ევროკავშირის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებისა და ცოდნის შეფასება საქართველოში, 2015

კვლევა სწავლობს საზოგადოებრივ წარმოდგენებს საქართველოს ევროპული ინტეგრაციისკენ მისწრაფების შესახებ, ხალხის მოლოდინსა და საზოგადოების აზრს ევროკავშირის ინსტიტუტებისა და ღირებულებებისა შესახებ, 2015

პასუხების ანალიზი

ევროკავშირის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებისა და ცოდნის შეფასება საქართველოში, 2015

კვლევა სწავლობს საზოგადოებრივ წარმოდგენებს საქართველოს ევროპული ინტეგრაციისკენ მისწრაფების შესახებ, ხალხის მოლოდინსა და საზოგადოების აზრს ევროკავშირის ინსტიტუტებისა და ღირებულებებისა შესახებ, 2015


ცვლადების გზამკვლევი

SETTYPE: Settlement type

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Settlement type

  • Capital
  • Urban
  • Rural
  • Minorities

RESPSEX: Gender of the respondent

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Gender of the respondent

  • Male
  • Female

AGEGROUP: Age of the respondent

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Age group

შენიშვნა: This variable was recoded from open-ended question

  • 18-35
  • 36-55
  • 56+

INTERDP: Interest towards domestic policy of Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's domestic policy? Are you

  • Not at all interested
  • Hardly interested
  • Quite interested
  • Very interested
  • DK/RA

INTERFP: Interest towards foreign policy of Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How interested would you say you are in Georgia's foreign policy? Are you

  • Not at all interested
  • Hardly interested
  • Quite interested
  • Very interested
  • DK/RA

NATCORR: Most important issue: corruption

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Corruption

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATNATO: Most important issue: NATO membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - NATO membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPENS: Most important issue: pensions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Pensions

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATRU: Most important issue: relations with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Relations with Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATROP: Most important issue: property rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Property rights

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATEU: Most important issue: EU membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATELECT: Most important issue: fairness of elections

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Fairness of elections

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATJOBS: Most important issue: jobs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment?

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATCOURT: Most important issue: court system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Court system

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATSPEECH: Most important issue: freedom of speech

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Freedom of speech

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATHR: Most important issue: human rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Human rights

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPOV: Most important issue: poverty

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Poverty

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATTERR: Most important issue: territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Territorial integrity

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATPRICE: Most important issue: rising prices

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Rising prices

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATHCARE: Most important issue: affordable healthcare

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Affordable healthcare

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATWAGES: Most important issue: salaries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Salaries

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATLABR: Most important issue: labor rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Labor rights

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATCRIM: Most important issue: crime rate

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Crime rate

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

NATOTHER: Most important issue: other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me what do you think are three the most important issues facing Georgia at the moment? - Other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FRQADJ: Frequency of keeping up politics on Adjara

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Adjara

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQIMD: Frequency of keeping up politics on Imedi

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Imedi

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQKAVK: Frequency of keeping up politics on Kavkasia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Kavkasia

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQMAES: Frequency of keeping up politics on Maestro

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Maestro

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQPALIT: Frequency of keeping up politics on Palitra TV

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Palitra TV

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQR2: Frequency of keeping up politics on Rustavi-2

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Rustavi-2

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQGPB1: Frequency of keeping up politics on GPB1

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - GPB1

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQGPB2: Frequency of keeping up politics on GPB2

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - GPB2

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQTABL: Frequency of keeping up politics on Tabula

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Tabula

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQTV3: Frequency of keeping up politics on TV3

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - TV3

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQOBIEK: Frequency of keeping up politics on Obiektivi

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Obiektivi

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQGDS: Frequency of keeping up politics on GDS

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - GDS

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

FRQLOC: Frequency of keeping up politics on Regional Channel

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you follow politics in the following media sources? - Regional Channel

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • Less often
  • Only during particular political events
  • No - I have the channel, but I do not watch it
  • No - I do not have this channel
  • DK/RA

ICITHELP: Importance for good citizen to help poorer people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to support people who are worse off than themselves?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITPROT: Importance for good citizen to participate in protest actions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to participate in protest actions to protect his/her own rights?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK
  • RA

ICITTRAD: Importance for good citizen to protect traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to keep their traditions?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITVOLNT: Importance for good citizen to work as volunteer

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to work as volunteer?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITOPP: Importance for good citizen to be critical towards government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to be critical towards the government?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

ICITCOPP: Importance for good citizen to be critical towards the opposition

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To be a good citizen, how important would you say it is for a person to be critical towards the opposition?

  • Not important at all
  • Rather not important than important
  • Rather important than not important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

DEMGE: How democratic Georgia is

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Using this card, please tell me, which statement you agree with?

  • Georgia is not a democracy and never will be
  • Georgia might become a democracy in the future but it is not developing in that direction now
  • Georgia is not a democracy yet, but it is developing in that direction
  • Georgia is a democracy already but there is still room for improvement
  • Georgia is a democracy already and needs no further improvement
  • DK/RA

TRUHLTH: Trust: healthcare system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Healthcare system

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUBANK: Trust: banks

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Banks

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUARMY: Trust: army

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Army

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUCRTS: Trust: courts

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Courts

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA


შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - NGOs

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPARL: Trust: parliament

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Parliament

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPRIM: Trust: prime minister

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Prime Minister

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK
  • RA

TRUPOLP: Trust: political parties

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Political parties

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPRES: Trust: president

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - President

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUPOLI: Trust: police

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Police

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUMEDI: Trust: media

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Media

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRULOCG: Trust: local government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Local government

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRURELI: Trust: religious institutions you belong to

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Religious institutions you belong to

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUOMB: Trust: ombudsman

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - Ombudsmen

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUSTEU: Trust: European Union

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - European Union

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

TRUSTUN: Trust: United Nations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now name a number of social institutions and political unions. Please assess your trust toward each of these using a 5 point scale, where '1' means Fully distrust, and '5' means Fully Trust. Please tell me how much you trust or distrust - United Nations

  • Fully distrust
  • Distrust
  • Neutral
  • Trust
  • Fully trust
  • DK/RA

GOVTROL: Government as parent VS government as employee

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements you agree with and to what level: 1. People are like children, the government should take care of them like a parent 2. The government is like an employee, the people should be the bosses who control the government

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options Agree very strongly with Statement 1 and Agree with Statement 1 were grouped with Parent, options Agree with Statement 2 and Agree very strongly with Statement 2 were grouped with Employee.

  • Parent
  • Employee
  • Agree with neither
  • DK/RA

FAIRTRT: People like you are treated fairly by the government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To what extent do you agree or disagree that people like yourself are treated fairly by the government?

  • Fully disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

GEOIMP: 2 statements: Georgia will never improve vs everything will be fine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: There are two contradictory statements. Using this card please indicate which of the following statements you agree with and to what level: 1. Situation in Georgia will never improve 2. In the end everything will be fine in Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • Situation in Georgia will never improve
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • In the end everything will be fine in Georgia
  • DK/RA

FEELREP: Attitude towards Republican Party (Davit Usupashvili)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Republican Party (Davit Usupashvili)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELOGFD: Attitude towards Our Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Our Georgia

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELCP: Attitude towards Conservative Party (Zviad Dzidziguri)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Conservative Party (Zviad Dzidziguri)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELNF: Attitude towards National Forum (Gubaz Sanikidze)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - National Forum (Gubaz Sanikidze)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELIWSG: Attitude towards Industry Will Save Georgia (Gogi Topadze, Zurab Tkemaladze)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Industry Will Save Georgia (Gogi Topadze, Zurab Tkemaladze)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELGED: Attitude towards Georgian Dream party (Irakli Gharibashvili)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Georgian Dream party (Irakli Gharibashvili)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELUNM: Attitude towards United National Movement (Mikheil Saakashvili)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - United National Movement (Mikheil Saakashvili)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELLB: Attitude towards Labour Party (Shalva Natelashvili)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Labour Party (Shalva Natelashvili)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELDMUG: Attitude towards Democratic Movement

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Democratic Movement

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

FEELAPG: Attitude towards Alliance of Patriots of Georgia (Irma Inashvili)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please, tell me is your attitude Positive, Negative or Neutral toward the following parties? - Alliance of Patriots of Georgia (Irma Inashvili)

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • DK
  • RA

EUREP: Republican Party shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Republican Party (Davit Usupashvili)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUOGFD: Our Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Our Georgia

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUCP: Conservative Party shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Conservative Party (Zviad Dzidziguri)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUNF: National Forum share sEuropean values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - National Forum (Gubaz Sanikidze)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUIWSG: Industry Will Save Georgia shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Industry Will Save Georgia (Gogi Topadze, Zurab Tkemaladze)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUGED: Georgian Dream party shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Georgian Dream party (Irakli Gharibashvili)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUUNM: United National Movement shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - United National Movement (Mikheil Saakashvili)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EULP: Labour Party shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Labour Party (Shalva Natelashvili)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUDMUG: Democratic Movement

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Democratic Movement

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUAPG: Alliance of Patriots of Georgia shares European values

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, do the following parties share European values? - Alliance of Patriots of Georgia (Irma Inashvili)

  • Does not share
  • Neither
  • Shares
  • DK
  • RA

EUPERC: What is your general perception of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: People frequently talk about the EU in Georgia. What is your general perception of the EU?

  • Very negative
  • Rather negative than positive
  • Neutral
  • Rather positive than negative
  • Very positive
  • DK/RA

NATOPR: What is your general perception of NATO?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is your general perception of NATO?

  • Very negative
  • Rather negative than positive
  • Neutral
  • Rather positive than negative
  • Very positive
  • DK/RA

NAGEREL: Relationship between Georgia and NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, is the current relationship between Georgia and NATO ...

  • Very bad
  • Rather bad
  • Neutral
  • Rather good
  • Very good
  • DK/RA

EUGEREL: Relationship between Georgia and EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, is the current relationship between Georgia and EU ...

  • Very bad
  • Rather bad
  • Neutral
  • Rather good
  • Very good
  • DK/RA

EUFREP: In your opinion, first and foremost, what does the EU represent?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, first and foremost, what does the EU represent?

  • International organization
  • Political union
  • Economic union
  • Military bloc
  • Cultural union
  • NGO
  • Other
  • DK

EUMEMN: How many members states does the EU currently have?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How many members states does the EU currently have?

  • Up to 10
  • From 11 to 20
  • From 21 to 30
  • From 31 to 40
  • More than 40
  • DK/RA

MEMBREU: Is Georgia currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Georgia currently a member of the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

NOMEMEU: Is Norway currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Norway currently a member of the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

RUMEMEU: Is Russia currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Russia currently a member of the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

MOMEMEU: Is Moldova currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Moldova currently a member of the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

ROMEMEU: Is Romania currently a member of the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Romania currently a member of the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFEU: Information on the EU from EU Delegation to Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFPAP: Information on the EU from Newspapers/Magazines (Except online media)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFRAD: Information on the EU from Radio (Exept online broadcasting)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFTV: Information on the EU from Television (except online TV)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFMWEB: Information on the EU from Media web-pages

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFGWEB: Information on the EU from Georgian governmental entities

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFSNET: Information on the EU from Social network

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFEMB: Information on the EU from Embassies/International Organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFGOV: Information on the EU from Geogian Government entities

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFEDU: Information on the EU from Educational institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFREL: Information on the EU from Friends, relatives, colleagues

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFNGO: Information on the EU from Georgian NGOs and their websites

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUINFBKL: Information on the EU from Information booklets of various organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK/RA

EUNAINFC: Information on the EU from NATO and EU information centre

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How much information do you receive on the EU from the following sources? Please evaluate on a

შენიშვნა: Frequencies are calculated without 'Not applicable' option

  • No information at all
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • A lot of information
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFMOR: Would you like to get more information about the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to get more information about the EU?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUINFTRD: Information you would like to get on EU: Georgia-EU trade relations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Georgia-EU trade relations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFEDL: Information you would like to get on EU: EU education programs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU education programs

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFCLT: Information you would like to get on EU: EU cultural programs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU cultural programs

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFLAW: Information you would like to get on EU: rule of law in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Rule of law in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFSOP: Information you would like to get on EU: social protection in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Social protection in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFSAL: Information you would like to get on EU: salaries in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Salaries in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFMAR: Information you would like to get on EU: job market in the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Job market in the EU

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFVIS: Information you would like to get on EU: getting a visa for EU countries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - Getting a visa for EU countries

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFINS: Information you would like to get on EU: EU institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - EU institutions

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFHLT: Information you would like to get on EU: EU healthcare system

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - The EU healthcare system

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUINFCON: Information you would like to get on EU: EU's role in conflict resolution

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what kind of information would you like to get about the EU? - The EU's role in conflict resolution

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETEU: Would you like to get information from EU Delegation to Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - EU Delegation to Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETPAP: Would you like to get information from Newspapers/Magazines (Except online media)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Newspapers/Magazines (Except online media)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETRAD: Would you like to get information from Radio (Exept online broadcasting)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Radio (Exept online broadcasting)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETTV: Would you like to get information from Television (except online TV)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Television (except online TV)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETMWEB: Would you like to get information from Media web-pages

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Media web-pages

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETGWEB: Would you like to get information from Georgian governmental entities' web-pages

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Georgian governmental entities' web-pages

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETSNET: Would you like to get information from Social network

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Social network

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETEMB: Would you like to get information from Embassies/International Organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Embassies/International Organizations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETGOV: Would you like to get information from Georgian governmental entities

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Georgian governmental entities

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETEDU: Would you like to get information from Educational institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Educational institutions

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETREL: Would you like to get information from Friends, relatives, colleagues

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Friends, relatives, colleagues

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETNGO: Would you like to get information from Georgian NGOs (incuding their web pages)

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Georgian NGOs (incuding their web pages)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETBKL: Would you like to get information from Information booklets of various organizations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Information booklets of various organizations

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUNAGETC: Would you like to get information from NATO and EU information centre

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - NATO and EU information centre

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUGETOTH: Would you like to get information from Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, through which sources would you like to get information about the EU? - Other

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to get more information about the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUHRAM: Have you heard of the EU Association Agreement?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you heard of the EU Association Agreement?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUAAWORK: As a result of EU Association agreement will Georgians have work permition in EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, as a result of EU Association Agreement will Georgians be granted work permition in EU countries?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUGEAM: Currently, the Georgia-EU Association Agreement

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Currently, the Georgia-EU Association Agreement

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Neither fully nor partially has been entered into force
  • Partially enforced
  • Is fully enforced
  • DK
  • RA

EUAMRES: What result can forming the EU Association Agreement bring for Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What result can forming the EU Associatioin Agreement bring for Georgia?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Political closeness and tight economic integration with the EU
  • EU membership
  • Restoration of territorial integrity
  • Nato membership
  • Improvement of relations with Russia
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EUAMISEC: EU Association agreement will improve Georgia's security

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Georgia's security

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIAGR: EU Association agreement will improve Quality of agricultural products

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Quality of Georgian agricultural products

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIENT: EU Association agreement will improve Working conditions in enterprises in Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Working conditions in small and medium enterprises in Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMISED: EU Association agreement will improve Quality of secondary education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Quality of secondary education

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIHED: EU Association agreement will improve Quality of high education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Quality of higher education

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIPF: EU Association agreement will improve Press Freedom

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Press Freedom

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIHC: EU Association agreement will improve Healthcare

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Healthcare

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMICRT: EU Association agreement will improve Independence of courts

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Independence of courts

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMINRG: EU Association agreement will improve Effective usage of energy resources

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Effective usage of energy resources

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIPS: EU Association agreement will improve Accountability of public services

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Accountability of public services

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIGPS: EU Association agreement will improve Georgian products sale on the EU market

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Georgian products sale on the EU market

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIEMP: EU Association agreement will improve Employment

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Employment

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUAMIVIS: EU Association agreement will improve Simplification of visa procedures

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, will situation in the following spheres improve or not after Georgia -EU Association Agreement? - Simplification of EU visa procedures for Georgian citizens

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have heard of the EU Association Agreement

  • Will improve
  • Will not improve
  • DK/RA

EUDEMABR: Agree/Disagree: The EU supports the development of democracy in non-member countries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU supports the development of democracy in non-member countries

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EUSECURT: Agree/Disagree: The EU is a source for peace and security in Europe

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU is a source for peace and security in Europe

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUTHREAT: Agree/Disagree: The EU threatens Georgian traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU threatens Georgian traditions

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUDEMORG: Agree/Disagree: The EU is a democratic union

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU is a democratic union

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUEMPIRE: Agree/Disagree: The EU is a new form of empire

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU is a new form of empire

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EUECABR: Agree/Disagree: The EU supports the economic development of non-member countries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU supports the economic development of non-member countries

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EUANYCOU: Agree/Disagree: The EU is ready to accept any European state as its next member

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: I will now read you some views on the EU. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement? - The EU is ready to accept any european state as its next member

  • Fully disagree
  • Rather disagree than agree
  • Rather agree than disagree
  • Fully agree
  • DK
  • RA

EUHLPIMP: What kind of support would be most important for Georgia coming from the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support would be most important for Georgia coming from the EU?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. The options 'Support in building public institutions', 'Support in developing media', 'Equipment of armed forces', 'Support in reforming the judicial system', 'Georgia doesn't need any help from the EU' were grouped with 'Other'

  • Investment in Georgia's economy
  • Restoring territorial integrity
  • Solving social problems
  • Opening the EU market for Georgian products
  • Solving relations with Russia
  • Humanitarian aid to poor citizens
  • Support in developing agriculture
  • Support in developing civil society
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EUAIDHUM: EU support to Georgia: humanitarian aid

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Humanitarian aid

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDINV: EU support to Georgia: investment in Georgia's economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Investment in Georgia's economy

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDINS: EU support to Georgia: building public institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Building public institutions

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDCIV: EU support to Georgia: development of civil society

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Development of civil society

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDMED: EU support to Georgia: development of media

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Development of media

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDARM: EU support to Georgia: equipment of armed forces

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Equipment of armed forces

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDSOC: EU support to Georgia: solving social problems

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Solving social problems

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDRU: EU support to Georgia: solving relations with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Solving relations with Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDTER: EU support to Georgia: restoring territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Restoring territorial integrity

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDOTH: EU support to Georgia: other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUAIDNON: EU support to Georgia: does not provide any kind of support

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what kind of support does the European Union provide to Georgia? - Does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EUPRST: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Students

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Students

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRPEN: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Pensioners

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Pensioners

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA
  • RA

EUPRUP: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Unemployed people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Unemployed people

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRQW: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Qualified workforce

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Qualified workforce

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRUW: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia:Unqualified workforce

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Unqualified workforce

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRBUS: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Businessmen

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Businessmen

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRGEOF: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia:Politicians/Officials

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Politicians/Officials

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRFEOF: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: European officials

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - European officials

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRNGO: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: NGOs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - NGOs

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRPPL: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: General people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - General people

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPRJOU: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Journalists

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Journalists

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUPROTH: Who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia: Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, who profits the most from EU support allocated for Georgia? - Other

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUAIDPUR: How purposeful or pointless is the spending of the EU aid in Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how purposeful or pointless is the spending of the EU aid in Georgia?

შენიშვნა: The question was not asked to the respondents who thought EU does not provide any kind of support

  • Totally pointless
  • Rather pointless than purposeful
  • Rather purposeful than pointless
  • Totally purposeful
  • DK/RA

GEBENSTU: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Students

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Students

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

GEBENPEN: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Pensioners

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Pensioners

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

GEBENUNE: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Unemployed people

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Unemployed people

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

GEBENQUA: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Qualified workforce

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Qualified workforce

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

GEBENNOQ: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Unqualified workforce

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Unqualified workforce

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK
  • RA

GEBENBUS: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Businessmen

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Businessmen

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

GEBENPOL: Benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia becomes EU member - Politicians/Officials

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think the following groups of people would benefit or be disadvantaged if Georgia became a member of the EU? - Politicians/Officials

  • Would be disadvantaged
  • Would neither benefit nor be disadvantaged
  • Would benefit
  • DK/RA

EUAIDIMP: How important or unimportant is the support of the EU for Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How important or unimportant is the support of the European Union for Georgia?

  • Not important at all
  • Less important
  • Important
  • Very important
  • DK/RA

EUWHYHLP: Why EU supports Georgia: helps all developing countries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - EU helps all developing countries and Georgia among them

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUWHYTRN: Why EU supports Georgia: wants stability of Georgia to transport oil and gas

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - EU is interested in the stability of Georgia in order to use the territory to transport oil and gas to Europe

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUWHYDEM: Why EU supports Georgia: wants development of exemplary new democracy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - Georgia is an exemplary new democracy in the world. This is why the EU wants its further development

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUWHYSTA: Why EU supports Georgia: wants stability in its neighborhood

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - EU wants stability in its neighborhood

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUWHYMIG: Why EU supports Georgia: wants to reduce the flow of migrants to the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - EU wants to reduce the flow of migrants to the EU

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUWHYINF: Why EU supports Georgia: wants to influence Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, why does the European Union support Georgia? - In this way the EU wants to influence Georgia

  • Fully disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Fully agree
  • DK/RA

EUHELPBST: Who can currently best support Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Who can currently give best support to Georgia

  • EU
  • USA
  • Russia
  • Neither
  • DK
  • RA

EUROLWAR: EU role in Russia-Georgia August 2008 war: positive or negative?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How would you evaluate EU role during Russian

  • Mainly negative
  • Neutral
  • Mainly positive
  • DK
  • RA

EUROLUK: EU role in Ukaraine 2014 events: positive or negative?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How would you evaluate EU role regarding events in Ukraine in 2014 - mainly positive or mainly negative?

  • Mainly negative
  • Neutral
  • Mainly positive
  • DK
  • RA

MEMBRCOE: Is Georgia currently a member of the Council of Europe?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Is Georgia currently a member of the Council of Europe?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

EUMMGE: What does the European Union Monitoring Mission do in Georgia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: To the best of your knowledge, what does the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) do in Georgia?

  • Supports democratic and market-oriented reforms
  • Supports regional cooperation in South Caucasus
  • Supports strengthening ties with EU in high education
  • Supports regulation of situation in war-affected areas
  • DK
  • RA

FLMANDSC: Which foreign language should be mandatory in Georgian public schools?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, which foreign language should be mandatory in Georgian public schools?

  • English
  • Russian
  • No foreign language should be mandatory
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EUROPEAN: I am Georgian, and therefore I am European

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do agree or disagree with the statement by a Georgian politician in the Council of Europe: I am Georgian, and therefore I am European?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • DK
  • RA

FORWORK: Would you like to go to another country to work?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to go to a foreign country to work?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

FORWORKC: Which country would be your first choice to work in?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which country would be your first choice to work in?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to go to a foreign country to work.
The question was open-ended and recoded. The options Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Estonia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Norway, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Europe, Scandinavian countries, CIS countries, Any country were grouped to Other.

  • Germany
  • Russia
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • France
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • Switzerland
  • Other
  • DK/RA

FORSTUDY: Would you like to go to another country to study?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to go to a foreign country to study?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

FORSTUDYC: Which country would be your first choice to study in?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which country would be your first choice to study in?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to go to a foreign country to study.
The question was open-ended and recoded. The options Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Canada, Greece, Netherlands,Poland, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Europe were grouped to Other.

  • United Kingdom
  • USA
  • Germany
  • France
  • Russia
  • Italy
  • Other
  • DK/RA

FORLIVE: Would you like to permanently settle in a foreign country?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Would you like to permanently settle in a foreign country?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

FORLIVEC: Which country would be your first choice to settle permanently in?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which country would be your first choice to settle permanently in?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country.
The question was open-ended and recoded. The options Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Greece, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Europe were grouped to Other.

  • USA
  • Russia
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EULIVELA: Why would you choose the country? - Speak the language

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Speak the language

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVECU: Why would you choose the country? - Like the culture

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Like the culture

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEMO: Why would you choose the country? - Can make the most money there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Can make the most money there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEQU: Why would you choose the country? - Quality of life is the best there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Quality of life is the best there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEFM: Why would you choose the country? - I have friends/family there

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - I have friends or family there

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEVI: Why would you choose the country? - Easy to get a visa

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Easy to get a visa

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEJO: Why would you choose the country? - Easy to get a job

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Easy to get a job

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EULIVEOT: Why would you choose the country: Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would choose this country? - Other

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who would like to settle permanently in a foreign country

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEPOLUS: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with the US

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United States

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLEU: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - European Union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLRU: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLTR: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Turkey

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Turkey

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLUA: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Ukraine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Ukraine

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLCN: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with China

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - China

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLKZ: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Kazakhstan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Kazakhstan

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLAM: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Armenia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Armenia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLAZ: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Azerbaijan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Azerbaijan

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLIR: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Iran

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Iran

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLIN: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with India

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - India

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOLUN: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with United nations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United nations

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPONA: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - NATO

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEPOEAU: Georgia should have closest political cooperation with Eurasian union

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest political cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Eurasian union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

GEECOUS: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with the US

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United States

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOEU: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - European Union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECORU: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOTR: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Turkey

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Turkey

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOUA: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Ukraine

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Ukraine

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOCN: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with China

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - China

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOKZ: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Kazakhstan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Kazakhstan

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOAM: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Armenia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Armenia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOAZ: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Azerbaijan

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Azerbaijan

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOIR: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Iran

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Iran

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOIN: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with India

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - India

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOUN: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with United nations

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - United nations

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECONA: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with NATO

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - NATO

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEECOEAU: Georgia should have closest economic cooperation with Eurasian union

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, of the listed countries and unions, which of the following should Georgia have the closest economic cooperation with? Please rank the top three - Eurasian union

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

NATOMEMV: If there were a referendum tomorrow would vote for or against NATO membership?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on the question of the Georgia

  • For NATO membership
  • Against NATO membership
  • Would not vote at all
  • DK
  • RA

EAUMEMVOT: If there were a referendum tomorrow would vote for or against Eurasian union membership?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on the question of the Georgia

  • For Eurasian union membership
  • Against Eurasian union membership
  • Would not vote at all
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTECC: Why would you support Georgia's accession to Eurasian Union?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: First and foremost, why would you support Georgiass accession to the Eurasian Union?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote for Eurasian union membership

  • My economic condition would improve
  • Georgia would have a better chance towards territorial integrity
  • Georgia would be better protected from foreign threats
  • I would be able to travel to Eurasian Union countries without a visa
  • Eurasian Union countries would get to know Georgian traditions and culture
  • Other
  • DK/RA

EAUVOTIND: Why vote against Eurasian Union: This would restrict Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTLSTN: Why vote against Eurasian Union: The living standards in Georgia would worsen

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTCLT: Why vote against Eurasian Union: This would harm our culture and traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTRWST: Why vote against Eurasian Union: This would hinder relations with the West

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTINT: Why vote against Eurasian Union: Smaller chance to restore territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EAUVOTOTH: Why vote against Eurasian Union: Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against Eurasian union membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUMEMVOT: If there were a referendum tomorrow would vote for or against EU membership?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on the question of the Georgia

  • For EU membership
  • Against EU membership
  • Would not vote at all
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTECC: Why would you support Georgia's accession to the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: First and foremost, why would you support Georgiass accession to the EU?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote for the EU membership

  • My economic condition would improve
  • Georgia would be better protected from foreign threats
  • Georgia would have a better chance towards territorial integrity
  • I would be able to travel to EU without a visa
  • EU countries would get to know Georgian traditions and culture
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTIND: Why vote against EU: This would restrict Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTLSTN: Why vote against EU: The living standards in Georgia would worsen

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTCLT: Why vote against EU: This would harm our culture and traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTRUR: Why vote against EU: This would hinder relations with Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTINT: Why vote against EU: Smaller chance to restore territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUVOTOTH: Why vote against EU: Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you would vote against Georgia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents, who would vote against the EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUSUPP: Majority of Georgian citizens support Georgia becoming a EU member state

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that the majority of Georgian citizens support Georgia becoming a EU member state?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUCITJOI: Majority of European citizens would like Georgia to join the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that the majority of European citizens would like Georgia to join the European Union?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

EUSTAJOI: All EU member states would like Georgia to join the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that all the European Union member states would like Georgia to join the European Union?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUDEM: Georgia ready for EU: formation of democratic institutions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Formation of democratic institutions

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEULAW: Georgia ready for EU: rule of law

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Rule of law

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUHR: Georgia ready for EU: protection of human rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Protection of human rights

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUMIN: Georgia ready for EU: protection of minotiries

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Protection of minorities

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUECO: Georgia ready for EU: competitive economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Competitive economy

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEULEG: Georgia ready for EU: harmonization of legislation with the EU legislation

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Do you think that Georgia is ready for EU accession in the following areas? - Harmonization of legislation with the EU legislation

  • Definitely not
  • Rather not than yes
  • Rather yes than no
  • Definitely yes
  • DK
  • RA

GEEUMEMB: When will Georgia join the EU?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: When do you think Georgia will actually join the European Union?

  • In 5 years or less
  • In 6-10 years
  • In more than 10 years
  • Never
  • DK/RA

EUBARENV: Barriers: problems in protection of environment

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Problems in protection of environment

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARADM: Barriers: lack of professionalism in public administration

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of professionalism in public administration

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARGOV: Barriers: lack of political will from the government

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of political will from the government

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARLWL: Barriers: lack of political will from the EU

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of political will from the EU

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARSUP: Barriers: lack of population supporting EU membership

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of population supporting EU membership

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARCON: Barriers: Territorial conflicts in Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Territorial conflicts in Georgia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARCIV: Barriers: underdeveloped civil society

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Underdeveloped civil society

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARDEM: Barriers: lack of democracy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Lack of democracy

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBAREDU: Barriers: low level of education among citizens

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Low level of education among citizens

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARMIG: Barriers: illegal emigration

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Illegal emigration

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARECO: Barriers: underdeveloped economy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Non-competitive economy

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARINS: Barriers: political instability

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Political instability

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARRU: Barriers: Russia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Russia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBARMNT: Barriers: that we are different people with a different way of thinking and different traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - That we are different people with a different way of thinking and different traditions

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

EUBAROTH: Barriers: other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, what are the barriers to Georgia becoming a EU member state? - Other

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNCOR: Result of EU membership: level of corruption

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of corruption

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPEN: Result of EU membership: pensions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Pensions

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPRO: Result of EU membership: protection of property rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Protection of property rights

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNELE: Result of EU membership: possibility of conducting fair elections

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Possibility of conducting fair elections

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNJOB: Result of EU membership: number of available jobs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Jobs

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNCOU: Result of EU membership: independence of court

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Independence of courts

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNSPE: Result of EU membership: level of freedom of speech

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of freedom of speech

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPOV: Result of EU membership: level of poverty

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of poverty

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNTER: Result of EU membership: possibility of restoring territorial integrity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Possibility of restoration of territorial integrity

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNPRI: Result of EU membership: prices on main products of consumption

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Prices on main products of consumption

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNHLT: Result of EU membership: affordability of healthcare

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Affordability of healthcare

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNINC: Result of EU membership: level of personal income

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of personal income

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNSEC: Result of EU membership: level of national security

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of national security

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNMIG: Result of EU membership: number of potential emigrants

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Number of people who want to emigrate

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNEDU: Result of EU membership: quality of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Quality of education

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNMIN: Result of EU membership: level of protection of minorities

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Level of protection of minorities

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

GECHNTRA: Result of EU membership: respect for Georgian traditions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how will the following issues change if Georgia becomes an EU member? Please evaluate each issue on a 5 point scale, where '1' means Will decrease significantly and '5' Will increase significantly. - Respect for Georgian traditions

  • Will decrease significantly
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Will increase significantly
  • DK
  • RA

DECUNEM: Who should be responsible for unemployment?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Unemployment

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECENVI: Who should be responsible for protection of environment?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Environmental Protection

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECCRIM: Who should be responsible for organized crime?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Organized crime

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECFPOL: Who should be responsible for Georgian foreign policy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Georgian foreign policy

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECHUMR: Who should be responsible for human rights?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Human rights

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECDRUG: Who should be responsible for fighting against drugs?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Drugs

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECTERR: Who should be responsible for fighting against international terrorism?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - International terrorism

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK
  • RA

DECSECR: Who should be responsible for security and defense?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Security and defense

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECREGD: Who should be responsible for regional development?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Regional development

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECAGRI: Who should be responsible for agriculture?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Agriculture

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECHELT: Who should be responsible for healthcare?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? -Healthcare

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECSOCW: Who should be responsible for social welfare?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Social welfare

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECENRG: Who should be responsible for energy?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Energy

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECEDUC: Who should be responsible for education?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Education

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECIMMG: Who should be responsible for immigration and refugees?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Immigration and refugees

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

DECINFL: Who should be responsible for inflation/rising prices?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following policy areas do you think should be decided by the Georgian government, which should be decided by the EU and which should be decided jointly by the Georgian government and the EU? - Inflation/rising prices

  • Georgian government
  • EU
  • Georgian government and EU jointly
  • DK/RA

GEEURU: How will deeper cooperation with the EU impact Georgia's relations with Russia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: If Georgia further deepens cooperation with the EU, how do you think it would impact Georgia's relations with Russia?

  • Very negatively
  • More negatively than positively
  • Not at all
  • More positively than negatively
  • Very positively
  • DK
  • RA

BUSOWN: 2 Statements: Business owner should be who invests the most vs only Georgian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements corresponds to your own: 0: In Georgia businesses should be owned by a person who invests the most, despite their citizenship. 10: In Georgia Bussinesses should be owned only by Georgians, despite how many money they invest. Please use this scale from 0 to 10. There are two statements: one corresponding 0 and the other 10. Please read carefully and choose any number from 0 to 10 which corresponds the most to your opinion.

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • In Georgia businesses should be owned by a person who invests the most, despite their citizenship
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • In Georgia Bussinesses should be owned only by Georgians, despite how many money they invest
  • DK/RA

LANDOWN: 2 Statements: Land should be possessed by Georgian vs whoever processes it

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements corresponds to your own: 0: In Georgia a land should be possessed only by Georgian citizens, despite how they will use it. 10: In Georgia the land should be possessed by those who will use it better (Cultivate it, build on it, gain wealth, etc) despite their citizenships. Please use this scale from 0 to 10. There are two statements: one corresponding 0 and the other 10. Please read carefully and choose any number from 0 to 10 which corresponds the most to your opinion.

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • In Georgia a land should be possessed only by Georgian citizens, despite how they will use it
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • In Georgia the land should be possessed by those who will use it better (Cultivate it, build on it, gain wealth, etc) despite their citizenships
  • DK/RA

STVSHUM: 2 Statements: State interesets vs human rights

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements corresponds to your own: 0: State interests should always be above human rights. 10: Human rights are supreme value and should be protected first of all. Please use this scale from 0 to 10. There are two statements: one corresponding 0 and the other 10. Please read carefully and choose any number from 0 to 10 which corresponds the most to your opinion.

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • State interests should always be above human rights
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Human rights are supreme value and should be protected first of all
  • DK/RA

GOODGOD: 2 Statements: Good person vs believer

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements corresponds to your own: 0: To be a good person does not necessarily mean you should believe in God. 10: It is impossible to be a good person if you don

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • To be a good person does not necessarily mean you should believe in God
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • It is impossible to be a good person if you don’t believe in God
  • DK/RA

INFVSAID: 2 Statements: Infrustructure expences vs social aid

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please indicate which of the following statements corresponds to your own: 0: Georgian goevrnemnt should spend more on infrastructure development (e.i. building roads, buildings, bridges, renovating cities, etc.) even if it means reducing funds for social aid programmes. 10: Georgian government should spend more on social aid programmes, even if means reducing funds for environmental infrastructure development (e.i. building roads, buildings, bridges, renovating cities, etc.). Please use this scale from 0 to 10. There are two statements: one corresponding 0 and the other 10. Please read carefully and choose any number from 0 to 10 which corresponds the most to your opinion.

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 11-point scale into 5-point scale. Options 0-1 were grouped to 1, 2-3 to 2, 4,5,6 to 3, 7-8 to 4 and 9-10 to 5.

  • Georgian goevrnemnt should spend more on infrastructure development (e.i. building roads, buildings, bridges, renovating cities, etc.) even if it means reducing funds for social aid programmes
  • Georgian government should spend more on social aid programmes, even if means reducing funds for environmental infrastructure development (e.i. building roads, buildings, bridges, renovating cities, etc.)
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTTEST: Justified: giving a testimony to police voluntarily

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified or unjustified are the following activities? - Giving testimony to the police voluntarily if you are witness of a crime

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTGIVE: Justified: giving a bribe

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified of unjustified are the following activities? - Giving a bribe

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK/RA

JUSTWOMSEX: Justified: woman having sex before marriage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified or unjustified are the following activities? - Woman having a sexual relationship before marriage

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTMANSEX: Justified: man having sex before marriage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified or unjustified are the following activities? - Man having a sexual relationship before marriage

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

JUSTWOMCH: Justified: woman bearing a child without marriage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, how justified or unjustified are the following activities? - Woman giving birth to a child without being married

  • Never justified
  • Sometimes justified
  • Always justified
  • DK
  • RA

MARSTAT: Respondent's marital status

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, what is your marital status?

  • Married
  • Separated
  • Divorced
  • Single
  • Widowed
  • Other
  • RA

ETHNIC: Respondent's ethnicity

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: There are a number of ethnic groups living in Georgia. Which ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. The options Abkhaz, Ossetian, Russian were grouped with Other ethnicity

  • Georgian
  • Azerbaijani
  • Armenian
  • Other ethnicity
  • DK/RA

IDENTITY: Respondent's self-identification

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How do you identify yourself? As

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. The options Only European, Only Asian, Only Caucasian, [Respondent

  • Only [respondent's ethnicity]
  • [Respondent's ethnicity] and European
  • [Respondent's ethnicity] and Caucasian
  • Other
  • DK/RA

KNOWGEO: Respondent's ability in Georgian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - Georgian

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

KNOWRUS: Respondent's ability in Russian

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - Russian

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

KNOWENG: Respondent's ability in English

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, which of these levels best describes your ability in the following: - English

  • No basic knowledge
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • RA

FRQINTR: Frequency of internet usage

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: How often do you use the Internet? You use the internet

  • Daily
  • At least once a week
  • At least once a month
  • Less often
  • Never
  • I don't know what internet is
  • DK/RA

NOINTRWHY: Main reason for not using internet

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the main reason you do not use the Internet?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who do not use the internet.
The question was recoded. The options 'I am afraid that using the internet will threaten my privacy', 'The internet is too expensive', 'The internet is too slow in the area where I live' and 'The internet is tasteless/ immoral' were grouped with "Other".

  • I don't have access to a computer
  • I don't need the internet
  • I'm not interested/ I don't want to use the internet
  • I don't know how to use the internet
  • No phone connection/modem/other means to use the internet
  • There is no internet in the area where I live
  • Other
  • DK
  • RA

INTARSEM: Most frequent internet activities - Receive and send emails

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Receive and send emails

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTASCNA: Most frequent internet activities - Use social networks

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Use social networks (?????????????, Facebook, My Space etc.)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTASKY: Most frequent internet activities - Use Skype - chat and call

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Use Skype - chat and call

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTAIMSG: Most frequent internet activities - Use other means for chatting

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Use other means for chattin: ICQ, MSN etc. (except Skype)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACFD: Most frequent internet activities - Engage in forum discussions

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Engage indiscussions on different forums

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACBL: Most frequent internet activities - Write / read other's blogs

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Write blogs/ read blogs written by other people

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACIN: Most frequent internet activities - Search for information

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Search for information (Google, Wiki etc.)

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACSH: Most frequent internet activities - Purchase different products

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Purchase different products

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACNW: Most frequent internet activities - Read / listen to / watch news

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Read / listen to / watch news, except news published through social networks

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACEN: Most frequent internet activities - Download / listen to music / watch movies, videos

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Download / listen to music / watch movies, videos

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACGM: Most frequent internet activities - Play internet games

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Play internet games

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACDW: Most frequent internet activities - Visit dating web pages

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Visit dating web pages

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

INTACOT: Most frequent internet activities - Other

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is it that you most often do when using the internet? - Other

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who use the internet.

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

EDUDGR: Respondent's level of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options No education, Primary education, Incomplete secondary education, Completed secondary education were grouped with Secondary or lower, options Incomplete higher education, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree - to Higher education

  • Secondary or lower
  • Secondary technical
  • Higher
  • DK/RA

EDUFRES: Respondent's father's level of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is your father

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options No education, Primary education, Incomplete secondary education, Completed secondary education were grouped with Secondary or lower, options Incomplete higher education, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree - to Higher education

  • Secondary or lower
  • Secondary technical
  • Higher
  • DK
  • RA

EDUMRES: Respondent's mother's level of education

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What is your mother

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. Options No education, Primary education, Incomplete secondary education, Completed secondary education were grouped with Secondary or lower, options Incomplete higher education, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree - to Higher education

  • Secondary or lower
  • Secondary technical
  • Higher
  • DK/RA

EMPLSIT: Primary activity or situation

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which of the following best describes your situation? Please select your main activity type.

  • I receive a pension and do not work
  • I am a student and do not work
  • I am a housewife and do not work
  • I am unemployed
  • I work full or part-time, including seasonal jobs
  • I am self-employed, including seasonal jobs
  • I am disabled and cannot work
  • Other
  • DK/RA

LOOKFJOB: Currently looking for a job?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Are you currently looking for a job?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

JOBOFRST: In case of appropriate job offer could you start working in the next 14 days?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In case of appropriate job offer could you start working in the next 14 days?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

RELGION: Respondent's religion

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: What religion or denomination, if any, do you consider yourself as belonging to?

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded. The options 'Protestant Church', 'Other Christian Church (Jehovah

  • Georgian, Russian or Greek Orthodox Church
  • Islam
  • Armenian Apostolic Church
  • Other
  • DK/RA

RELSERV: How often do you attend religious services?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, except special rituals as wedding or funeral, how often do you attend religious services?

  • Once a week or more often
  • Once a month
  • Only on special religious holidays
  • Less often
  • Never
  • DK/RA

INCSOUCO: Income source - Money from family members/relative/friends living in Georgia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Money sent from family members/relative/friends living in Georgia

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUAB: Income source - Money from family members/relatives/friends living abroad

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Money sent from family members/relatives/friends living abroad

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUAG: Income source - Sales of agricultural goods

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Selling agricultural goods

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUSL: Income source - Salaries of all family members / exclud. selling agricultural goods

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Salaries of all family members, excluding income from selling agricultural goods

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUGO: Income source - Pensions and state support

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Pensions and state support

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOURE: Income source - Income from rent of property

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Income from renting out real estate, transportation and technical goods

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUPR: Income source - Income from sales of property

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Income from selling real estate, transportation and technical goods

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUBD: Income source - Income from bank deposits

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Income from bank deposits

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

INCSOUOT: Income source - Other sources

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Many households have multiple sources of income. According to this card, please tell me every source of income for your household for the past 12 months. Please consider every source of income for each of your household member. - Other sources

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

MONYTOT: HH monetary income last month

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Household income is a sum of monetary income of all household members. Based on the monetary income of all your household members last month, to which of the following groups does your household belong?

  • More than 1600 GEL
  • 1201 - 1600 GEL
  • 801 - 1200 GEL
  • 401 - 800 GEL
  • 261 - 400 GEL
  • 151 - 260 GEL
  • Up to 150 GEL
  • DK
  • RA

SPENDMN: HH spending last month

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Using the same CARD, please tell me your household

  • More than 1600 GEL
  • 1201 - 1600 GEL
  • 801 - 1200 GEL
  • 401 - 800 GEL
  • 261 - 400 GEL
  • 151 - 260 GEL
  • Up to 150 GEL
  • None
  • DK
  • RA

INCENOUG: Sufficiency of income for HH

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Please tell me, to what extent is your current household income enough for your household?

  • Almost never sufficient
  • Barely Sufficient
  • Sufficient
  • Quite sufficient
  • None
  • DK/RA

CURRUNG: HH's current economic rung

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Let

შენიშვნა: The question was recoded from 10-point scale into 5-point scale

  • Lowest economic position in society
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Highest economic position in society
  • DK/RA

RELCOND: Perceived relative

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Relative to most of the households around you, how would you describe the current economic condition of your household? As

  • Very poor
  • Poor
  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very good
  • DK/RA

PLIVED93: Lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

PLIVEDAT: Which countries have you lived in? - Austria

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Austria

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDCY: Which countries have you lived in? - Cyprus

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Cyprus

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDCZ: Which countries have you lived in? - Czech Republic

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Czech Republic

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDEE: Which countries have you lived in? - Estonia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Estonia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDFR: Which countries have you lived in? - France

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - France

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDDE: Which countries have you lived in? - Germany

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Germany

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDGR: Which countries have you lived in? - Greece

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Greece

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDIT: Which countries have you lived in? - Italy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Italy

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDLV: Which countries have you lived in? - Latvia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Latvia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDLT: Which countries have you lived in? - Lithuania

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Lithuania

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDSK: Which countries have you lived in? - Slovakia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Slovakia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDES: Which countries have you lived in? - Spain

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Spain

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

PLIVEDUK: Which countries have you lived in? - Great Britain

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries have you lived in? - Great Britain

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK
  • RA

FMLIVEDEU: Family members lived in any EU member countries?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have any of your family members lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993? Do they currently still live there?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

FAMLLAT: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Austria

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Austria

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLCY: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Cyprus

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Cyprus

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLFR: Which countries has your family member lived in? - France

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - France

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLDE: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Germany

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Germany

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLGR: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Greece

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Greece

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLIT: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Italy

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Italy

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLLV: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Latvia

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Latvia

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLPL: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Poland

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Poland

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLPT: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Portugal

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Portugal

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLRO: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Romania

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Romania

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLES: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Spain

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Spain

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLSE: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Sweden

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Sweden

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

FAMLLUK: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Great Britain

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Which countries has your family member lived in? - Great Britain

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents whose family members have lived in any of the EU member countries for at least three months since 1993

  • Mentioned
  • Not mentioned
  • DK/RA

TRAVEL93: You or your HH member traveled to an EU country?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - an EU country?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELUS: You or your HH member traveled to United States?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - United States?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELRU: Your or your HH member traveled to Russia?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Russia?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELTR: Your or your HH member traveled to Turkey?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Turkey?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELUA: You or your HH member traveled to Ukraine?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Ukraine?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELIL: You or your HH member traveled to Israel?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - Israel?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

TRAVELOT: You or your HH member traveled to any other country not yet mentioned?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Since 1993, have you or your household member ever traveled to any of the following countries? - any other country not yet mentioned?

  • Yes
  • No
  • DK/RA

GECITVISA: How simple or hard is it for a regular Georgian citizen to get an EU visa?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, currently, how simple or hard is it for a regular Georgian citizen to get an EU visa?

  • Very simple
  • Quite simple
  • Quite hard
  • Very hard
  • DK
  • RA

APPLVISA: Have you applied for an EU visa in the past 12 months?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Have you applied for an EU visa in the past 12 months?

  • Yes, once
  • Yes, multiple times
  • No
  • DK
  • RA

RESLTVISA: Did you easily receive visa?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Did you Easily receive the visa, Receive the visa with difficulty, Or not receive the visa?

შენიშვნა: The question was asked to the respondents who have applied for an EU visa in the past 12 months

  • Not receive the visa
  • Receive the visa with difficulty
  • Easily receive the visa
  • DK/RA

EUATTGEO: In general, what is the EU citizens attitude towards Georgians?

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: In your opinion, in general what is the EU citizens attitude towards Georgians?

  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Europeans don't know anything about Georgians
  • DK
  • RA

HHSIZE: Total number of HH members

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Total number of HH members

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 or more
  • DK/RA

HHASIZE: Total number of adults per household

შეკითხვის ტექსტი: Total number of adults per household

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 or more
  • DK/RA

მოიძებნა: 417 შედეგი