Cross tabulation (%)CapitalUrbanRural
Social media463321
Internet, EXCEPT social media322939
Family members12880
Neighbors, friends81775

SETTYPE: Settlement type

Question text: Settlement type

  • Capital
  • Urban
  • Rural

SETTYPE in other datasets:

Single datasets
Cross-country datasets
Time-series datasets

INFSOU1: First main source of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events?

Question text: What are your main sources of information for receiving news about Georgia's current events? Please tell me, which is your first main source of information.

Note: Answer options 'Radio' and 'Newspapers, news magazines' were grouped to 'Other'.

  • TV
  • Social media
  • Internet, EXCEPT social media
  • Family members
  • Neighbors, friends
  • Colleagues
  • Other
  • DK/RA

INFSOU1 in other datasets:

Single datasets
Cross-country datasets
Time-series datasets

Caucasus Barometer 2024 Georgia

Caucasus Barometer is the regular household survey about social-economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates: April 16, 2024 to May 13, 2024

Analyze responses

  • Note: In some cases the percentages do not add up to 100 due to decimal points and rounding.
  • Please use the following citation when citing data from ODA:

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers. (dataset year) "[dataset name - e.g. Caucasus Barometer]". Retrieved through ODA - on {date of accessing the database here}.