Gender Equality Attitudes Study (GEAS) in Georgia was commissioned by UN Women with the generous support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and conducted by CRRC-Georgia. The survey measures the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and gender-based stereotypes in Georgia.
Gender Equality Attitudes Study (GEAS) in Georgia was commissioned by UN Women with the generous support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and conducted by CRRC-Georgia. The survey measures the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and gender-based stereotypes in Georgia.
Question text: Settlement type
Question text: Respondent's sex
Question text: Respondent's age
Question text: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?
Note: The question was recoded. 'Russian', 'Kurd' and 'Yezidi' were grouped to 'Other ethnicity'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy it is for most women to get quality education in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy it is for most men to get quality education in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy it is for you to get quality education in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - It is more important for a boy to get a university education than a girl
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community, most people believe that it is more important for a boy to get a university education than a girl
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for most women to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for most men to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for you to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for ethnic minority women to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for ethnic minority men to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for women with disability to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for men with disability to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for sexual minority women (lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex) who do not hide their sexual orientation to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card please tell me, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me, in general, how easy is it for sexual minority men (gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex) who do not hide their sexual orientation to be hired as a skilled worker in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - For the same job, men should be paid more than women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - A woman should not earn more than her husband?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - It is natural for men to earn more than women, as men should be the main providers?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - Having a paid job is the best way for a woman to be an independent person?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - Women cannot take on certain professions?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In working environments, women are less self-confident than men?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - When a mother works for pay, the children suffer?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - When a father works for pay, the children suffer?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - A man’s job is to earn money, a woman’s job is to look after the house and the family?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - Women should work less and devote more time to caring for their families?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In general, men are better business executives than women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - Service jobs (e.g. secretarial, administrative, cleaning) are better suited for women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that when a mother works for pay, the children suffer?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that when a father works for pay, the children suffer?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that a man’s job is to earn money and that a woman’s job is to look after the house and the family?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that women should work less and devote more time to caring for their families?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that in general, men are better business executives than women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, most people believe that service jobs (e.g. secretarial, administrative, cleaning) are better suited for women?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement - In my community, women are told that leadership/top management is not for them?
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very bad and ‘10’ means very good please tell me, in general, how would you rate the quality of basic health care for most women in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Poor', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Excellent'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very bad and ‘10’ means very good please tell me, in general, how would you rate the quality of basic health care for most men in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Poor', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Excellent'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very bad and ‘10’ means very good please tell me, in general, how would you rate the quality of basic health care for you in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Poor', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Excellent'.
Question text: How would you rate the quality of family planning services (for example, the quality of consultation with a gynaecologist that involves providing information on the use of contraceptives, pregnancy planning and abortion, etc.) in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Poor', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Excellent'.
Question text: When you are sick or want medical advice, do you have a regular doctor or healthcare provider you usually go to, or not?
Question text: Do you get medical check-ups regularly when you are not sick?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with this statement? - It is important for women to have access to family planning (Services related to family planning include consultation with a gynecologist that involves providing information on the use of contraceptives, pregnancy planning and abortion, etc.)
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for women to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for men to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for ethnic minority women to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for ethnic minority men to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for sexual minority women (lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex) who do not hide their sexual orientation to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how easy is it for sexual minority men (gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex) who do not hide their sexual orientation to run for elected office in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Involvement of more women in politics would benefit the country
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Men in politics can sufficiently represent the interests of women
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Women in politics can sufficiently represent the interests of men
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In general, men are better political leaders than women
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community most people believe that men are better political leaders than women
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - School principal
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - CEO of a private company
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - Head of medical institutions
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - Mayor of the city
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - MP
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - Speaker of the Parliament
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - Minister / Cabinet Member
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - President
Question text: All things being equal, would you support candidates from various groups for the following positions…? - Prime Minister
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Family obligations
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of interest
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of education
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of experience
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Negative perceptions about politicians
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of self-confidence
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of connections/networking
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Traditional views on women’s and men’s roles
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Male domination in politics
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of financial resources/support necessary to stand for election
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of solidarity between women
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Common perception in public that there is no place for women in politics
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Avoiding responsibilities
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of encouragement and support from their families and communities
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Lack of support from political party
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Aggressive nature of politics in Georgia
Question text: In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for women in Georgia to engage in politics? - Other
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Family support
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Safe environment
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Good connections
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Good financial resources
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Solidarity between women
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Support from the political party
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Equal opportunities to succeed
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Increased public support for women in politics
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Quotas
Question text: Please tell me, in your opinion what would encourage more women to engage in politics? - Other
Question text: In your opinion, do Georgian male politicians treat their female colleagues as equals or not?
Question text: In your opinion, do Georgian female politicians treat their male colleagues as equals or not?
Question text: Do you agree with the statement that the more women there are in parliament, the greater influence they will have on political priorities and policy?
Question text: What kind of impact would increased number of women in politics have on Georgia? Would it have …
Question text: How interested would you say you are in politics? You are …
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how much influence do most women in Georgia have on their decision of whom to marry?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'. The respodents were able to choose up to five.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how much influence do most men in Georgia have on their decision of whom to marry?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'. The respodents were able to choose up to five.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me in general, how much influence do you in Georgia have on their decision of whom to marry?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'. The respodents were able to choose up to five.
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Good manners
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Independence
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Hard work
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Feeling of responsibility
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Imagination
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Tolerance and respect for other people
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Thrift, saving money and things
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Determination, perseverance
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Religious faith
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Unselfishness
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Obedience
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Fairness
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a girl to have? - Caring for others
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Good manners
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Independence
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Hard work
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Feeling of responsibility
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Imagination
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Tolerance and respect for other people
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Thrift, saving money and things
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Determination, perseverance
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Religious faith
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Unselfishness
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Obedience
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Fairness
Question text: I will read out the list of qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home. Which five traits would you say are the most desirable for a boy to have? - Caring for others
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - My family supports me to pursue my own activities
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Being in a bad marriage is better for a woman than being single
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Being in a bad marriage is better for a man than being single
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Women should be free to make choices regarding their marriage – if they marry at all as well as when and whom they marry
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In order to preserve the family, the husband should endure a lot from his spouse
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In order to preserve the family, the wife should endure a lot from her spouse
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Changing diapers, giving the kids a bath and feeding the kids are mothers’ responsibility
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Men should have the final say in the family
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community, most people believe that women should be free to make choices regarding their marriage – if they marry at all as well as when and whom they marry
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community, most people believe that in order to preserve the family, the wife should endure a lot from her spouse
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community, most people believe that men should have the final say in the family
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Men think that taking care of children is women’s responsibility
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Employers are against it
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Men have too much work to do and cannot afford it
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Men are not aware of the option of paternity leave
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Men think that their male friends / other community members will make fun of them
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Women prefer to take care of children themselves
Question text: Today in Georgia, men rarely take maternity leave to take care of their children. What do you think, why do men not take paternity leave? - Other
Question text: In case when both parents work, who should take day off/sick leave if a child gets sick?
Question text: If there is only one child in a family, what gender would you prefer?
Question text: If there is only one child in a family, what gender would most of the people in your community prefer?
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means None and ‘10’ means A lot control please tell me in general, how much control do most women in Georgia have have over their lives?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means None and ‘10’ means A lot control please tell me in general, how much control do most men in Georgia have have over their lives?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means None and ‘10’ means A lot control please tell me in general, how much control do you have have over their lives?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your opinion, how justifiable is it for women to have sexual relationship before marriage?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your opinion, how justifiable is it for men to have sexual relationship before marriage?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your community, how justifiable is it for women to have sexual relationship before marriage?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your community, how justifiable is it for men to have sexual relationship before marriage?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your opinion, how justifiable is it for women to have several sexual partners during the lifetime?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me in your opinion, how justifiable is it for men to have several sexual partners during the lifetime?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me, in your community how justifiable is it for women to have several sexual partners during the lifetime in your community?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means Not justifiable at all and ‘10’ means Completely Justifiable please tell me, in your community how justifiable is it for men to have several sexual partners during the lifetime in your community?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not justifiable at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Somewhat justifiable' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely Justifiable'.
Question text: Please tell who is responsible for avoiding pregnancy?
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very unsafe and ‘10’ means very safe please tell me in general, how SAFE are most women in Georgia when they are in their home? By safe, we mean free from physical, mental, or emotional harm
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Unsafe', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Safe'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very unsafe and ‘10’ means very safe please tell me in general, how SAFE are most men in Georgia when they are in their home? By safe, we mean free from physical, mental, or emotional harm.
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Unsafe', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Safe'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very unsafe and ‘10’ means very safe please tell me in general, how SAFE are most women in Georgia when they are in the public space? By safe, we mean free from physical, mental, or emotional harm
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Unsafe', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Safe'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very unsafe and ‘10’ means very safe please tell me in general, how SAFE are most men in Georgia when they are in the public space? By safe, we mean free from physical, mental, or emotional harm
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Unsafe', 4-6 was recoded as 'Adequate' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Safe'.
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - A woman should be able to refuse sex with her husband/partner
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - Women call attention to themselves based on how they dress
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - It is appropriate for men to discuss a female colleague’s appearance at work
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - There are acceptable circumstances for someone to hit their spouse or partner
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The violence between husband and a wife is private matter and other should not intervene
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community most people believe that there are acceptable circumstances for a man to hit his spouse/partner
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In my community most people believe that the violence between husband and wife is private matter and other should not intervene
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me please in general, how easy is it for most women in Georgia to BUY PROPERTY in their own name?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means very difficult and ‘10’ means very easy please tell me please in general, how easy is it for most men in Georgia to BUY PROPERTY in their own name?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Difficult', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Easy'.
Question text: In your opinion, who should receive inheritance (house, land and other property) from parents - a girl, a boy or should it be divided equally?
Question text: In your community, mostly who inherits (house, land and other property) from parents – a girl, a boy or both equally?
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means none and ‘10’ means a lot please tell me, in general, how much control do most women in Georgia have over their personal finances?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'Some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means none and ‘10’ means a lot please tell me, in general, how much control do most men in Georgia have over their personal finances?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'Some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: Using this card, where ‘0’ means none and ‘10’ means a lot please tell me, in general, how much control do you have over your personal finances?
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'None', 4-6 was recoded as 'Some' and 7-10 was recoded as 'A lot'.
Question text: In your community who decides matters like taking a loan or pledge of property to secure a loan?
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - It is essential for society to treat women as equal to men
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In the media in Georgia, women are typically portrayed in traditional female roles: wife, mother, caregiver or other supporting part
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In the media in Georgia, men are typically portrayed in traditional male roles: as breadwinner, as provider for the family, as a leader or as a businessman
Question text: Please indicate how much do you agree or disagree with each statement? - In a time of a shortage of food, priority should be given to men
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More opportunities for women in business
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More opportunities for women in politics
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More women on decision making positions
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More access to higher education for women
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More respect for women’s rights in all areas
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - More affordable primary healthcare for women
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - Equal pay for equal work regardless of a person’s gender
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - Equal distribution of unpaid housework between spouses/partners
Question text: In your opinion how important is each of the following to your country’s future success? - Quality childcare services (kindergartens)
Question text: What is the highest level of education you have achieved to date?
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in . . . ? - English
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in . . . ? - Russian
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in . . . ? - Computer Literacy
Question text: How many children are you the parent or guardian of that are under 18 and currently live in your household?
Note: The question was recoded. '4', '5', '6' and '7' were grouped to '3+'
Question text: How likely or unlikely is it that you will go abroad for work in the next 12 months?
Question text: Which of the following best describes your situation? Please think about the activity or situation which is primary for you.
Question text: Which of the following statements best describes the current economic situation of your household?
Question text: Household income is a sum of monetary income of all household members. Speaking about monetary income of all your household members last month after all taxes are paid, to which of the following groups does your household belong?
Question text: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself as belonging to?
Note: The question was recoded. 'Other Christian Church or denomination', 'Roman Catholic Church', 'Judaism' and 'Protestant Church' were grouped to 'Other'
Question text: Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who consider themselves as the members of any religious denomination.
Question text: Overall, how would you rate your health? Would you describe it as …
Question text: All things considered, how satisfied are you with your own life as a whole nowadays? Please use this CARD, where ‘0’ means Not satisfied at all and ‘10’ means Completely satisfied.
Note: The question was recoded the original scale ranged to '0' to '10'. 0-3 was recoded as 'Not satisfied at all', 4-6 was recoded as 'Neutral' and 7-10 was recoded as 'Completely satisfied'.
Question text: In your opinion, is there gender equality in Georgia?
Found: 205 record(s)