Survey on protest and politics in Georgia

The survey intended collecting up-to-date data on the perceptions of the population in Georgia regarding the ongoing protests, as well as broader political and social situation in the country.

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Survey on protest and politics in Georgia

The survey intended collecting up-to-date data on the perceptions of the population in Georgia regarding the ongoing protests, as well as broader political and social situation in the country.


Kod kitabçası

SETTYPE: Settlement type

Sual mətni: Settlement type

  • Capital
  • Urban
  • Rural

RESPSEX: Respondent's gender

Sual mətni: Respondent's gender

  • Male
  • Female

AGEGROUP: Age groups

Sual mətni: Age groups

  • 18-35
  • 36-55
  • 56+

NATCORR: Most important issue: corruption

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Corruption

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATNATO: Most important issue: NATO membership

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - NATO membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPENS: Most important issue: pensions

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Pensions

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATRU: Most important issue: relation with Russia

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Realtion with Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATROP: Most important issue: property rights

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Property rights

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATELECT: Most important issue: fairness of elections

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Fairness of elections

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATJOBS: Most important issue: jobs

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Jobs

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATCOURT: Most important issue: court system

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Court system

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATSPEECH: Most important issue: freedom of speech

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Freedom of speech/human rights

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPOV: Most important issue: poverty

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Poverty

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATTERR: Most important issue: territorial integrity

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Territorial integrity

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPRICE: Most important issue: rising prices

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - Rising prices or infaltion

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPROT: Most important national issues: current protests

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - current protests

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATHCARE: Most important issue: affordable healthcare

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - affordable healthcare

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATWAGES: Most important issue: salaries

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - wages

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATOTHER: Most important issue: other

Sual mətni: Which national issues are most important to you and your family? - other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMISS: Most important national issue

Sual mətni: Which of the named issues is the most important one for you or your family?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Corruption, Property rights, Rising prices/inflation and Other were grouped with Other

  • NATO membership
  • Pensions
  • Relations with Russia
  • Fair elections
  • Jobs
  • Court system
  • Freedom of speech/human rights
  • Poverty
  • Territorial integriry
  • Current rallies
  • Affordable healthcare
  • Wages
  • Other
  • DK/RA

POLDIRN: Direction of national politics in Georgia

Sual mətni: There are different opinions regarding which direction Georgia is going in. Which of the following would you personally agree with?

  • Definitely wrong direction
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Definitely in the right direction
  • DK
  • RA

CPRESEL: Acceptable way of change of the president: elections

Sual mətni: In various countries in the world, the presidency changes hands in different ways. When it comes to Georgia, which of the following is acceptable to you? - elections

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

CPRESSTR: Acceptable way of change of the president: protests leading to revolution

Sual mətni: In various countries in the world, the presidency changes hands in different ways. When it comes to Georgia, which of the following is acceptable to you?- street protests leading to revolution

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

CPRESCOUP: Acceptable way of change of the president: military coup

Sual mətni: In various countries in the world, the presidency changes hands in different ways. When it comes to Georgia, which of the following is acceptable to you? - military coup d'etat

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

CPRESFGI: Acceptable way of change of the president: foreign government appointing a president

Sual mətni: In various countries in the world, the presidency changes hands in different ways. When it comes to Georgia, which of the following is acceptable to you? - foreign government installing a president

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

CPRESAPP: Acceptable way of change of the president: current president leaving a successor

Sual mətni: In various countries in the world, the presidency changes hands in different ways. When it comes to Georgia, which of the following is acceptable to you? - the current president appointing a successor

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

NATPINTR: Interest in national politics

Sual mətni: How interested would you say you are in national politics?

  • Not at all interested
  • Hardly interested
  • Quite interested
  • Very interested
  • DK/RA

FEELRLY: There are plenty of people I can rely on

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELEMP: I experience a general sense of emptyness

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I experience a general sense of emptiness.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELTRU: There are many people I can trust completely

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are many people I can trust completely.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELCLS: There are enough people I feel close to

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - There are enough people I feel close to.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELMSS: I miss having people around

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I miss having people around.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FEELREJ: I often feel rejected

Sual mətni: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether it describes your feelings, more or less describes your feelings, or does not describe your feelings - I often feel rejected.

  • Does not describe at all
  • Somewhat does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Fully describes
  • DK/RA

FRQCLSE: How often do you see close people

Sual mətni: Usually, how often do you meet people you feel close to outside of your family?

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option. The question was recoded. Options Less often and Never were grouped with Less often or never

  • Once a month or more frequently
  • Once every 2-6 months
  • Once every 7-12 months
  • Once every 1-3 years
  • Less often or never
  • DK/RA

DISCEVCL: Discuss the current events

Sual mətni: Do you discuss the current events reported in the news with your friends or family members? If yes, do you discuss them sometimes or often?

  • No
  • DK/RA

FREESPK: People have the right to openly say what they think?

Sual mətni: In Georgia today, do you completely agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or completely disagree that people like yourself have the right to openly say what they think?

  • Completely disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Completely agree
  • DK
  • RA

FAIRTRT: People are treated fairly by the government?

Sual mətni: Under the present system of government in Georgia, do you completely agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or completely disagree that people like yourself are treated fairly by the government?

  • Completely disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Completely agree
  • DK
  • RA

GOVTROL: People are like children or employee

Sual mətni: Please tell me, which of the following statements do you agree with? Statement 1: People are like children, the government should take care of them like a parent. Statement 2: Government is like an employee, the people should be the bosses who control the government.

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Strongly agree to the first statement and Agree to the first statement were recoded to Yes, Options Strongly agree to the second statement and Agree to the second statement were recoded to No.

  • Parent
  • Employee
  • DK
  • RA

WERUCHO: Choose West over Russia

Sual mətni: Some people say that over the long term, it's impossible to achieve any real security or economic development without aid, military support, and cooperation from the West. We might not be able to simultaneously ally with the West and Russia, and clearly we should choose the former. Do you agree?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVCHNGS: Current government is making the changes that matter to you

Sual mətni: Do you think that the current government is making the changes that matter to you?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

NPOPPCHNG: Non-parliamentary opposition making changes that matter to you

Sual mətni: If any of the opposition parties outside parliament was in charge, do you think they would make the changes that matter to you?

  • People following a religion that is different to yours
  • Drug addicts
  • Sexual minorities
  • Criminals
  • Black people
  • People having political views that are different to yours
  • Asians who come to live in Georgia and want to stay
  • Europeans who come to live in Georgia and want to stay
  • Other
  • I would not wish any of these people as my neighbors
  • DK
  • RA

OPPCHNG: Parliamentary opposition making changes that matter to you

Sual mətni: If any of the opposition parties inside Parliament in charge, do you think they would make the changes that matter to you?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

DEMNOW: Georgia is a democratic country

Sual mətni: In your opinion, is Georgia a democracy now?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

DEMIMP: Georgia is a democracy already but there is still room for improvement

Sual mətni: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? - Georgia is a democracy already but there is still room for improvement

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

DEMFUTY: Georgia is not a democracy yet, but it is developing in that direction

Sual mətni: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? - Georgia is not a democracy yet, but it is developing in that direction

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

DEMFUTN: Georgia might become a democracy but is not developing in that direction

Sual mətni: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? - Georgia might become a democracy in the future but it is not developing in that direction now

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

DEMNO: Georgia is not a democracy and never will be

Sual mətni: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? - Georgia is not a democracy and never will be

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

NXTPRESEL: When should the next presidential elections be conducted?

Sual mətni: In your opinion, when should the next presidential elections in Georgia be conducted?

  • Now
  • January 2013 as stated by the constitution
  • Between Fall 2009 and January 2013
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

NXTPAREL: When should the next parliamentary elections be conducted?

Sual mətni: In your opinion, when should the next parliamentary elections in Georgia be conducted?

  • Now
  • January 2012 as stated by the constitution
  • Between Fall 2009 and January 2012
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

NXTLCLEL: When should the next self-government elections be conducted?

Sual mətni: In your opinion, when should the next local self-government elections in Georgia be conducted?

  • Now
  • Fall 2010 as stated by the constitution
  • Between Fall 2009 and Fall 2010
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

FEELUNM: Attitude towards the United National Movement

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - United National Movement (Mikheil Saakashvili)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELDMUG: Attitude towards Democratic Movement - United Georgia

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Democratic Movement-United Georgia (Nino Burjanadze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELGW: Attitude towards Georgia's Way

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Georgia's Way (Salome Zourabishvili)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELFUG: Attitude towards For United Georgia

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - For United Georgia (Irakli Okruashvili)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELCP: Attitude towards Conservative Party

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Conservative Party (Zviad Dzidziguri)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELLB: Attitude towards Labor Party

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Labour Party (Shalva Natelashvili)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELCDM: Attitude towards Christian-Democratic Movement

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Christian-Democrats (Giorgi Targamadze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELGT: Attitude towards Georgian Group

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Georgian Troupe (Jondi Baghaturia)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELIWSG: Attitude towards Industry will save Georgia

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Industry Will Save Georgia (Zurab Tkemaladze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELAFG: Attitude towards Alliance for Georgia

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Alliance for Georgia (Irakli Alasania, Davit Usupashvili, Davit Gamkrelidze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELAFF: Attitude towards Alliance for Freedom

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Alliance for Freedom (Gia Maisashvili, Konstantine Gamsakhurdia, Akaki Asatiani, and Guguli Magradze )

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELWO: Attitude towards We Ourselves

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - We Ourselves (Paata Davitaia)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELGDP: Attitude towards Democratic Party of Georgia

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - Democratic Party of Georgia (Gia Tortladze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELNF: Attitude towards National Forum

Sual mətni: On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the following parties with '1' meaning very negatively and '5' being very positively - National Forum (Kakha Shartava, Irakli Melashvili, Gubaz Sanikidze)

  • Very negative
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very positive
  • DK
  • RA

PARTYSUPP1: Party closest to you: First choice

Sual mətni: Which party of these parties is closest to you?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Georgia's Way, Conservative Party, Industry Will Save Georgia, Alliance for Freedom, We Ourselves and Democratic Party of Georgia were grouped with Other

  • United National Movement
  • Democratic Movement-United Georgia
  • For United Georgia
  • Labor Party
  • Christian-Democrats
  • Alliance for Georgia
  • National Forum
  • No party
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PARTYSUPP2: Party closest to you: Second choice

Sual mətni: What is your second choice?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Georgia's Way, Georgian Troupe, Industry Will Save Georgia, Alliance for Freedom, We Ourselves and Democratic Party of Georgia were grouped with Other

  • United National Movement
  • Democratic Movement-United Georgia
  • For United Georgia
  • Conservative Party
  • Labor Party
  • Christian-Democrats
  • Alliance for Georgia
  • National Forum
  • No party
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PASTPRES: Participated in the last presidential election

Sual mətni: Did you participate in the last presidential election?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PASTCAND: Voted for in the last presidential elections

Sual mətni: Which candidate did you support in the last presidential elections?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who participated in the last presidential elections

  • Levan Gachechiladze
  • Shalva Natelashvili
  • Davit Gamkrelidze
  • Arkadi (Badri) Patarkatsishvili
  • Mikheil Saakashvili
  • Giorgi Maisashvili
  • Irina Sarishvili
  • Crossed out all
  • DK
  • RA

PASTPARL: Participated in the May parliamentary election

Sual mətni: Did you participate in the May 2008 parliamentary election?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PASTPARTY: Voted for in the May parliamentary election

Sual mətni: Which candidate did you support in the May 2008 parliamentary election?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who participated in the last parliamentary elections
The question was recoded. Options Georgian Politics, Union of Georgian Sportsmen and Radical Democrats Nationalist Party were grouped with Other

  • Republican Party
  • Rightist Alliance - Topadze-Industrials
  • Labor Party
  • United National Movement
  • United Opposition
  • Christian-Democratic Alliance
  • Giorgi Targamadze - Christian-Democrats
  • Traditionalists - Our Georgia - Womens Party
  • Our Country
  • Crossed out all
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

VOTPARL: If Parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, would you vote?

Sual mətni: If Parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, would you vote? Please use a 10-point scale, where '1' is absolutely not vote and '10' means absolutely will vote.

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Georgias Way, Conservative Party, Georgian Troupe, Industry Will Save Georgia, Alliance for Freedom and Democratic Party of Georgia were grouped with Other

  • Definitely not vote
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Definitely vote
  • DK/RA

VOTPARL1: First choice for the party if there were parliamentary elections

Sual mətni: How you would vote if parliamentary elections were tomorrow? Please tell me your first choice.

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Democratic Movement-United Georgia, Georgia's Way, Conservative Party, Georgian Troupe, Industry Will Save Georgia, We Ourselves, Democratic Party of Georgia were grouped with Other

  • United National Movement
  • Democratic Movement-United Georgia
  • For United Georgia
  • Labor Party
  • Christian-Democrats
  • Alliance for Georgia
  • National Forum
  • No party
  • Other
  • I would not participate
  • DK
  • RA

VOTPARL2: Second choice for the party if there were parliamentary elections

Sual mətni: What is your second choice?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Democratic Movement-United Georgia, Georgia's Way, Conservative Party, Georgian Troupe, Industry Will Save Georgia, We Ourselves and Democratic Party of Georgia were grouped with Other

  • United National Movement
  • For United Georgia
  • Labor Party
  • Christian-Democrats
  • Alliance for Georgia
  • Alliance for Freedom
  • National Forum
  • No party
  • Other
  • Would not participate
  • DK
  • RA

VOTPRES: If presidential elections were held tomorrow, would you vote?

Sual mətni: If presidential elections were held tomorrow, would you vote? Please use a 10-point scale, where '1' is absolutely not vote and '10' means absolutely will vote.

  • Definitely not vote
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Definitely vote
  • DK/RA

VOTPRES1: Who would you like to see as the next president: First choice

Sual mətni: Which of the following people would you most like to see as the next president of Georgia?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Davit Gamkrelidze, Davit Usupashvili and Zviad Dzidziguri were grouped with Other

  • Irakli Alasania
  • David Bakradze
  • Nino Burjanadze
  • Levan Gachechiladze
  • Giorgi Targamadze
  • Shalva Natelashvili
  • Irakli Okruashvili
  • Sozar Subari
  • Gigi Ugulava
  • None of the above
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

VOTPRES2: Who would you like to see as the next president: Second choice

Sual mətni: Please tell me your second choice.

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Sozar Subari, Davit Usupashvili and Zviad Dzidziguri were grouped with Other

  • Irakli Alasania
  • David Bakradze
  • Nino Burjanadze
  • Davit Gamkrelidze
  • Levan Gachechiladze
  • Giorgi Targamadze
  • Shalva Natelashvili
  • Irakli Okruashvili
  • Gigi Ugulava
  • None of the above
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PLISTLOTO: Political party forming election lists by lottotron

Sual mətni: Imagine, that the political party decided to build its electoral list for party members according to the lottery. How do you like this idea?

  • Against - only professional politicians should be in the parliament
  • Against - party leaders will be decision-makers
  • In favour - all members should have equal chance
  • In favour - randomly selected people are not worse
  • DK
  • RA

PDISCMON: Discussion issues: Making Georgia a constitutional monarchy

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Making Georgia a constitutional monarchy.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISPARL: Discussion issues: Making Georgia a parliamentary republic

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Making Georgia a parliamentary republic.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISELEC: Discussion issues: Legislative reform to guarantee free and fair elections

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Legislative reform to guarantee free and fair elections.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISDMAY: Discussion issues: Direct election of mayors

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Direct election of mayors.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISMIAR: Discussion issues: Resignation of the Minister of Internal Affairs

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Resignation of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISFREM: Discussion issues: Media freedom

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Independence of Media.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISJUDI: Discussion issues: Judicial independence

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Judicial independence.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISIMDP: Discussion issues: Return Imedi TV to Patarkatsishvili's family

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Return Imedi TV to Patarkatsishvili's family.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISGPBR: Discussion issues: The resignation of the head of GPB

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - The resignation of the head of the Georgian Public Broadcaster.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISCOGV: Discussion issues: The formation of a coalition government

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - The formation of a coalition government.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISPRSE: Discussion issues: Early presidential elections

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Early presidential elections.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISPRLE: Discussion issues: Early parliamentary elections

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Early parliamentary elections.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISPRLL: Discussion issues: Early local elections

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Early local elections.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISPRSR: Discussion issues: The resignation of President Saakashvili

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - The resignation of President Saakashvili.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISREFC: Discussion issues: Referendum on constitutional changes followed by elections

Sual mətni: Both the government and the leaders of the protest have suggested dialogue in recent days. Which issues do you think should be discussed between the government and protestors? - Referendum on constitutional changes followed by elections.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PDISIMPI: Most important discussion Issue

Sual mətni: Of the above, which issue is most important to you?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who named any issue to be discussed between the government and protestors
The question was recoded. Options Making Georgia a constitutional monarchy, Direct election of mayors, The resignation of the head of the Georgian Public Broadcast, Early parliamentary elections and Early local elections were grouped with Other

  • Making Georgia a parliamentary republic
  • Legislative reform to guarantee free and fair elections
  • Resignation of the Minister of Internal Affairs
  • Media freedom
  • Judicial independence
  • Return Imedi TV to Patarkatsishvili's family
  • The formation of a coalition government
  • Early presidential elections
  • The resignation of President Saakashvili
  • Referendum on constitutional changes followed by elections
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PROTWFIN: How do you want the current protests to end?

Sual mətni: How do you want the current protests to end?

  • Protest continues and government is forced to do major chang
  • Peacefully: government and rally leaders reach agreement
  • Peacefully: rallies end without an agreement
  • The government disperses rallies
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PROTEFIN: How do you expect the current protests to end?

Sual mətni: How do you expect the current protests to end?

  • Protest continues and government is forced to do major chang
  • Peacefully: government and rally leaders reach agreement
  • Peacefully: rallies end without an agreement
  • The government disperses rallies
  • Other
  • DK/RA

PROTPOLR: What eventual political outcome would you like to see?

Sual mətni: What eventual political outcome would you like to see?

  • Resignation of the president followed early presidential ele
  • Ousting the president and regime change without elections
  • DK
  • RA

PROTMISA: Mikheil Saakashvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Mikheil Saakashvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTNIBU: Nino Burjanadze's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Nino Burjanadze

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTLEGA: Levan Gachecheladze's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Levan Gachecheladze

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTUTSN: Gia Gachecheladze's (Utsnobi) performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Gia Gachecheladze (Utsnobi)

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTIRAL: Irakli Alasania's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Irakli Alasania

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTVAME: Vano Merabishvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Vano Merabishvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTILII: Ilia II's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Ilia II

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTGIUG: Gigi Ugulava's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Gigi Ugulava

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTSHNA: Shalva Natelashvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Shalva Natelashvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTKASH: Kakha Shartava's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Kakha Shartava

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTEKBE: Eka Beselia's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Eka Beselia

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTKAKU: Kakha Kukava's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Kakha Kukava

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTGIMA: Gia Maisashvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Gia Maisashvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTGOKH: Goga Khaindrava's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Goga Khaindrava

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTSOSU: Sozar Subari's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Sozar Subari

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTGITA: Giorgi Targamadze's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Giorgi Targamadze

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTSAZO: Salome Zourabishvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Salome Zourabishvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTDAUS: David Usupashvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - David Usupashvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTGUSA: Gubaz Sanikidze's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Gubaz Sanikidze

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTDABE: David Berdzenishvili's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - David Berdzenishvili

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTKOGA: Konstantine Gamsakhurdia's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Konstantine Gamsakhurdia

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTTIKH: Tina Khidasheli's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Tina Khidasheli

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTZVDZ: Zviad Dzidziguri's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Zviad Dzidziguri

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTARMY: Georgian army's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Georgian army

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PROTPOLC: Georgian police's performance during the recent protests

Sual mətni: In your opinion, how have the following performed during the recent protests? - Georgian police

  • Very badly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Very well
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHLEAD: Current protests have benefited or harmed Protest leaders

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Protest leaders

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHTBSC: Current protests have benefited or harmed Citizens of Tbilisi

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Tbilisi Residents

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHGEOC: Current protests have benefited or harmed Citizens of Georgia

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Georgian Citizens

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHYOUS: Current protests have benefited or harmed You personally

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Personally you

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHPRES: Current protests have benefited or harmed the President of Georgia

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - The President of Georgia

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHGPB: Current protests have benefited or harmed Georgian Public Broadcaster

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Georgian Public Broadcaster

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHPARL: Current protests have benefited or harmed the Parliament of Georgia

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - The Parliament of Georgia

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHECON: Current protests have benefited or harmed Georgia's Economy

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Georgia's Economy

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTHDEMG: Current protests have benefited or harmed Georgia's Democracy

Sual mətni: How do you think the current protests have benefited or harmed the following? - Georgia's Democracy

  • Harmed a lot
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Benefited a lot
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUFIN: Russia finances current political protests

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - finances current political protests?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUDSS: Russia pays journalists to blackmail Saakashvili

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - pays journalists to blackmail Saakashvili?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUARM: Russia has agents in the Georgian military

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - has agents in the Georgian military?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUGOV: Russia has agents in the Georgian government

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - has agents in the Georgian government?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUOPP: Russia has agents in the Georgian opposition

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - has agents in the Georgian opposition?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

PRTRUCHR: Russia has supporters in the church

Sual mətni: Some people believe that Russia is behind all anti-government activities in Georgia. How much do you believe that Russia - has supporters in the church?

  • Do not believe at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Completely believe
  • DK
  • RA

GOVRUSPK: Government generally talking about Russian activity in Georgia

Sual mətni: Do you think the Georgian Government generally talks too much, the right amount, or too little about Russian activity in Georgia?

  • Talks far too little
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Talks far too much
  • DK
  • RA

RUCRSUPP: Impact of Russia criticizing on support towards Saakashvili

Sual mətni: Do you think that the Russian Government's criticism of Saakashvili impacts on the support he receives from the Georgian population?

  • Strongly reduces
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Strongly increases
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJCELL: Opposition putting up cells justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Putting up cells.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJBLOC: Opposition blocking streets justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Blocking streets.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJMRCH: Opposition's peaceful Marches justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Peaceful Marches.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJMIAB: Opposition attempting to break into MIA building justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Attempting to break into MIA building in Digomi.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJPRSP: Opposition picketing of the Presidential Administration justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Picketing of the Presidential Administration.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJSHAM: Opposition creating corridors of shame justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Creating corridors of shame for journalists and others.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJHIGW: The planned picketing of cross-country highways by opposition justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - The planned picketing of cross-country highways.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTJDIAL: Opposition calling for dialogue justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the protesters are justified? - Calling for dialogue.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GOVJBLOC: Government allowing the central streets to be blocked justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Allowing the Rustaveli, Kostava and Freedom Square to be blocked.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJPRLC: Government closing the parliament building justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Closing the parliament building.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJCLEA: Government stopping street cleaning justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Stopping street cleaning.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJDATJ: Detention of people charged with attacking the journalists justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Detention of people charged with attacking the journalists.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJRATJ: Releasing the people charged with attacking the journalist justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Releasing the people charged with attacking the journalist.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJHIGW: Government allowing the picketing of highways justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Allowing the picketing of highways (if it happens).

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GOVJDIAL: Govrnment calling for dialogue justified?

Sual mətni: Do you think the following tactics pursued by the government are justified? - Calling for dialogue.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

SRESPGOV: Share of responsibility for ending protests: Government

Sual mətni: What is the share of responsibility for bringing these protests to an end? Please allocate respective percentages, so that the total adds up to 100%. - Government

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • 1%-25%
  • 26%-50%
  • 51%-75%
  • 76%-100%
  • No responsibility
  • DK
  • RA

SRESPPRT: Share of responsibility for ending protests: Protesters

Sual mətni: What is the share of responsibility for bringing these protests to an end? Please allocate respective percentages, so that the total adds up to 100%. - Protestors

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • 1%-25%
  • 26%-50%
  • 51%-75%
  • 76%-100%
  • No responsibility
  • DK
  • RA

SRESPCHR: Share of responsibility for ending protests: Church

Sual mətni: What is the share of responsibility for bringing these protests to an end? Please allocate respective percentages, so that the total adds up to 100%. - Church

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • 1%-25%
  • 26%-50%
  • 51%-75%
  • 76%-100%
  • No responsibility
  • DK
  • RA

SRESPFMD: Share of responsibility for ending protests: Foreign mediators

Sual mətni: What is the share of responsibility for bringing these protests to an end? Please allocate respective percentages, so that the total adds up to 100%. - Foreign Mediators

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • 1%-25%
  • 26%-50%
  • 51%-75%
  • 76%-100%
  • No responsibility
  • DK
  • RA

SRESPMED: Share of responsibility for ending protests: Media

Sual mətni: What is the share of responsibility for bringing these protests to an end? Please allocate respective percentages, so that the total adds up to 100%. - Media

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • 1%-25%
  • 26%-50%
  • 51%-75%
  • 76%-100%
  • No responsibility
  • DK
  • RA

MISATFIN: Saakashvili will still be president of Georgia in October 2011

Sual mətni: The next presidential elections are to be held in 2013 according to the Constitution. Now I'm going to read several statements and please tell which one do you think is most possible?

  • Confident that Saakashvili will be president till the end of
  • Not surprised if Saakashvili will be president till the end
  • Not surprised if Saakashvili will not end his term
  • Confident that Saakashvili will not end his term
  • DK
  • RA

MUKHRUPH: What happened on May 5 at the Mukhrovani military base

Sual mətni: What do you believe happened on May 5 at the Mukhrovani military base?

  • Russian planned military coup was avoided
  • Georgian government staged a fake coup
  • Opposition planned a military coup attempt
  • Soldiers refused to disperse protesters
  • Soldiers refused to participate in NATO trainings
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PROTINFO: Access to sufficient information during the Spring 2009 protests?

Sual mətni: Did you have access to sufficient information to understand what was happening during the 2009 protests?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

PRTINFADJ: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Ajara TV

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Ajara TV

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIALN: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Alania

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Alania

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIIMD: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Imedi

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Imedi

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIKAVK: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Kavkasia

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Kavkasia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIR2: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Rustavi2

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Rustavi 2

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIGPB1: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: GPB

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - GPB

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIMAES: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Maestro

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Maestro

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PRTINTV: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: NTV

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - NTV

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIORT: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: ORT

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - ORT

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIRTVI: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: RTVI

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - RTVI

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIBBC: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: BBC

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - BBC

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTICNN: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: CNN

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - CNN

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTIOTHR: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: Other

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - Other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTINONE: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests did you watch: None

Sual mətni: Which television coverage of the 2009 protests did you watch on TV? - None

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

PRTTVTRU: Which TV coverage of the Spring 2009 protests do you trust the most

Sual mətni: Which TV Channel do you trust the most when it concerns the 2009 protests?

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Adjara, Alania, NTV, ORT, BBC and CNN were grouped with Other

  • Imedi
  • Kavkasia
  • Rustavi 2
  • GPB First channel
  • Maestro
  • RTVI
  • None
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLADJ: Evaluate coverage of Ajara TV

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Ajara TV?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLALN: Evaluate coverage of Alania

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Alania?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLIMD: Evaluate coverage of Imedi

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Imedi?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLKAVK: Evaluate coverage of Kavkasia

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Kavkasia?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLR2: Evaluate coverage of Rustavi2

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Rustavi 2?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLGPB1: Evaluate coverage of GPB

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on GPB?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLMAES: Evaluate coverage of Maestro

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Maestro?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLNTV: Evaluate coverage of NTV

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on NTV?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLORT: Evaluate coverage of ORT

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on ORT?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLRTVI: Evaluate coverage of RTVI

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on RTVI?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLBBC: Evaluate coverage of BBC

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on BBC?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLCNN: Evaluate coverage of CNN

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on CNN?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

PEVLOTHR: Evaluate coverage of Other

Sual mətni: How would you evaluate coverage of 2009 protest actions on Other?

  • Favors protesters
  • Balanced
  • Favors government
  • DK
  • RA

WACTMISA: Saakashvili acted in the foreign policy crisis and conflict during August War

Sual mətni: How do you think the president Saakashvili acted in the foreign policy crisis and conflict in the summer of 2008?

  • Completely wrong way
  • Wrong way
  • Right way
  • Completely right way
  • DK
  • RA

WMISAPAT: The president acted in a right way during August War. How you feel about him?

Sual mətni: You say that the president acted in a completely right way in the August 2008 foreign policy crisis. Which of these three statements best captures how you feel about Saakashvili?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who said that Saakashvili acted in a right way in the foreign policy during August 2008 conflict

  • Saakashvili is a strong leader deserving voters' support
  • Saakashvili is a strong leader proving that he should rule Georgia
  • Saakashvili will stay in Georgian history as one of the greatest leaders
  • DK
  • RA

WMISANAT: The president acted in a wrong way during Augus War. How you feel about him?

Sual mətni: You say that the president acted in a completely wrong way in the August 2008 foreign policy crisis. Which of these three statements best captures how you feel about Saakashvili?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who said that Saakashvili acted in a wrong way in the foreign policy during August 2008 conflict

  • Saakashvili made huge mistakes but sometimes I can forgive
  • Saakashvili made huge mistakes and I lost confidence in him
  • Saakashvili will stay in Georgian history as one of the worst leaders
  • DK
  • RA

ABSOLOST: Georgia has lost control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Sual mətni: Some people think that Georgia has lost control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Do you agree?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK
  • RA

MILSPEND: Keep spending money on the army or redirect funds to public services

Sual mətni: Which of these two statements you most agree with? - Statement 1: Georgian government should keep spending money on the army so that country could be defended effectively in the future. Statement 2: Georgian government should redirect expenditures from the army to other public services, since our army will not be able to defend the country from the Russians anyway.

Qeyd: The question was recoded. Options Strongly agree to the first statement and Agree to the first statement were recoded to Spend on military, Options Strongly agree to the second statement and Agree to the second statement were recoded to Spend on public services.

  • Spend on military
  • Spend on public services
  • DK
  • RA

WESTBFAI: Do you agree that the US and Europe acted in bad faith towards Georgia?

Sual mətni: Some people say that the United States and Europe acted in bad faith towards Georgia, suggesting that they would come to Georgia's aid if it were attacked by Russia but failing to act when the time came. Do you agree?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGIBO: Like or dislike Giga Bokeria

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Giga Bokeria

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGIUG: Like or dislike Gigi Ugulava

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Gigi Ugulava

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGITA: Like or dislike Giorgi Targamadze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Giorgi Targamadze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEDAGA: Like or dislike Davit Gamkrelidze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Davit Gamkrelidze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEDAUS: Like or dislike Davit Usupashvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Davit Usupashvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEVAME: Like or dislike Vano Merabishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Vano Merabishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEIROK: Like or dislike Irakli Okruashvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Irakli Okruashvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKELEKU: Like or dislike Levan Kubaneishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Levan Kubaneishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKELEGA: Like or dislike Levan Gachechiladze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Levan Gachechiladze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKELETA: Like or dislike Levan Tarkhnishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Levan Tarkhnishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEMISA: Like or dislike Mikheil Saakashvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Mikheil Saakashvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKENIRU: Like or dislike Nika Rurua

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Nika Rurua

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKENIBU: Like or dislike Nino Burjanadze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Nino Burjanadze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKESAZO: Like or dislike Salome Zourabichvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Salome Zourabishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKESOZU: Like or dislike Sozar Subari

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Sozar Subari

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKESHNA: Like or dislike Shalva Natelashvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Shalva Natelashvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEZUNO: Like or dislike Zurab Noghaideli

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Zurab Noghaideli

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGITO: Like or dislike Gia Tortladze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Gia Tortladze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEIRAL: Like or dislike Irakli Alasania

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Irakli Alasania

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEDABA: Like or dislike Davit Bakradze

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Davit Bakradze

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEKASH: Like or dislike Kakha Shartava

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Kakha Shartava

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGITS: Like or dislike Giorgi Tsagareishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Giorgi Tsagareishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEPADA: Like or dislike Paata Davitaia

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Paata Davitaia

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEZUAD: Like or dislike Zurab Adeishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Zurab Adeishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEJOBA: Like or dislike Jondi Baghaturia

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Jondi Baghaturia

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEGHNO: Like or dislike Ghia Nodia

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Ghia Nodia

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

LIKEERKI: Like or dislike Erosi Kitsmarishvili

Sual mətni: Of the following people, please tell me whether you like them or dislike them? - Erosi Kitsmarishvili

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • DK
  • RA

HAVEJOB: Do you have a job?

Sual mətni: Do you consider yourself to be employed? This employment may be part-time or full-time, you may be officially employed, informally employed, or self-employed, but it brings you monetary income.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

REDCLEIS: Had to reduce spending on leisure activities

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I had to reduce my spending on leisure activities: vacations, concerts, eating out, etc.

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

REDCBEXP: Had to reduce daily spending on basic expenditures

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I had to reduce my daily spending on basic expenditures: food, clothes, medicine, etc.

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

SALDELAY: Getting salary with delays

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I was getting my salary with delays.

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

REDNTJOB: Was made redundant from my job

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I was made redundant from my job.

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

FAMILRLY: Had to rely more on financial support from family members

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I had to rely more on financial support from family members.

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

SELLHOME: Was forced to sell home, car, or dacha

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I was forced to sell my home, car, or dacha.

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

CLOBUSIN: Had to close business

Sual mətni: In respect to each of these issues please tell me whether it describes your situation, more or less describes your situation or does not describe your situation since September 2008. - I had to close my business.

Qeyd: Frequencies are calculated without Not applicable option

  • Does not describe
  • Somewhat describes
  • Describes
  • DK
  • RA

HHEXP: Household's average monthly family spending in GEL

Sual mətni: Could you tell us in Lari, what is your household's average monthly family spending?

Qeyd: The question was changed from open-ended and recoded

  • Less than 100 GEL
  • GEL 101-250
  • GEL 251-400
  • GEL 401-800
  • GEL 800+
  • DK
  • RA

OWNCOTV: Does HH own Color TV?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns color television or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNDVDP: Does HH own DVD player?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns DVD or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNWASH: Does HH own Automatic washing machine?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns automatic washing machine or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNFRDG: Does HH own Refrigerator?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns refrigerator or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNAIRC: Does HH own air conditioner?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns air conditioner or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNCARS: Does HH own Car?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns car or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNCELL: Does HH own Cell phone?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns cell phone or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

OWNCOMP: Does HH own Personal computer?

Sual mətni: Please tell me whether your household owns personal computer or not.

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

WEBHOME: HH has Internet access

Sual mətni: Does your household have internet connection?

Qeyd: The question was asked to the respondents who owned computer

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

OPGOVDLG: What do you think about dialogue between opposition and government?

Sual mətni: In mid May the government and the opposition started a dialogue. What is your opinion on this dialogue?

  • Do not support at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Fully support
  • DK
  • RA

Tapıldı: 241 qeydlər