Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates: October 13 2009 to October 28 2009
Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by CRRC.
Country: Georgia
Fieldwork Dates: October 13 2009 to October 28 2009
Question text: Settlement type
Question text: Interview language
Question text: Respondent's gender
Question text: Age groups
Question text: What are your main sources of information for receiving news about current events in Georgia? Please tell me, which is your first main source of information
Note: The question was recoded and differs from the original database. Options: Radio and Colleagues were grouped with Other
Question text: What are your main sources of information for receiving news about current events in Georgia? Please tell me, which is your second main source of information
Note: The question was recoded and differs from the original database. Options: Radio and Colleagues were grouped with Other. Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Do you usually read a newspaper or a news magazine at least once a week to obtain news about current events in Georgia?
Question text: Do you usually watch at least one TV news program or one TV show per day to obtain news about current events in Georgia?
Question text: How many of Georgia's TV channels that broadcast news and/or shows related to current events do you have reception for?
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: On how many of Georgia's TV channels do you usually watch news and/or shows related to current events?
Note: The question was asked only to those respondents who has reception to two or more TV channels.
Question was changed from open-ended and grouped
Question text: In general, do you think that Georgia'sTV channels for which you have reception present different perspectives on news in Georgia?
Note: The question was asked only to those respondents who has reception to two or more TV channels
Question text: Please tell me, overall, how well do you think TV journalists in Georgia inform the population about what is actually going on in the country?
Question text: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the opinion that, overall, TV journalists in Georgia are serving interests of people like you?
Question text: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the opinion that, overall, TV in Georgia determines what people in Georgia think about the current events?
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are many people I can trust completely
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I experience a general feeling of emptiness
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are enough people to whom I feel close
Question text: Overall, how would you rate your health?
Question text: If you were ill, are there people besides those in this household who would help look after you, without expecting any compensation?
Question text: If you needed to borrow money to cover your usual expenses for two weeks, could you borrow it from someone outside your household?
Question text: Which of the issues from the list would you say is the biggest concern for you at this point in time?
Question text: Which of the issues from the list would you say is the second biggest concern for you at this point in time?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative who works for the local government?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative who works for the police force?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative who works for the national government in Tbilisi?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative who works for an international organization or company?
Question text: Has anybody in your household lost his/her job during the last 12 months?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative currently living abroad?
Question text: Do you have a family member or close relative who had been living abroad for at least 12 months but returned to Georgia within the last 6 months?
Question text: Now, let me ask about your friends. Do you have any close friends currently living abroad?
Question text: Do you have any close friends who had been living abroad for at least 12 months but have returned to Georgia within the last 6 months?
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I miss having people around
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems
Question text: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I often feel rejected
Question text: How much could you trust the following people to deal honestly with people like you while performing their jobs? - Plumbers, builders, car mechanics, and other repair people
Question text: How much could you trust the following people to deal honestly with people like you while performing their jobs? - Financial companies such as banks and insurance agencies
Question text: How much could you trust the following people to deal honestly with people like you while performing their jobs? - Private sector employers
Question text: How much could you trust the following people to deal honestly with people like you while performing their jobs? - Public officials
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Greeks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Greeks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Greeks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Jews?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Jews?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Jews?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Swedes?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Swedes?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Swedes?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Turks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Turks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Turks?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Italians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Italians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Italians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Russians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Russians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Russians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Armenians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Armenians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Armenians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Chinese?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Chinese?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Chinese?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Azerbaijanis?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Azerbaijanis?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Azerbaijanis?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Germans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Germans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Germans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Georgians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Georgians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Georgians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Kurds?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Kurds?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Kurds?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Americans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Americans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Americans?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Abkhazians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Abkhazians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Abkhazians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Can you please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity being friends with Ossetians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of people of your ethnicity doing business with Ossetians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Would you approve or disapprove of women of your ethnicity marrying Ossetians?
Note: Options Approve/Disapprove are present in the original dataset
Question text: Do you have a job? This job may be part-time or full-time, or you may be officially employed, informally employed, or self-employed, but it brings you monetary income
Question text: From which year have you been working at this workplace?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were employed
The question was changed from open-ended
Question text: Speaking about your primary place of employment only, which of the following best describes your status and the type of workplace?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were employed.
Following options were grouped to Other: Employee in a foreign or international organization, company, enterprise, or joint venture and Employee in a local or international non-governmental or non-profit organization
Question text: Speaking about your primary place of employment only, which of the following best describes the sector in which you work?
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were employed.
Following options were grouped to Other: Fishing, Mining, Quarrying, Electricity, gas, water supply, Financial Intermediation / Banking, Real Estate, Property, Renting, Civil society / NGO
Question text: Which of the following best describes your situation?
Note: The question was asked to those respondents who were unemployed.
The question was recoded and options Unemployed and interested, NOT looking and Unemployed and NOT interested, NOT looking were grouped to Unemployed and not looking for a job, options: Retired, looking for a job, Retired and interested, NOT looking, Retired and NOT interested, Disabled to Retired, option Other to DK
Question text: Respondent's years of unemployment
Note: The question was asked to those respondents who were unemployed.
The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: From the time you have not had a job, have you engaged in any informal, temporary, or seasonal labor which brought you monetary income?
Question text: Speaking about your personal monetary income last month, after all taxes are paid, to which of the following groups do you belong? Please think of all sources of income that you had last month.
Note: The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to More than USD 400: USD 401 - 800, USD 801 - 1200, More than USD 1200
Question text: How many times have you taken out a loan or had a debt or a line of credit, including instant credit, of more than 100 USD[2] in the last 12 months?
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: Compared to the situation 12 months ago, do you think that the number of jobs available in Georgia has decreased, remained the same, or increased?
Question text: Which of the following factors do you consider most important for getting a good job in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded. Option Appearance was grouped to Other
Question text: Which of the following factors do you consider second most important for getting a good job in Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded. Option Appearance was grouped to Other. Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: Our way of life needs to be protected against European influences?
Question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: Our way of life needs to be protected against Russian influences?
Question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: Our way of life needs to be protected against American influences?
Question text: Compared to the policies of the Bush administration, in your opinion, how favorable are policies of Obama administration towards Georgia?
Question text: Is Georgia currently a member of the European Union?
Question text: Is Georgia currently a member of the Council of Europe?
Question text: Is Georgia currently a member of the Organization for European Development?
Question text: Please tell me how much you feel you know about the European Union, its policies, and its institutions?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Please tell me how much you feel you know about the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Is Georgia currently a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)?
Question text: Please tell me with which of the following statements you agree: 1. Georgia should focus on closer cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States, because that's where we belong 2. Georgia should focus on closer cooperation with the European Union, because this will help us develop in the right direction
Note: The question was recoded. Original options are as follows: 1. Closer cooperation with CIS: Strongly agree 2. Closer cooperation with CIS: Agree 3. Closer cooperation with EU: Agree 4. Closer cooperation with EU: Strongly agree 5. Agreement with neither. Options 1 and 2 were grouped to CIS, 3 and 4 to EU, 5 - DK
Question text: To what extent would you support Georgia's membership in NATO?
Question text: Which of the following, in your opinion, poses the greatest threat to the world?
Question text: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's foreign policy?
Question text: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's domestic policy?
Question text: How interested would you say you are in local policy on the regional, municipal, or village levels?
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Army
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Banks
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Educational system
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Healthcare system
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Court system
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - NGOs
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Parliament
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Executive government (Prime minister and ministers)
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - President
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Police
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Media
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Local government
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Religious institutions to which respondent belongs
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - Ombudsman
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - European Union
Question text: Please assess your level of trust toward each of social institutions and political unions - United Nations
Question text: There are different opinions regarding the direction in which Georgia's domestic politics are going. Which of the following would you personally agree with?
Question text: What do you think is the most important issue facing Georgia at the moment?
Note: The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to Other: Corruption, Court system, Fairness of elections, Human rights / Freedom of speech, NATO membership, Property rights, Rising prices / Inflation, Wages, Quality of education, Pensions.
Question text: What do you think is the second most important issue facing Georgia at the moment?
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option. The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to Other: Corruption, Court system, Fairness of elections, Human rights / Freedom of speech, NATO membership, Property rights, Rising prices / Inflation, Quality of education, Wages.
Question text: Under the present system of government in Georgia, do you completely agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or completely disagree that people like yourself are treated fairly by the government?
Question text: In Georgia today, do you think or not that people like yourself have the right to openly say what they think?
Question text: Please tell me which of the following statements you agree with? 1. People are like children, the government should take care of them like a parent 2. Government is like an employee, the people should be the bosses who control the government
Note: The question was recoded. Original options are as follows: 1. Government as parent - Strongly agree 2. Government as parent - Agree 3. CloGovernment as employee - Agree 4. Government as employee - Strongly agree 5. Agreement with neither. Options 1 and 2 were grouped to Parent, 3 and 4 to Employee, 5 - DK
Question text: Please tell me which of the following statements you agree with? 1. The court system in Georgia favors some citizens over others 2. The court system in Georgia treats all citizens equally, rather than favoring some over others
Note: The question was recoded. Original options are as follows: 1. Court favours some citizens - Strongly agree 2. Court favours some citizens - Agree 3. Court treats everyone equally - Agree 4. Court treats everyone equally - Strongly agree 5. Agreement with neither. Options 1 and 2 were grouped to Partial 3 and 4 to Impartial, 5 - DK
Question text: Please tell me which of the following statements you agree with? 1. People should participate in protest actions against the government, as this shows the government that the people are in charge. 2. People should not participate in protest actions against the government, as it threatens stability in our country
Note: The question was recoded. Original options are as follows: 1. Participation in protests - Strongly agree 2. Participation in protests - Agree 3. Non-participation in protests - Agree 4. Non-participation in protests - Strongly agree 5. Agreement with neither. Options 1 and 2 were grouped to Yes 3 and 4 to No, 5 - DK
Question text: Did you vote in the 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections?
Question text: Would you say that 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections were conducted completely fairly, to some extent fairly, or not at all fairly?
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Every adult citizen had the right to run for office
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - The ballot was secret
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Voters were not intimidated or pressured
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - All parties/candidates had equal opportunities to campaign
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Each party/candidate had equal access to the media
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Election administration was politically impartial
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Courts handled election disputes impartially
Question text: Speaking about 2008 May 21 parliamentary elections , to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Votes were counted correctly
Question text: If national elections were held next Sunday, would you participate in the elections or not?
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Citizens can form or join political parties without any restrictions
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Citizens can form or join non-governmental organizations without any restrictions
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Citizens can publicly and openly say what they think
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Ethnic and religious minorities are excluded from running for political office
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Whoever wins the presidential elections is entitled to govern as he/she sees fit
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Courts are free from government influence
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Georgia is governed by the rule of law
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - High officials are punished for unlawful actions
Question text: Speaking about the current political system in Georgia, to what extent would you agree or disagree with following statement? - Major TV channels are independent from the government
Question text: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?
Note: The question was recoded and differs from the original dataset. Options Other and Other Caucasian ethnicity were grouped
Question text: Which language did you mainly speak at home when you were a child?
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in Russian
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in English
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in other foreign language (except Russian or English)
Question text: Please tell me which one of these levels best describes your ability in computer (Microsoft Office programs, excluding games)
Question text: Which foreign language, if any, do you think should be mandatory in secondary schools of Georgia?
Question text: How important do you think it is for people like you to know the legislation of Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Please tell me how well you feel you know the Constitution of Georgia?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Please tell me how well you feel you know Georgia's laws regulating secondary education?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Please tell me how well do you feel you know Georgia's laws regulating family life, rights and obligations of the spouses, and divorce?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: How well do you feel you know Georgia's laws regulating taxation of personal income?|
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Please tell me how well you feel you know Georgia's laws regulating rights and obligations of the employees?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: How frequently do you use the Internet?
Question text: Which religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself to belong to?
Note: The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to Other: Roman Catholic Church, Other Protestant Church, Other Christian Church or Sect, Judaism
Question text: To what extent do your own religious beliefs help you to make decisions in daily life?
Note: The question was asked to the respondent who identified themselves as the member of any religious denomination
Question text: Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?
Note: The question was asked to the respondent who identified themselves as the member of any religious denomination
Question text: How often do you fast when it is required by your religious traditions?
Note: The question was asked to the respondent who identified themselves as the member of any religious denomination
Frequency is calculated without Fasting is not required in my religion/Not applicable option.
Question text: How many times did you travel to Tbilisi within the last 2 months?
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: How many times have you been outside Georgia in the last five years?
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: If you had a chance, would you leave Georgia for a certain period of time to live somewhere else?
Question text: If you had a chance, would you leave Georgia forever to live somewhere else?
Question text: Speaking about this dwelling where your household lives, do you own, rent, live free of charge there or the dwelling belongs to the state/company?
Question text: Is this dwelling connected to the following public utilities? - Pipeline tap water
Question text: Please tell me, on average, how consistently does this dwelling have access to each of these services? - Pipeline tap water
Note: The question was asked to the respondents who were connected with tap water The question was recoded. Options Most of the day and A few hours per day were grouped with Several times a day, options Several times a month and Less frequent access - Several times a month or less frequently.
Question text: Is this dwelling connected to the following public utilities? - Electricity
Question text: Please tell me, on average, how consistently does this dwelling have access to each of these services? - Electricity
Note: The question was asked to only those respondents whose households are connected to electricity. Options were recoded: Most of the day, A few hours a day were grouped to Several times a day, Several times a month and Less frequent access - to Several times a month or less frequently
Question text: Speaking about the last 6 months, have you been disconnected from electricity because you owed money?
Note: The question was asked to only those respondents whose households are connected to electricity.
Question text: Is this dwelling connected to the following public utilities? - Pipeline gas
Question text: Please tell me, on average, how consistently does this dwelling have access to each of these services? - Pipeline gas
Note: The question was asked to only those respondents whose households are connected to pipeline gas. Options were recoded: Most of the day, A few hours a day were grouped to Several times a day, Several times a month and Less frequent access - to Several times a month or less frequently
Question text: Speaking about the last 6 months, have you been disconnected from pipeline gas because you owed money?
Note: The question was asked to only those respondents whose households are connected to pipeline gas.
Question text: Is this dwelling connected to the following public utilities? - Trash removal
Question text: Please tell me, on average, how consistently does this dwelling have access to each of these services? - Trash removal
Note: The question was asked to only those respondents whose households are connected to trash removal service. Options were recoded: Most of the day, A few hours a day were grouped to Several times a day, Several times a month and Less frequent access - to Several times a month or less frequently
Question text: Is this dwelling connected to the following public utilities? - Public sewage system
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Climate control system
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Coal / kerosene stove
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Electric heater
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Gas stove
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Gas heater
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Public central heating system
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? -Private central heating system
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Wood-burning stove
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me what were the most important means of heating your dwelling last winter? - Other
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: How do you usually get around for your everyday activities?
Note: The question was recoded. Options Horse/Donkey and Taxi were grouped to Other
Question text: Which of the following statements best describes the current economic situation of your household?
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns color television
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns DVD player
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns automatic washing machine
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns refrigerator
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns air conditioner
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns car
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns cell phone
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household owns personal computer, including laptop
Question text: Please tell me whether or not your household has Internet access from home computer
Note: The question was asked to those respondents whose households owned computer
Question text: Which household appliance, if any, is your household planning to buy in the next 6 months?
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option. The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to Other: Video camera, Dishwasher, Climate control system / Air conditioner, Microwave, Vacuum cleaner, Electric or gas water heater, Range hood, Outdoor grill
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Bread, pasta
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Butter, milk
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Meat
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Fruit, vegetables, EXCEPT potatoes
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Potatoes
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Electricity
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Gas
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Please tell me, over the course of a typical month, does your household have to limit consumption or use of the following due to budget difficulties? - Transportation
Note: Frequency is calculated without Not applicable option
Question text: Does your household currently have any savings?
Question text: Does your household currently have any debts?
Question text: During the last 12 months, have you or any other member of your household participated in the money lottery?
Question text: In the last 12 months, has your household saved money, just got by, spent some savings, borrowed money, or spent savings AND borrowed money?
Question text: Speaking about monetary income of all your household members last month, to which of the following groups does your household belong?
Note: The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to More than USD 400: USD 401 - 800, USD 801 - 1200, More than USD 1200
Question text: Please tell me your household's spending last month?
Note: The question was recoded. Following options were grouped to More than USD 400: USD 401 - 800, USD 801 - 1200, More than USD 1200
Question text: What is the approximate percentage of your household's monthly monetary income that is spent on food?
Question text: In the past 6 months, how often has your household borrowed any money to buy food?
Question text: What is the approximate percentage of your household's monthly monetary income that is spent on utilities?
Question text: In the past 6 months, how often has your household borrowed any money to pay for utilities?
Question text: Excluding income from sales of property or vehicles, compared to 2007, was your household's income in 2008 higher than in 2007, about the same as in 2007, or lower than in 2007?
Question text: Compared to 2008, excluding income from sales of property or vehicles, do you believe your household's income in 2009 will be higher than in 2008, about the same as in 2008, or lower than in 2008?
Question text: Let's imagine there is a 5-step ladder reflecting the economic standing of all households in Georgia today. The first rung of this ladder corresponds to the lowest possible economic position in society, while the 5th rung corresponds to the highest possible position. On which rung of this ladder do you think your household currently stands?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Let's imagine there is a 5-step ladder reflecting the economic standing of all households in Georgia today. The first rung of this ladder corresponds to the lowest possible economic position in society, while the 5th rung corresponds to the highest possible position. On which rung of this ladder do you think your household will be standing 5 years from now?
Note: The question was recoded. 10-point scale was used in the original dataset
Question text: Relative to most of the households around you, would you describe the current economic condition of your household as very good, good, fair, poor or very poor?
Question text: What is the minimal monthly income that would enable your household live a normal life?
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: Do you think your children will be better off or worse off financially than you are when they are your age?
Note: Frequency is calculated without No children/Not applicable option
Question text: Respondent's place of birth
Question text: Respondent's education
Note: The question was recoded. Options No primary education, Primary education, Incomplete secondary education, Secondary education were grouped to Secondary or lower, Incomplete higher education, Completed higher education and Post-graduate degree were grouped to Higher than secondary
Question text: Respondent's length of employment (since 1992)
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: Respondent's marital status
Note: The question was recoded. Options Separated and Divorced were grouped.
Question text: Respondent's spouse living in the HH?
Question text: Anybody able to listen to the answers?
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent was interested, involved
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent was friendly
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent was impatient
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent was worried, nervous
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent was hostile
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Frequency of asking clarifications
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Frequency of the respondent being distructed
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Frequency the respondent seemed to lack knowledge
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Frequency of the respondent being reluctant
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent's honesty
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent's behavior
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Respondent's intelligence
Note: Interviewer's assessment of the respondent
Question text: Number of HH members
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Question text: Number of adulst HH members
Note: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded
Found: 255 record(s)