majority of European citizens would like Georgia to join the European Union?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUSTAJOI: All EU member states would like Georgia to join the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that all the European Union member states would like Georgia to join the European Union?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUPERC: In general, what is your perception of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In general, what is your perception of the EU?

  • Very negative
  • Rather negative than positive
  • Neutral
  • Rather positive than negative
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMGE: Should Georgia be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Georgia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMTR: Should Turkey be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Turkey

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMAM: Should Armenia be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Armenia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMAZ: Should Azerbaijan be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Azerbaijan

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMUA: Should Ukraine be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Ukraine

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMMD: Should Moldova be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Moldova

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMBY: Should Belarus be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Belarus

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMRU: Should Russia be in the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, should the following countries be in the European Union? - Russia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLUS: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with the US

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United States

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLEU: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLRU: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Russia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLTR: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Turkey

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Turkey

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLUA: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Ukraine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Ukraine

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLCN: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with China

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - China

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLKZ: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Kazakhstan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Kazakhstan

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLAM: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Armenia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Armenia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLAZ: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Azerbaijan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Azerbaijan

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOUS: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with the US

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United States

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOEU: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - European Union

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECORU: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Russia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOTR: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Turkey

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Turkey

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOUA: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Ukraine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Ukraine

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOCN: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with China

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - China

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOKZ: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Kazakhstan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Kazakhstan

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOAM: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Armenia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Armenia

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GEECOAZ: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Azerbaijan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Azerbaijan

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUMEMVOT: If there was referendum tomorrow, would you vote for or against EU membership?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on the question of the Georgia's membership of the EU, would you personally vote for or against it?

  • For EU membership
  • Against EU membership
  • Would not vote at all
  • DK
  • RA

NATOMEMV: If there was referendum tomorrow, would you vote for or against NATO membership?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on the question of the Georgia's membership of the NATO, would you personally vote for or against it?

  • For NATO membership
  • Against NATO membership
  • Would not vote at all
  • DK
  • RA

MEMFIRST: Which organization should Georgia join first - NATO or EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, which, if any, organization should Georgia join first - the NATO or the EU?

  • NATO
  • EU
  • None
  • DK
  • RA

EUENLIMP: How the EU enlargement has affected Georgia's chances of joining the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 2004 the European Union enlarged from 15 to 27 countries. How would you say this enlargement affected Georgia's chances of joining the European Union?

  • Significantly decreased
  • Rather decreased
  • No effect
  • It rather increased
  • It significantly increased
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUDEM: Georgia ready for EU: formation of democratic institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Formation of democratic institutions

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEULAW: Georgia ready for EU: rule of law

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Rule of law

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUHR: Georgia ready for EU: protection of human rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Protection of human rights

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUMIN: Georgia ready for EU: protection/respect of minority rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Protection and respect of minorities

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUECO: Georgia ready for EU: competitive economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Competitive economy

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEULEG: Georgia ready for EU: harmonization of legislation

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Harmonization of legislation

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUPREP: When will Georgia be ready to join the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When, if ever, do you think Georgia will be prepared to join the European Union?

  • In 5 years or less
  • In 5-10 years
  • In more than 10 years
  • Never
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUMEMB: When will Georgia join the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When, if ever, do you think Georgia will actually join the European Union?

  • In 5 years or less
  • In 5-10 years
  • In more than 10 years
  • Never
  • DK
  • RA

GEEURU: How will deeper cooperation with the EU impact Georgia's relations with Russia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If Georgia further deepens cooperation with the EU, how do you think it would impact Georgia's relations with Russia?

  • Very negatively
  • More negatively than positively
  • Not at all
  • More positively than negatively
  • Very positively
  • DK/RA

EUDEMORG: The EU is a democratic organization

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU is a democratic organization

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUSECURT: The EU is a source of peace and security in Europe

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU is a source of peace and security in Europe

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUTHREAT: The EU threatens Georgian traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU threatens Georgian traditions

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUDEMABR: The EU promotes and supports democracy in countries outside EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU promotes and supports democracy in countries outside EU

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUEMPIRE: The EU is a new form of empire

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU is a new form of empire

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUECOABR: The EU promotes the economic development of countries outside EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU promotes the economic development of countries outside EU

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUANYCOU: The EU is open to accepting any European country as its member

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Now I will read out some statements about the EU. Do you tend to agree or disagree with the statements? - The EU is open to accepting any European country as it's a member

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNCOR: Result of EU membership: level of corruption

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of corruption

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPEN: Result of EU membership: pensions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Pensions

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPRO: Result of EU membership: protection of property rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Protection of property rights

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNELE: Result of EU membership: possibility of conducting fair elections

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Possiblity of conducting fair elections

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNJOB: Result of EU membership: number of available jobs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Jobs

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNCOU: Result of EU membership: independence of court

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Independence of courts

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNSPE: Result of EU membership: level of freedom of speech

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of freedom of speech

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPOV: Result of EU membership: level of poverty

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of poverty

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNTER: Result of EU membership: possibility of restoring territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Possiblity of restoration of territorial integrity

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPRI: Result of EU membership: prices on main products

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Prices on main products of consumption

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNHLT: Result of EU membership: affordability of healthcare

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Affordability of healthcare

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNINC: Result of EU membership: level of personal income

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of personal income

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNSEC: Result of EU membership: level of national security

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of national security

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNMIG: Result of EU membership: number of potential emigrants

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Number of people who want to emigrate

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNEDU: Result of EU membership: quality of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Quality of education

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNMIN: Result of EU membership: level of protection of minorities

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of protection of minorities

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNTRA: Result of EU membership: respect for Georgian traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will descrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Respect for Georgian traditions

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENBUS: Benefit or be disadvantaged: businessmen

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Businessmen

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENPOL: Benefit or be disadvantaged: politicians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Politicians

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENPEN: Benefit or be disadvantaged: pensioners

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Pensioners

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENUNE: Benefit or be disadvantaged: unemployed people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Unemployed people

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENQUA: Benefit or be disadvantaged: qualified personnel

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Qualified workforce

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENNOQ: Benefit or be disadvantaged: unqualified workforce

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Unqualified workforce

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENSTU: Benefit or be disadvantaged: students

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Students

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARENV: Barriers: problems in protection of environment

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Problems in protection of environment

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARADM: Barriers: lack of professionalism in public administration

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of professionalism in public administration

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARGOV: Barriers: lack of political will from the government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of political will from the government

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARSUP: Barriers: lack of population supporting EU membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of population supporting EU membership

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARFIN: Barriers: lack of financial resources

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of financial resources

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARCON: Barriers: unresolved conflicts

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Unresolved conflicts

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARINV: Barriers: lack of international investments

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of international investments

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARCIV: Barriers: underdeveloped civil society

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Underdeveloped civil society

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARLAW: Barriers: lack of rule of law

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of rule of law

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARDEM: Barriers: lack of democracy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of democracy

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBAREDU: Barriers: low level of education among citizens

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Low level of education among citizens

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARMIG: Barriers: illegal migration

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Illegal migration

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARECO: Barriers: underdeveloped economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Non-copmetitive economy

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARINS: Barriers: political instability

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Political instability

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARRU: Barriers: Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBAROTH: Barriers: other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

DECUNEM: Who should be responsible for unemployment?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Unemployment

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECENVI: Who should be responsible for protection of environment?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Environmental Protection

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECECON: Who should be responsible for economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Economic

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • DK
  • RA

DECCRIM: Who should be responsible for organized crime?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Organized crime

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECFPOL: Who should be responsible for foreign policy towards countries outside the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Foreign policy towards countries outside the European Community

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECHUMR: Who should be responsible for human rights?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Human rights

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECDRUG: Who should be responsible for fighting against drugs?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Drugs

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECTERR: Who should be responsible for fighting against international terrorism?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - International terrorism

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECSECR: Who should be responsible for security and defense?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Security and defense

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECREGD: Who should be responsible for regional development?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Regional development

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECAGRI: Who should be responsible for agriculture?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Agricultural

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECHLTH: Who should be responsible for health and social welfare?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Health and social welfare

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECENRG: Who should be responsible for energy?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Energy

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECEDUC: Who should be responsible for education?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Education

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECIMMG: Who should be responsible for immigration and refugees?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Immigration and refugees

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

MARSTAT: Respondent's marital status

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what is your marital status?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Option Divorced was grouped with Separated

  • Married
  • Separated
  • Single
  • Widowed
  • Other
  • RA

HHSCHOL: School age child in HH

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you have a school-aged child in your household?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

HHUNIV: Do you have a university student in your household?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you have a student studying at the University in your household?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Ossetian and Russian were grouped with Other ethnicity

  • Armenian
  • Azerbaijani
  • Georgian
  • Other ethnicity
  • DK
  • RA

IDENTITY: Respondent's self-identification

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How do you identify yourself? As

  • Only [respondent's ethnicity]
  • [Respondent's ethnicity] and European
  • Only European
  • Asian
  • Caucasian
  • [Respondent's ethnicity] and Asian
  • [Respondent's ethnicity] and Caucasian
  • Other
  • DK/RA

KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - Russian

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - English

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • DK
  • RA

KNOWFRN: Respondent's ability in French

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - French

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

KNOWGER: Respondent's ability in German

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - German

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

KNOWOTE: Respondent's ability in other European language

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - Other European Language

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

INTREXP: Respondent's experience with the Internet

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following best describes your experience with the Internet?

  • Personal regular access
  • Irregular access
  • Have accessed, rare usage
  • Never used, asks frends/relatives
  • Never used, asks to no one
  • DK
  • RA

HAVEJOB: Do you have a job?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you have a job? This job may be part-time or full-time, you may be officially employed, informally employed, or self-employed, but it brings you monetary income

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GETJOBO: Most important obstacle for getting a job in Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following factors do you consider most important obstacle for getting a job in Georgia?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Lack of connections, Lack of computer knowledge, Lack of knowledge of foreign languages, Lack of formal education, Corruption in state organizations, Lack of experience, I do not know where to look for a job were grouped with Other

  • Lack of connections
  • Lack of computer knowledge
  • Lack of knowledge of foreign languages
  • Lack of formal education
  • Corruption in state organizations
  • Lack of experience
  • I do not know where to look for a job
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

RELGION: Respondent's religion

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself as belonging to?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Other Christian Church, Judaism were grouped with Other

  • Armenian Apostolic Church
  • Georgian, Russian or Greek Orthodox Church
  • Islam
  • Other
  • DK/RA

RELSERV: How often do you attend religious services?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, how often do you attend religious services?

  • Once a week or more often
  • At least once a week
  • Only on special religious holidays
  • Less often
  • Never
  • DK/RA

RELIMP: To what extent do your religious beliefs help you make decisions in daily life?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To what extent do your own religious beliefs help you to make decisions in daily life? Please place your answer on a scale of 1 to 5, with '1' meaning that your own religious beliefs are not at all an important influence on your decisions in daily life, and '5' meaning that your own religious beliefs are a very important influence on decisions in your daily life

  • Not important at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

SPENDMO: HH average monthly expenditure during last year

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, approximately how much did your household spend per month during last year?

  • More than 951 GEL
  • 751-950 GEL
  • 551-750 GEL
  • 351-550 GEL
  • 151-350 GEL
  • Up to 150 GEL
  • DK
  • RA

INCENOUG: Sufficiency of income for HH

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, to what extent is your current income enough for your household?

  • Is not enough at all
  • Is hardly enough
  • Is enough
  • Is absolutely enough
  • DK
  • RA

CURRUNG: HH's current economic rung

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Let's imagine there is a 5-step ladder reflecting the economic standing of all households in Georgia today. The first rung of this ladder corresponds to the lowest possible economic position in society, while the 10th rung corresponds to the highest possible position. Which rung of this ladder do you think your household stands on currently?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale to 5-point scale

  • Lowest economic position in society
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Highest economic position in society
  • DK
  • RA

EDUDGR: Respondent's level of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options No education, Primary education, Incomplete secondary education, Completed secondary education were grouped with Secondary or lower, options Incomplete higher education, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree - to Higher education

  • Secondary or lower
  • Secondary technical
  • Higher education
  • DK/RA

FEELMSS: I lack people around me

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me, to what extant does each describe your feelings? - I miss having people around

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELRLY: There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me, to what extant does each describe your feelings? - There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELREJ: I often feel rejected

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: For each of the following statements, please tell me, to what extant does each describe your feelings? - I often feel rejected

  • Does not describe at all
  • Rather does not describe than describes
  • Rather describes than does not describe
  • Fully describes
  • DK
  • RA

LIVED93: You/family member lived in EU for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or any member of your household lived in the current European Union member states for 3 months or more?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

LIVEDAT: You/family member lived in Austria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Austria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDBE: You/family member lived in Belgium for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Belgium for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDBG: You/family member lived in Bulgaria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Bulgaria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDCY: You/family member lived in Cyprus for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Cyprus for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDCZ: You/family member lived in Czech Republic for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Czech Republic for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDDK: You/family member lived in Denmark for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Denmark for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDEE: You/family member lived in Estonia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Estonia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDFI: You/family member lived in Finland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Finland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDFR: You/family member lived in France for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in France for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDDE: You/family member lived in Germany for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Germany for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDGR: You/family member lived in Greece for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Greece for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDHU: You/family member lived in Hungary for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Hungary for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDIE: You/family member lived in Republic of Ireland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Republic of Ireland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDIT: You/family member lived in Italy for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Italy for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDLV: You/family member lived in Latvia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Latvia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDLT: You/family member lived in Lithuania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Lithuania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDLU: You/family member lived in Luxembourg for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Luxembourg for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDMT: You/family member lived in Malta for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Malta for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDNL: You/family member lived in Netherlands for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Netherlands for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDPL: You/family member lived in Poland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Poland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDPT: You/family member lived in Portugal for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Portugal for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDRO: You/family member lived in Romania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Romania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDSK: You/family member lived in Slovakia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Slovakia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDSL: You/family member lived in Slovenia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Slovenia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDES: You/family member lived in Spain for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Spain for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDSE: You/family member lived in Sweden for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in Sweden for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

LIVEDUK: You/family member lived in the United Kingdom for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member lived in the United Kingdom for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member lived in a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVEL93: You/family member ever traveled to EU since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the current EU countries?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELAT: You/family member traveled to Austria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Austria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELBE: You/family member traveled to Belgium for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Belgium for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELBG: You/family member traveled to Bulgaria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Bulgaria for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELCY: You/family member traveled to Cyprus for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Cyprus for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELCZ: You/family member traveled to Czech Republic for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Czech Republic for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELDK: You/family member traveled to Denmark for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Denmark for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELEE: You/family member traveled to Estonia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Estonia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELFI: You/family member traveled to Finland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Finland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELFR: You/family member traveled to France for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to France for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELDE: You/family member traveled to Germany for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Germany for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELGR: You/family member traveled to Greece for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Greece for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELHU: You/family member traveled to Hungary for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Hungary for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELIE: You/family member traveled to Republic of Ireland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Republic of Ireland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELIT: You/family member traveled to Italy for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Italy for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELLV: You/family member traveled to Latvia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Latvia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELLT: You/family member traveled to Lithuania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Lithuania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELLU: You/family member traveled to Luxembourg for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Luxembourg for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELMT: You/family member traveled to Malta for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Malta for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELNL: You/family member traveled to Netherlands for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Netherlands for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELPL: You/family member traveled to Poland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Poland for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELPT: You/family member traveled to Portugal for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Portugal for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELRO: You/family member traveled to Romania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Romania for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELSK: You/family member traveled to Slovakia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Slovakia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELSL: You/family member traveled to Slovenia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Slovenia for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELES: You/family member traveled to Spain for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Spain for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELSE: You/family member traveled to Sweden for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to Sweden for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELUK: You/family member traveled to the United Kingdom for 3 months or more since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you/family member traveled to the United Kingdom for 3 months or more since 1993?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to those respondents whose household member traveled to a current EU country since 1993

  • Yes
  • No

TRAVELUS: You/family member traveled to the United States since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - United States

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVELRU: You/family member traveled to Russia since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Russia

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVELTR: You/family member traveled to Turkey since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Turkey

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVELUA: You/family member traveled to Ukraine since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Ukraine

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVELIL: You/family member traveled to Israel since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Israel

  • Yes
  • No
  • RA

TRAVELOT: You/family member traveled to any other country since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Any other country not yet mentioned

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

BUSINFRE: Approve doing business French

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with French

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINENG: Approve doing business English

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with English

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINUSA: Approve doing business Americans

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Americans

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINRUS: Approve doing business Russians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Russians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINTUR: Approve doing business Turks

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Turks

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINIRA: Approve doing business Iranians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Iranians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINARM: Approve doing business Armenians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Armenians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINAZE: Approve doing business Azerbaijanis

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Azerbaijanis

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINGEO: Approve doing business Georgians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Georgians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINABK: Approve doing business Abkhaz

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Abkhaz

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINOSS: Approve doing business Ossetians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Ossetians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINITA: Approve doing business Italians

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Italians

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINSPA: Approve doing business Spanish

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Spanish

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINPOL: Approve doing business Poles

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Poles

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINGRE: Approve doing business Greeks

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Greeks

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

BUSINJEW: Approve doing business Jews

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of people of your ethnicity doing business with Jews

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

MARWFRE: Approve women marrying French

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying French

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWENG: Approve women marrying English

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying English

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWUSA: Approve women marrying American

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying American

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWRUS: Approve women marrying Russian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Russian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWTUR: Approve women marrying Turk

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Turk

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWIRA: Approve women marrying Iranian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Iranian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWARM: Approve women marrying Armenian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Armenian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWAZE: Approve women marrying Azerbaijani

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Azerbaijani

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWGEO: Approve women marrying Georgian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Georgian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK/RA

MARWABK: Approve women marrying Abkhaz

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Abkhaz

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWOSS: Approve women marrying Ossetian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Ossetian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWITA: Approve women marrying Italian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Italian

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWSPA: Approve women marrying Spanish

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Spanish

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWPOL: Approve women marrying Pole

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Pole

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWGRE: Approve women marrying Greek

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Greek

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

MARWJEW: Approve women marrying Jew

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you approve of a woman of your ethnicity marrying Jew

  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • DK
  • RA

მოიძებნა: 437 შედეგი