Within the project “Facilitating Implementation of Reforms in the Judiciary”, implemented by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in cooperation with the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), CRRC-Georgia conducted a survey among Georgian-speaking adult residents of Georgia regarding population’s perception of justice and its attitudes towards judges, the court system and knowledge of it.
Within the project “Facilitating Implementation of Reforms in the Judiciary”, implemented by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in cooperation with the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), CRRC-Georgia conducted a survey among Georgian-speaking adult residents of Georgia regarding population’s perception of justice and its attitudes towards judges, the court system and knowledge of it.
Sual mətni: Settlement type
Sual mətni: Respondent's sex
Sual mətni: Age group
Qeyd: The variable is generated from AGE variable, present in the original dataset
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - NATO membership
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Corruption
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Low pensions
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Relations with Russia
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Protection of property rights
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Ensuring fairness of elections
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Unemployment
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Independence of courts
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Freedom of speech
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Protection of human rights
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Poverty
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Territorial integrity
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Rising prices
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Affordability of healthcare
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Low wages
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Independence of journalists
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Quality of education
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - EU Membership
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Political stability in Georgia
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which problem do you think is currently the most important in Georgia? - Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Which is your main source of information about current events in Georgia? Please name only your main source of information.
Sual mətni: Which is your main source of information about what is happening in Georgian courts?
Sual mətni: To what extent at you interested in what is happening in Georgian courts? Please use this card, where code ‘1’ means ‘Not interested at all,’ and code ‘10’ means ‘Very interested’.
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: What comes to your mind first, when you hear “judiciary in Georgia”?
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Judges?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Prosecutors?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Lawyers?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Parliament?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Prime Minister?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust President?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Prosecutor’s Office?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust City/district courts?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Courts of appeal?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Supreme court?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust High Council of Justice?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Police?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Public defender?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Ministry of Justice?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: I will read out a list of organizations and professional groups. Please assess your trust toward each of them using this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Fully distrust,” and code ‘10’ means “Fully trust”. If you have not heard about any of the organizations or professional groups, tell me you have not heard of them. How much do you trust or distrust Non-governmental organization?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Please tell me, in your opinion, how does the Georgian court system work now?
Sual mətni: Please tell me whether the following is true or false: The President of Georgia is the Head of the High Council of Justice.
Sual mətni: Is the Prime Minister of Georgia legally allowed to dismiss the Supreme Court of Georgia?
Sual mətni: According to law, who appoints the Head of the Supreme Court?
Sual mətni: According to law, who appoints judges of city/district courts?
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Knowledge of legislation
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Honesty
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Relevant experience
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Mental stability
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Useful connections at the HCOJ
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Useful connections in political circles
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: In your opinion, of the list on the card, what is mainly taken into consideration when appointing city/district court judges? - Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
Sual mətni: Today interviews with the candidates for judges is held at the closed session of the High Council of Justice, in order to protect their personal data. However, people can attend the interviews with the consent of the candidate. In your opinion, interviews with candidates for judges should be held in an open or a closed meeting?
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Judges who are appointed for life time will be more independent. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Judges won't be afraid of losing their position, so it will be less likely to put pressure on them. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Judges who are appointed for life time will work better. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Judges who are appointed for life time will be corrupted. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Lifetime appointment of judges will lead to biased judges working in courts until the retirement age. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Part of the ongoing court system reform is lifetime appointment of judges. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements - Lifetime appointment of judges will lead to new candidates having less chances to become judges. Use this card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree”
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Have you heard of the High Council of Justice?
Sual mətni: In your opinion, should meetings of the High Council of Justice be open or closed for Media?
Sual mətni: In your opinion, should meetings of the High Council of Justice be open or closed for Anyone willing to attend the meeting?
Sual mətni: Have you heard of the introduction of the electronic system of case distribution in courts? Case distribution means which case filed to court is given to which judge for discussion.
Sual mətni: According to your information, what is the primary goal of the introduction of the electronic system of case distribution in courts?
Sual mətni: Do you know that institution of an independent inspector was created in the court system?
Sual mətni: According to your information, what is the main function of the independent inspector?
Sual mətni: In 2010, jury trials were introduced in Georgia. What, do you think, is the result of introduction of jury in Georgia?
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion: “In Georgia, everyone is equal before the law”. Please use this CARD, where ‘1’ means “Completely disagree” and ‘10’ means “Completely agree”.
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion: “Bringing a case to the court will make the problem worse”
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that judges in Georgia are professional? Please use this card, where ‘1’ means ‘Completely disagree’ and ‘10’ means “Completely agree”.
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that judges in Georgia are fair? Please use the same card.
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that, overall, the judges are independent in Georgia?
Sual mətni: In your opinion, whom or what do the Georgian judges depend on most?
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who disagreed the statement that overall, the judges are independent in Georgia
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that judges in Georgia take bribes?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Have you heard about the specific case when a judge took a bribe during the last 5 years?
Sual mətni: In your opinion, how often do the judges make mistakes that let guilty people go free? Please use this card, where '1' means Never and '10' means Always.
Sual mətni: In your opinion, how often do the judges make mistakes that lead to non-guilty people's conviction? Please use this card, where '1' means Never and '10' means Always.
Sual mətni: In your opinion, during the last 5 years, the court system in Georgia improved, stayed the same or worsened?
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see improvement - The court system is fair
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see improvement -The court system is transparent
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see improvement -The court system treats all citizen equally
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see improvement -The court system is independent
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see improvement - Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system is politicized
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system is unfair
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system is corrupted
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system does not treat all citizen equally
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system is not competent
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - The court system is governed by influential groups
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: Please name areas where you see things are worse - Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has worsened
Sual mətni: In your opinion, which institution is primarily responsible for changes in the court system after 2012?
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who said that the court system has improved or worsened
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that judges in Georgia serve the government’s interests? Please, use the 10-point scale from the card where 1 means “Completely disagree” and 10 means “Completely agree
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the opinion that before 2012 judges in Georgia served interests of the government in power at that time?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Suppose two people - one rich, one poor - each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty?
Qeyd: These are two separate cases but on the same type of convictions
Sual mətni: Suppose two people – one of them ethnic Georgian, another one a representative of an ethnic minority group living in Georgia – each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty?
Qeyd: These are two separate cases but on the same type of convictions
Sual mətni: Suppose two people - one of them Orthodox, another one representative of another religion living in Georgia - each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty?
Qeyd: These are two separate cases but on the same type of convictions
Sual mətni: Now suppose two people - one of them heterosexual, another one representative of a sexual minority living in Georgia - each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty?
Qeyd: These are two separate cases but on the same type of convictions
Sual mətni: And finally suppose two people - one of them having close people in political circles, another one having no close ones in political circles - each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty?
Qeyd: These are two separate cases but on the same type of convictions
Sual mətni: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “When a person sues a private business, the judge will generally favor the private business over the person”? Please use this CARD, where ‘1’ means “Completely disagree” and ‘10’ means “Completely agree”.
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: And to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “When a person sues a state body, the judge will generally favor the state body over the person”? Please use the same CARD.
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Using the same card to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “When a person sues his/her neighbor over a land plot, the judge will generally favor the plaintiff”?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: Suppose a person accused the police in putting drugs in his/her pocket and says he/she is not guilty. Using this card where 1 means “Not fair at all” and 10 means “Completely fair” please tell me how fair or unfair will the judge be while deciding this case?
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Girgvliani case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Vano Merabishvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Mikheil Saakashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Magda Papidze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? David Saralidze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? R-2 case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Smith family case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Tatunashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Mamaladze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Machalikashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took a fair decision on? Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Girgvliani case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Vano Merabishvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Mikheil Saakashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Magda Papidze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? David Saralidze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? R-2 case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Smith family case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Tatunashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Mamaladze case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Machalikashvili case
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: For the last 5 years, which well known case can you recall that the court took an unfair decision on? Other
Qeyd: Respondents could name up to three answers
The question was opened for respondents and they could come up with the answer options
Sual mətni: Have you, your family member, your close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5years? If “Yes”, whom? - Yes, me
Sual mətni: Have you, your family member, your close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5years? If “Yes”, whom? - Yes, family member
Sual mətni: Have you, your family member, your close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5years? If “Yes”, whom? - Yes, a close relative
Sual mətni: Have you, your family member, your close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5years? If “Yes”, whom? - Yes, a close friend
Sual mətni: Having any court experience over 5 years
Qeyd: The variable is generated from the following variables: Court experience over 5 years: Yes, me, Court experience over 5 years: Yes, family member, Court experience over 5 years: Yes, a close relative, Court experience over 5 years: Yes, a close friend. Who answered 'yes' on these questions they were grouped as people, who had any court experience over 5 years.
Sual mətni: Speaking about the most recent case, what kind of case was it?
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents, who himself, family member, close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5 years.
Sual mətni: In your opinion, did the process last …
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents, who himself, family member, close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5 years.
Sual mətni: In whose favor was the court decision made?
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents, who himself, family member, close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5 years.
Sual mətni: How fair do you think the decision of the court was? Please use this CARD, where code ‘1’ means “Not fair at all” and ‘10’ means “Completely fair”.
Qeyd: Answer options were recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale. The question was asked to the respondents, who himself, family member, close relative or close friend had any court experience during the last 5 years.
Sual mətni: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Sual mətni: Have you received education in law?
Sual mətni: Of the list on the card, which corresponds to your occupation the best? Please choose the main occupation.
Sual mətni: What is the sector of your employment?
Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who said that they work full time or part time (even if respondent is a pensioner or a student), including seasonal work or they are self-employed (even if respondent is a pensioner or a student), including seasonal work
Sual mətni: Speaking about your personal monetary income last month, after all taxes were paid, which of the groups on this CARD does your income belong to?
Sual mətni: Household income is a sum of monetary income of all household members. Speaking about monetary income of all your household members last month, after all taxes were paid, to which of the following groups does your household belong?
Sual mətni: Imagine your child wants to become a lawyer. Would you approve or disapprove his/her decision?
Qeyd: If a respondent already has a lawyer child, interviewers asked if he/she approves of his/her career choice.
Sual mətni: Please tell me the main reason why you would approve his/her decision?
Qeyd: The percents are counted out of them who said that they would approve their child's decision to become a lawyer.
Sual mətni: Please, think of: defense lawyers, prosecutors, and judges. Out of these three professions, which would you prefer as a future profession for your child?
Qeyd: The percents are counted out of them who said that they would approve their child's decision to become a lawyer.
Sual mətni: Please tell me the main reason why you would disapprove his/her decision?
Qeyd: The percents are counted out of them who said that they would disapprove their child's decision to become a lawyer.
Sual mətni: Household size
Sual mətni: Number of adults per household
Tapıldı: 148 qeydlər